Fusion Excel Pendant

So you can't actually answer my point and therefore have to resort to more superstition...
I don't have a soul.

No, definitely I understand more than you. Try to lock yourself up like Albert Einstein and think for a year, perhaps you can understand better the whole things that I had mentioned. I have work to do. Bye...
No, definitely I understand more than you.
No, you believe you understand.
Not the same thing at all.

Try to lock yourself up like Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is dead.

and think for a year
Ah, I see your problem now.
Personally I do my best to think all the time instead of just for selected periods.

perhaps you can understand better the whole things that I had mentioned. I have work to do. Bye...
Please don't hurry back.
It's amazing how a thread can degrade from the initial topic and move into other areas, which usually causes one or other party to be rude, angry, upset etc.

Albert, your initial claim is pretty much like Oli stated, it's a load of rubbish created to get people to buy something of no real worth, other than what they believe. You could tie it in with Homeopathy and "The Placebo effect", in the sense that your brain generates chemical reactions on it's own, sometimes those chemicals are created because of a "belief" which means if you strongly believe in what ever it is, those chemicals will be produced.

This is the unfortunate reason why so many Placebo's apparently do something and why even the most rational of people could "believe in a God" (Their Spiritualism, is just a drug addiction created by the pharmacology of their own mind.)

When people say things like this Albert, they really don't mean it as a personal attack to you. They just fail to explain their objection's to your subjective view on the topic. (preverbially, "they see beyond the white picket fence".)
This pendant increase body metabolism, it will also will inevitably shorten the life-span. Wearer beware!!!
But if you think it is worth and happy to have more active life in high metabolism and can do harsher work, it is up to you... but if you had wear it for longer period, your body will adjusted the pendant and it will not give significant advantage because your body already suit the pendant, which means render useless...
It is better to have normal metabolism without wearing the pendant, lets the nature rules without any help from some kind of radiation.
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This pendant increase body metabolism
This pendant increases the bank balance of the rather clever people that make and sell it.

it will also will inevitably shorten the life-span.
Living shortens your life span.

]quote]It is better to have normal metabolism without wearing the pendant, lets the nature rules without any help from some kind of radiation.[/QUOTE]
It's perfectly safe to wear for as along as you care to: unless you're a crackpot.
How did your research go?

Do you ever heard of Fusion Excel Pendant? I am currently doing research and experiment into it. It quite amazing the effect on human body system and it gives me strenght and concentration.

The pendant description mentioned the scalar energy come from universe or outside the body that compliment your body, that means you got free energy for free? In my experiment the energy must be come from your own body since you will getting tired at the end of the day and sleep well. It multiply the metabolism of your body and your heart beat will be faster,which means you will get extra energy for healing process from your own body's energy reserve and it does not come from universe.

I still wonder what kind of 'radiation' that it emit, it does not emit alpha,beta, gamma ray or any electromagnetic spectrum in my laboratory test. It's really amazing.

It mentioned no side effect. But I remain cautions about it. Since you will get tired after prolong usage and consume your body energy at the abnormal rate, it will inevitably shorten your life span as it consume your 'internal energy reserve' as everybody got a certain energy level allocated. The wearer do got sick like sore throat or fever after one week of wearing the pendant and I suspect it would do harm in prolong usage of the pendant.

The other application I am looking into is the interaction of the pendant to the living things. It may help to boost the cultivation of crops and some medication application in the future in which I am currently research into. It does relieve the stress when you wear it and it may serve as an instrument to help mentally stressed people and may help to cut down the suicide cases. But when you had wear it for some time, it may not give so intense variation on the feeling as your body get used to the effect. It is recommended to wear it when you feel tired or stress or when you have a active physical workout.

My advise is don't wear it too often and use it when neccesary. Is there any useful opinion or advise and knowledge to add into the my pendant research? thanks for your feedback.. I need to look into other application to animals and plant or any living matter and it may generate potential income in the future.

My friend made a demo on me. I did not know what it was or what for. But it really gave me more strength when I had the pendant.... That's why I'm researching more on the internet because I was amazed. After reading your post, I'm more concerned on the side effects if what you claim is true that it will shorten your life span
Be careful, jaylynmark! I tried this pendant, and it gave me so much energy a kind of bud appeared along my side, and in about a week, I had grown a perfect clone of myself. But, I was scared of this new power, so I stopped using it. Now each of me has only half the energy of a normal person. :(
You can safely wear it for as long as you like.
It's a scam, foisted upon the gullible.

I must inform you that albertchong is correct in stating that a scalar energy pendant DOES have an effect on the human body. I would encourage you to at the very least spend a week with one before concretely assuming that it has no effect. I ordered one and received it yesterday morning. I'll share some of my initial observations, but first will say that I'm a person who appears to have a hypersensitivity to things like electromagnetic fields, so the pendant's interaction with me may differ from that of a more typical person. (In fact, it appears that people have quite a range of different reactions to these items which makes it more difficult to pin down exactly how they affect the body.)

That said, here are some of my early observations:

1) I felt a noticeable "warm energy" from it as soon as I pulled it out of the mailing envelope, when it was still inside of it's box. Even the Authenticity Card felt warm.

2) After about 3 minutes, I started to breathe really good. Felt like taking slow deep breaths, lungs felt more open. The ability to get more oxygen into my blood must be a good thing...

3) After about 15 minutes, I could feel it's presence against my skin more. It heats up my chest.

4) When I went to put gas in my car, I got a HARD zap when opening the cover to get to the gas cap.

5) The gas pump would not read my ATM card (first time ever, and I always use that pump), but the card worked fine when the gas station attendant ran it through her machine inside.

Now here's were it gets weird. I've observed that I'm distinctly more tired than usual, and less able to function normally. I took the pendant off about 40 minutes ago and haven't noticed much of a difference since then. The fatigue is unexpected since one of the main selling points of these pendants is that they're supposed to help you feel more energetic and improve mental clarity.

Anyway, I stumbled across this forum while searching for more information on the subject. Wondering if anyone else has had similar reactions to mine, and how best to make use of scalar energy products for health and healing?? I have many more questions than answers at this point, but have to disagree with:

You can safely wear it for as long as you like.
It's a scam, foisted upon the gullible.

You don't know enough about this subject to make that claim.
1) I felt a noticeable "warm energy" from it as soon as I pulled it out of the mailing envelope, when it was still inside of it's box. Even the Authenticity Card felt warm.
The mail man has warm hands.

2) After about 3 minutes, I started to breathe really good. Felt like taking slow deep breaths, lungs felt more open. The ability to get more oxygen into my blood must be a good thing...
So you breathed deeply and you felt good? Never heard of deep breathing exercises, that's what breathing deeply does!

3) After about 15 minutes, I could feel it's presence against my skin more. It heats up my chest.
Use a thermometer to check.

4) When I went to put gas in my car, I got a HARD zap when opening the cover to get to the gas cap.
I've had it happen to me many times. Its due to a built up of static between you and your car, typically due to your movement back and fore in your seat and the clothes you're wearing. I find it happens more when I wear certain things, man made fibres for instance.

5) The gas pump would not read my ATM card (first time ever, and I always use that pump), but the card worked fine when the gas station attendant ran it through her machine inside.
And the only explanation for a faulty car reader is 'magic'. :rolleyes:

You don't know enough about this subject to make that claim.
If you can prove its supernatural James Randi will give you $1 million. If you can prove it actually heats up seemingly without an external energy energy source then you'll win a Nobel Prize. Spontaneous heating of metal would be huge, HUGE, career making, Nobel Prize winning, renaming your old highschool after you HUGE because it would change our entire outlook on the universe.

The fact its being peddled by new age hacks shows it has no scientific merit. A recent xkcd said it best :


Why would NASA spend billions on radioisotope fuel cell technology to keep critical systems on probes warm when they would use that effect? Why would this technology not be exploited the Peltier–Seebeck effect to make mobile phones which power themselves forever? An invention which could double battery life would be worth tens of billions of dollars in the electronics industry, one which could rid mobiles of battery life all together would be almost beyond comprehending!

The very fact this isn't already walking around in the pocket of every person in the Western world is evidence enough that the effects you perceive are in your head and not in reality.
I've had it happen to me many times. Its due to a built up of static between you and your car, typically due to your movement back and fore in your seat and the clothes you're wearing. I find it happens more when I wear certain things, man made fibres for instance.

Of course, I've also had it happen to me many times. But I'm stating "for the record" that I'd never previously experienced such a strong ZAP that it made me jump, and my hand still hurt from it hours later. As for my other observations, you can say that they're all in my head since you haven't experienced them yourself. I understand that many people think that way. My life experience has taught me that many of the things I don't understand are still very real. In my opinion, it's a lot more "scientific" to recognize that there is something going on with these scalar energy products and seek to learn more about it, than to simply assume that they do nothing just because you think they do nothing.

I'm sincerely interested in input from anyone else who has had noticeable reactions to these things, has done any kind of testing, etc.
Then you know nothing of science and your opinion isn't worth much.

Got it. Then let me ask you a very sincere question. Specifically, what kind of scientific evidence would you require to prove that scalar energy health products are worth further investigation?
If you can prove it actually heats up seemingly without an external energy energy source then you'll win a Nobel Prize. Spontaneous heating of metal would be huge, HUGE, career making, Nobel Prize winning, renaming your old highschool after you HUGE because it would change our entire outlook on the universe.

I believe that the "external energy source" in this case would be me myself. Human bodies have their own energy, do they not?

BTW, these things are not metal. The seller says they are "made from minerals found in volcanic ash and molded into a ceramic pendant based on a Quantum Science Technology formula. The negative ions of our pendants will run from 3k to 3.5k".
This entire thread while not an advert is providing a lot of publicity
for a controversial product, moderators should consider the
possibility that their forum is being manipulated by the
marketing company. difficult to prove but very
moderators should consider the
possibility that their forum is being manipulated by the
marketing company. difficult to prove but very

I didn't pick up on any evidence of that, but I really do want to find more information on these things. I'm finding numerous ads from different companies mentioning "clinical studies" but I have yet to find any of these actual clinical studies. If they do exist, I want to read the reports. I also want to be a participant in studies if I can find any opportunities for that.
A friend of mine just got one of the pendants, and this is her initial reaction:

"Okay, my new pendant just arrived, and I put it on as soon as I could get it warmed up enough to do so. The weather has turned cold.

It seems as if, almost as soon as I put it on (and it's still a bit chilly) that my back muscles immediately began to hurt and my breathing is more constrained than it was a few minutes ago. Surface pain in the back of my head and some skin-tightening on my head that is usually a forerunner to a headache. Also noticing some problem in swallowing and constriction in my neck. I'm going to give it a few more minutes, but I may have to put it away or let someone else try it. It may be that it just isn't for me."

So her reaction as far as the warmth of it and how it affected her breathing is the exact opposite of mine. Comments? Explanations?

She and I both have a hypersensitivity to things like electromagnetic fields, but we have at least one major difference that I'm aware of. My potassium level tends to be low, and she's hyperkalemic (way too MUCH potassium).
A friend of mine just got one of the pendants, and this is her initial reaction:

"Okay, my new pendant just arrived, and I put it on as soon as I could get it warmed up enough to do so. The weather has turned cold.

It seems as if, almost as soon as I put it on (and it's still a bit chilly) that my back muscles immediately began to hurt and my breathing is more constrained than it was a few minutes ago. Surface pain in the back of my head and some skin-tightening on my head that is usually a forerunner to a headache. Also noticing some problem in swallowing and constriction in my neck. I'm going to give it a few more minutes, but I may have to put it away or let someone else try it. It may be that it just isn't for me."

So her reaction as far as the warmth of it and how it affected her breathing is the exact opposite of mine. Comments? Explanations?

She and I both have a hypersensitivity to things like electromagnetic fields, but we have at least one major difference that I'm aware of. My potassium level tends to be low, and she's hyperkalemic (way too MUCH potassium).

that sounds more than just placebo.

how do you move around given that there must be electromagnetic
fields of all sorts in our environment, does your sensitivity include the
Earth's magnet field?