gawd bless those miners

Re: Whiff! (Keep your eye on the ball, Mike)


tiassa wrote:
I'm an atheist? Wow, is that all it takes to become one?

If you are not an atheist, I apologize for calling you one. Try to take a clear stand then. Most Christians don't get bent out of shape when the president mentions God. I took your umbrage as being on behalf of an atheist standpoint. If I erred in that regard... forgive me.

tiassa wrote:
Why pretend to have a disagreement?

At this point I would have to go back and dredge through all your lengthy responses and posts to find out exactly what the deuce you're on about. At this stage I am so addled by your flipping around I need to do heavy research to nail it down.

Remember I don't post on sciforums for a living. I don't have time to post 4 long posts a day here like you do.

I'm glad you have plenty of spare time with which to confuse people like me, but cut me some slack. I might not want to spend 5 hours trying to sort out your viewpoint from pages and pages of sob stories, and other malarky just to find out whether you love God or not.

Our "disagreement" is toward the end of this post so pay attention.

tiassa wrote:
I would expect something more than childishness out of you. If you would like to avoid the question of what your problem is, I would suggest that you try debating the issues at hand instead of ignoring paragraphs of posts in order to invent a disagreement.

Thanks you cleared everything all up.

tiassa wrote:
Ask yourself this, Mike: Would you be proud of your conduct as an advocate of the Good News of Jesus Christ?
Would you stand with pride before the Lord and tell how you ignored agreement in order to create division so that you might have a goal to pursue?

More useless melodrama.

tiassa wrote:
Bush, as a person, has the right to free speech.

Thank you. We agree. Moving on...

tiassa write:
Furthermore, I was, in fact, required by law to attend church as a kid. And this in the United States.

Oh don't bother to give the details. Thanks.

tiassa wrote:
Wow. Three seconds on Google. How many more would you like?


tiassa wrote:
when you cease inventing disagreements I'll calm down. When you cease inventing phantoms to chase, I'll calm down. When you stop dodging the issue, I'll calm down.

Tiassa do you even know what any of this is about anymore?

tiassa wrote:
Mike, if you work to be intelligent than if you work to pretend you're more intelligent than you are. You may be quite intelligent, but when you post so stupidly as to invent disagreements to have, it gets on my nerves.

Tiassa, I always had very high regard for you. I always enjoyed your posts and thought of you as intellectual. Please, let's not continue this discussion. I am seeing a side of you I do not enjoy.

tiassa wrote:
I would wonder just how sheltered you are.

You don't even know me.

tiassa wrote:
I mean, I know it's easier for you to disbelieve the bad stuff that happens in the world than to deal with it, but come on ... that's pretty damn low.


tiassa wrote:
Because:The actor thanking his family is a really dumb analogy.

Sorry you feel that way.

Tiassa wrote:
One thing that I did forget to mention, though, is that it doesn't chap my hide if someone wants to pretend that they did not do something, that God did it instead of them. But it does chap my hide when people extend that idea to the actions of others, I find it merely a cowardly attempt to reinforce one's own presumption of faith. It's cheap, it's spiteful, it's wrong.

Here it is! You wrote:

"...when people extend that idea to the actions of others, I find it merely a cowardly attempt to reinforce one's own presumption of faith. It's cheap, it's spiteful, it's wrong."

This is what we disagree on. Okay? This is it.

tiassa wrote:
• You have mischaracterized me as an atheist
• You have wrongly declared that I mock a God that I do not believe exists

• I appologize.
• Okay you *do not speak reverently about* a God that you DO believe exists.

I know you consider yourself a great intellectual and also a fantastic, and gifted writer, and that's great. But for goodness sake try not to muddy the water. For me sciforums isn't a lifestyle. It's a time killer.

"Brevity is the soul of wit" after all. So if you believe in God, say it. If you don't... say it. I don't want to find out your point of view by gleaning clues.

Thanks, and no hard feelings.

It's easy to see your confusion

If you are not an atheist, I apologize for calling you one. Try to take a clear stand then. Most Christians don't get bent out of shape when the president mentions God. I took your umbrage as being on behalf of an atheist standpoint.
Okay, and ...
Okay you *do not speak reverently about* a God that you DO believe exists.
Without sarcasm:

There will come a time when the issues of confusion which you have mentioned and which I have presented in the above citations will become less befuddling. Hopefully.

It's tough to find a polite way to say it: When you figure out what's wrong with your own expressed perspective, certain important things will become quite a bit more clear to you.

For instance, I would agree with you that most Christians don't get bent out of shape when a Christian president mentions God.

But I don't see what that has to do with anything.

Tiassa :cool:
Mike, your last post was a little disturbing


A few things:
At this stage I am so addled by your flipping around I need to do heavy research to nail it down
Sorry, man. Who ever said God was a simple idea?
Remember I don't post on sciforums for a living. I don't have time to post 4 long posts a day here like you do.
The sad thing is that I generally don't like to spend as much time as I do on certain kinds of posts. Namely, the amount of time I spend hacking through other people's posts doing exactly what I perceive you don't want to do: going back through other people's posts and dredging up the line of discussion to show how far the poster has deviated from his or her own point.

So I understand. And plus, when you do that, people just stop reading and the poster in question wonders why you're bothering.
I'm glad you have plenty of spare time with which to confuse people like me, but cut me some slack.
Perhaps you should then think about the importance of advocating God. After all, is not the choice to seek redemption in Jesus Christ among the most important decisions a soul can make?

How important is it to spread the word of God or to advocate any system of ideas in its name?

Cut you some slack? Why do I take heat when I point out that I take a Christian's faith more seriously than they do?
I might not want to spend 5 hours trying to sort out your viewpoint from pages and pages of sob stories, and other malarky just to find out whether you love God or not.
As long as you know what's important to you.
Oh don't bother to give the details. Thanks.
First you complain that you don't have time, now you want more information?

Here's the rough outline. You'll have to imagine yourself as a woman for a moment, though:

• Get knocked up
• Decide to carry to term
• Decide to put the child for adoption
• Include in the adoption paperwork a specific demand that the child be given religious exposure
• The prospective parents legally agree to oblige the child to a religious upbringing.

Easy enough?

I was raised in a Christian environment because it obviously worked so well before me.
Tiassa do you even know what any of this is about anymore?
I'm pretty sure. As you pointed out, I have more time to spend examining the issue.
I am seeing a side of you I do not enjoy.
Um, Mike ... I'm inclined to ask why I should care since I've been seeing a side of you that I don't like for much of this topic?
You don't even know me.
Hey, you brought it up. The iso chamber, remember?
Sorry you feel that way
Well, it's not the worst thing in the world. But it would be both amusing and enlightening if you could show me that God exists. I mean, when thanking his family, the actor is at least thanking someone who can be shown to be real, and whose contributions to his ascent can be documented.
Here it is! You wrote:

"...when people extend that idea to the actions of others, I find it merely a cowardly attempt to reinforce one's own presumption of faith. It's cheap, it's spiteful, it's wrong."

This is what we disagree on. Okay? This is it.
And in what way do we disagree?

It would be helpful if you told me what specifically you disagree with about that statement. I'm pretty sure I can guess, but it would be best if you would come right out and say it. I mean what do we disagree about here, specifically? I don't think that's an unreasonable use of your time here, do you? It would help give some direction to this continuing debate.
"Brevity is the soul of wit" after all. So if you believe in God, say it. If you don't... say it. I don't want to find out your point of view by gleaning clues
Sorry. The idea of God doesn't fit into a shoebox. Or a motel nightstand, for that matter.

Does your time restriction mean that you don't read posts, either?

Tell you what: Why don't you ask some of our atheists about Tiassa and believing in God? I know you were in on that period here, with much fur and pucky flying about the whole of the site. I'm just curious if you missed that part, with me discussing what I felt atheists failed to understand about God and the nature of its existence.

I'm sorry it doesn't sound like the idea of God you're most familiar with, but I have the distinct impression that such narrowness of perspective is your own issue to work on.

Tiassa :cool: