gawd bless those miners


Registered Senior Member
Well according to our (here in the US anyways) good el presidente, God is the one that looked out for and rescued those miners.

So um, where was god when thousands and hundreds of thousands of miners have died in cave ins in the past?

And I guess those humans digging through the night to save them didn't help any, cause it was really just gawddd workign through them.

I wish people thought about what they were actually saying. Intentions sminentions:p
That gets on my tits too. There was a thread similar to this called somethinh like 'When religion pisses me off'. Take a look
Oh, man!!!

It's the ending of the Signs all over again!
Lotuseatsvipers wrote:
Well according to our (here in the US anyways) good el presidente, God is the one that looked out for and rescued those miners.

Probably true. The miners turned to prayer and thoughts of family to make it through. So what?

Lotuseatsvipers wrote:
So um, where was god when thousands and hundreds of thousands of miners have died in cave ins in the past?

God was with them too (those that chose to call on him). This is a dangerous world we live in. Sometimes our actions cause us to get hurt, or even die. God is not a genie that pops up when we demand it. He doesn't appear and whisk us out of danger at OUR whim. If it is not our time to die, we survive. During trying times people cling to whatever makes them feel comforted. For many it is God. What do you care?

Lotuseatsvipers wrote:
And I guess those humans digging through the night to save them didn't help any, cause it was really just gawddd workign through them.

I guarantee you many of the rescuers were praying also. It was not time for those 9 men to die. So they survived. In the meantime, they did whatever they could to survive. Including prayer and thoughts of family.

This is an evil "fallen" world. Barring tragedy, our choices determine whether we navigate through it safely or not.

I think the President name-dropping God is mostly harmless "feel-good-ism". This is S.O.P. for Presidents. Bush just trying to look good for the mainstream religious folks that form a large part of his constituancy.

Don't let it get you down.

The biggest letdown yet. You have to see it to be dissapointed by it (don't pay theater prices for it though).
Reinforce the state religion.

As figurehead try to link yourself to all the perceived good in the world. surely some will reflect back on you?

This will assist you when you come to defending the faith and the freedom of the people by claiming you are merely carrying out God's holy law.

Now, what country am I talking about?
Hang on, hang on. As I've said before.

God did NOT save them. If anything, he tried to kill them. He must have started the whole event in the first place. Don't be so closed minded ppl.

Any way, I'm an athiest, so I blame the laws of physics
"God is not a genie that pops up when we demand it. He doesn't appear and whisk us out of danger at OUR whim."

The point is that that's one heck of a God you got there if he's willing to make an effort to save 9 men but won't get off his arse to save, say, some of the 6 million Jews.
God seems awfully random, its like a game of einie menie minie MOE! and hopefully you fall on MOE, otherwise you die.

Or maybe God has a plan for those miners lives...!

If anything, he tried to kill them.

I love that, its so funny:D
You guys have to consider the source, GW Bush isn't very knowledgable about God (or the economic..or foreign policy for that matter:rolleyes: ), so what do you expect from him.

God (if you believe in one) doesn't intervine on these kinds of issues. When you pray it should be about the SOUL (ie, pray for forgiveness).

Christianity isn't based on fate, but free will. Therefore, there is no such thing as "someone's time to go".
George W Bush isn't Knowledgable about anything

Seems to me that this 'god' is playing Russian Roulette
God (if you believe in one) doesn't intervine on these kinds of issues. When you pray it should be about the SOUL (ie, pray for forgiveness).
Says who, you? So your the ultimate source on how all Christians should act, interesting.

And I definitely don't recall the bible saying you should 'only pray for the soul'. So your brand of christianity isn't even biblical.
You atheists can't even comprehend repentence of sin and you're trying to argue about "the question of Evil vis a vis God". This is a theological matter. Something you who believe there is no God should have no interest in.

Sometimes you all sound more like back-slidden Christians than atheists.

The question of evil as it relates to God is a topic that many theologians have debated and discussed for years. I'm talking Bible scholars. So here you are, a bunch of atheists, most with only a cursory knowledge of, and certainly no care for, religion, mocking God because every human being that lives does not have a perfect pain-free life.

Sorry... as I've said before (though it is not the answer you want) this is a dangerous and evil world. Christians believe humans made it that way by our sin. Christians believe this is the world humanity made by our actions. Christians believe God extends a "life-raft" to all who would accept it. But, instead of jumping out of the angry waves and into the "life-raft", atheists and agnostics curse both the life-raft, and the one who Christians believe sent it. That's fine. That is your choice.

Atheists, you are the ones questioning death and pain, not us. Yet death and pain is what natural selection and randomness is all about. Christians have a hope of life after death and The assurance of salvation. This makes times of anguish easier to bear.

According to your Godless beliefs, however, humans are nothing but animated soulless corpses, living in a world where it is already as good as it is ever going to get. For there is no hope of eternal joy in Heaven. Times of anguish are coupled with the belief that death is the end of everything. That is a recipe for black despair not hope.

So why mock my God? If you don't believe in God, stop saying he is evil. How can something that doesn't exist be evil, Hmmm?

What a biased view you have. Any bad thing is God's fault (you say while claiming there is no God), and humans are innocent victims of this evil non-existent deity.

WE as Christians understand and accept the world for what it is. An evil, fallen world. WE also have accepted a ride in the "life-raft". YOU are the ones who don't understand your soulless world. So stop asking Christians to explain our God to you so you can mock and reject him for your own personal sport. If you think we are just soulless apes subject to Darwinian random-chance and natural selection, then deal with it. According to natural selection people die. That's your world-view. Where's your joy?

So stop citing "wrongs" in order to make a case against a God you don't believe even exists. When you do that, it is clear that your purpose is not to open-mindedly seek truth wherever it may be, but to aggravate Christians.

If a person wants to believe in God and feel comforted by Him in times of pain and danger, so be it. What do you care? What comforts you atheist in times of dread and despair?

The world is a dangerous place. To the atheist this is confirmation that there is no God and that "survival of the fittest" is life's driving force. To the Christian the evil in this world is an example of the consequences of rejecting God.

In short: Stop questioning the methods of a being you simultaneously claim does NOT exist. It makes you look silly.

No what looks silly is YOU for assuming.

Sometimes you all sound more like back-slidden Christians than atheists.
Thats exactly what you would call me, although I think the word 'back slidden' is hardly appropiate.

So you have a problem with me bringing into the open, questions that made me all but LOSE my religion?

These are things that truly bother me, why would it annoy you so much that I question such things.

And I am SO sick of people questioning open mindedness. I come from an almost puritanical christian perspective, if anyone has an open mind or knows both sides of the fence it is me. Stop accusing, perhaps you could help me understand some things if you stopped being so defensive.