Gay debate (Draqon digression)

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Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
There was a upper house member (Ian Hunter) who happens to be gay who gave an interview this morning on ABC adelaide's morning show this morning.

click on the thursday one and open it in either media player or real player and forward it to the 24 min mark (till around 27min mark). Its a very interesting artical from someone who IS a member of parliment.

The debate in the soap box was interesting and unfortunatly very sad from some of the callers (the against side i mean, in the amount of bigotry against gays, women and other things)

The story will only be there until next thursday unfortunatly
The debate in the soap box was interesting and unfortunatly very sad from some of the callers (the against side i mean, in the amount of bigotry against gays, women and other things)

it is not a bigotry.

And no it was not sad from some of the callers. Those who stand against gays have as much right as gays do.
im sorry but it is bigotry

The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance.


Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion: intolerance, prejudice. See like/dislike.

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
I am sorry but you are a wrong. A society with majority of people devoted to their own beliefs, which match majority of all other opinions is not bigotry. It is truth. Gay people do not belong in our society, their presence is a corrosive element, a virus within the system that must be eliminated.
there for, you are a bigot:) (of course in your case im not hugely surprised)

anyway here is a more lasting story on him i found by googling him name.,22606,25651109-5006301,00.html

notice that even on a right wing leaning tabloid the poll (which normally seems to go to the right no matter what the issue is) is currently sitting at:

"Close Poll Results
Thanks for voting, here are the results so far:

Should marriage be limited to hetrosexual couples?

Yes 40% 435 votes
No 56% 611 votes
undecided 3% 33 votes"
majority of people who visit and read that story on gays are either gay themselves or gay-favoring, or those who have been forced to view it by gay-favoring people.
i dont mind if you want to call me a bigot. Technicly the definition fits as im intolerant of fundementilist Christans (paticually but not exclusivly) pushing there views on the rest of us.

Marriage is a LEGAL contract made under SECULAR law. There for it should conform to the anti discrimination acts which have written into all of them "this act binds the crown"
oh BTW draqon, talk about hypocrasy. You rember posting this?

No one is useless. We are all part of the greater plan, some of us are an essential element in the system and some have minor roles.

would you like to explain how that fits with this:

. Gay people do not belong in our society, their presence is a corrosive element, a virus within the system that must be eliminated.
I am sorry but you are a wrong. A society with majority of people devoted to their own beliefs, which match majority of all other opinions is not bigotry. It is truth. Gay people do not belong in our society, their presence is a corrosive element, a virus within the system that must be eliminated.

Some days Draq...I just want to punch you in the nose for your stupidity. A virus? Really? Must be eliminated? Are we talking "Final Solution"? I'm tempted to report this post.
no mac, and i implore tiassa not to delate it either. Let peoples bigotry stand for all to see.
You people need to experience firsthand contact with gay people...and how they force their ideas of "you are gay" unto normal straight people. You need to experience the fight that people like me had to endure to prove my not-gayness. I had it with the gay attitude, forcing their "liberal" so called thinking on others as though it was truth and everyone was to take it as it is.

They are the most bigoted people ever.

It is my opinion, I am entitled to my opinion. If you will report me for my opinion you are as good as any anti-gay people there are. Want to be an angel? See both sides of the story. Dont jump on a wagon and defend gay. Defend those who are not gay as well.
no actually i wont any more than i will surport those who claim women invite rape, women belong in the kitchen, that jews deserved the holocost and a whole heep of equally repugnant views.

Grow up draqon, you are a discrace to the human species
Some days Draq...I just want to punch you in the nose for your stupidity. A virus? Really? Must be eliminated? Are we talking "Final Solution"? I'm tempted to report this post.

My opinion stands. You however are expressing violent behavior towards me. Punching me in the face is the violent behavior and a threat towards a specific member of this community.

Protocol No. 2 of Sciforums regulations states that:

2. Personal Attacks or Abusive Ad Hominems

Posts which attack a person rather than his or her views will be edited to remove the unnecessary personal remarks, or deleted in entirely
no actually i wont any more than i will surport those who claim women invite rape, women belong in the kitchen, that jews deserved the holocost and a whole heep of equally repugnant views.

Grow up draqon, you are a discrace to the human species

I did not say those things.

I do not claim that women invite rape.

I do not think that women belong in the kitchen.

I defenetely do not think that jews deserve holocaust.

I am however against gay people and my view of them as corrosive element of our society stands. This is my view and I have every right to hold it just as your every gay has a right to have their opinion.
Grow up Asguard and stop generalizing me as well as people's opinions as bigotry.

You are also breaching Protocol 3 of Sciforums Regulations:

Use of vulgar or demeaning words to describe a member or a group of people will be subjected to editing or post deletion at a moderator’s discretion. The reparative use of such language could get you banned. The following are included:
· Profanity used in the description of person or member is no acceptable!
· The use of childish immature names such as but not limit to “idiot”, “twit” and “Moron” in the description of a member is not acceptable.
· Misspellings of members names that look demeaning are unacceptable
You people need to experience firsthand contact with gay people...and how they force their ideas of "you are gay" unto normal straight people. You need to experience the fight that people like me had to endure to prove my not-gayness. I had it with the gay attitude, forcing their "liberal" so called thinking on others as though it was truth and everyone was to take it as it is.

They are the most bigoted people ever.

It is my opinion, I am entitled to my opinion. If you will report me for my opinion you are as good as any anti-gay people there are. Want to be an angel? See both sides of the story. Dont jump on a wagon and defend gay. Defend those who are not gay as well.

I'll defend your right to be a dumb bigot and I'll mock you for it. I know gay and bisexual people and no they don't try and make you think your not straight. The bigot isn't the gay people its people like you.
I did not say those things.

I do not claim that women invite rape.

I do not think that women belong in the kitchen.

I defenetely do not think that jews deserve holocaust.

I am however against gay people and my view of them as corrosive element of our society stands. This is my view and I have every right to hold it just as your every gay has a right to have their opinion.

yes you have a right to be stupid that doesn't mean you should exercise it.
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