Fundamental versus Moderate Islam

So would this be a correct summary so far:

- Islam is the best religion.
- In an ‘Ideal’ world everyone would be Muslim.
- If ‘true’ Islam is followed the society will be a perfect one.
- A specific tax for non-Muslims is good.
- A specific tax for Muslims is good.
- Muslims are NOT rewarded in the afterlife for Martyrdom.
- Homosexuality is NOT a sin and is perfectly fine within Islam.
- Reincarnation is not true and does not happen.
- The Bahá'í faith is incorrect, Bahá'u'lláh was not a Prophet (perhaps a good teacher).
- The Xian faith is incorrect; Jesus was not the Christ (but was a Prophet).
- Religiously, it is acceptable for anyone to believe anything they like.
- All Abrahamic Prophets (including Mohammed) were sinless.
- Mohammed never advocated killing anyone under any circumstances at all. Never.
- To kill a human is a sin.
- If pork is infected then don’t eat it, if not and it is clean then it is perfectly fine to eat as an everyday meal.
- Hindus religious belief is in some manner incorrect.
- Buddhist religious belief is in some manner incorrect.
- It is a sin to destroy other people’s religious idols.
- Sharia Law is no different than Secular Law.

Does this seem right?

In my view, the only difference between the average member of an organized religion and a fundamentalist is that fundamentalists really believe it.
So would this be a correct summary so far:

- Islam is the best religion.
- In an ‘Ideal’ world everyone would be Muslim.
- If ‘true’ Islam is followed the society will be a perfect one.
- A specific tax for non-Muslims is good.
- A specific tax for Muslims is good.
- Muslims are NOT rewarded in the afterlife for Martyrdom.
- Homosexuality is NOT a sin and is perfectly fine within Islam.
- Reincarnation is not true and does not happen.
- The Bahá'í faith is incorrect, Bahá'u'lláh was not a Prophet (perhaps a good teacher).
- The Xian faith is incorrect; Jesus was not the Christ (but was a Prophet).
- Religiously, it is acceptable for anyone to believe anything they like.
- All Abrahamic Prophets (including Mohammed) were sinless.
- Mohammed never advocated killing anyone under any circumstances at all. Never.
- To kill a human is a sin.
- If pork is infected then don’t eat it, if not and it is clean then it is perfectly fine to eat as an everyday meal.
- Hindus religious belief is in some manner incorrect.
- Buddhist religious belief is in some manner incorrect.
- It is a sin to destroy other people’s religious idols.
- Sharia Law is no different than Secular Law.

Does this seem right?


One cannot say that a faith is correct or incorrect. Faith (iman) is the most important part of a religion and it is not for us to decide who is right or wrong.

To every people have We appointed ceremonial rites (of prayer) which they observe; therefore, let them not wrangle over this matter with you, but bid them to turn to your Lord (since that is the main objective of religion). You indeed are rightly guided. But if they still dispute you in this matter, (then say,) `God best knows (the value of) what you do."22:67
The God of the Bible says nothing about evangelism by the sword, but Allah does, so Allah, for this and many other reasons, cannot be the God of the Bible. (Remember, Allah was 1 of 360 pre Islamic Arab gods.)
The God of the Bible says nothing about evangelism by the sword, but Allah does, so Allah, for this and many other reasons, cannot be the God of the Bible. (Remember, Allah was 1 of 360 pre Islamic Arab gods.)

"God best knows (the value of) what you do."

How come you haven't posted anything on the identical Christian thread but post to the Muslim thread?

One cannot say that a faith is correct or incorrect. Faith (iman) is the most important part of a religion and it is not for us to decide who is right or wrong.
In this particular thread, I'm not so much interested in 'faith' per say. I want to focus on the underlying percepts of the Muslim beliefs.

With that in mind, would the above list be correct thus far?

In this particular thread, I'm not so much interested in 'faith' per say. I want to focus on the underlying percepts of the Muslim beliefs.

With that in mind, would the above list be correct thus far?


I thought you wanted to know how moderate Muslims think?

You can't exclude anything ad hoc :)
I thought you wanted to know how moderate Muslims think?
I do – But I would also like to make a list of agreed to tenets. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with simply saying: “Atheism is incorrect, anyone who thinks there is/are no God/s is simply not correct in this belief. I, as a moderate Muslim, believe there is a single God.”

Then I go over to my list and write.
1) There is one God
2) There are not Multiple Gods.
3) Atheists are incorrect in their belief there is not a God (or, should I say, lack there of).
4) Polytheists are incorrect in their beliefs of multiple Gods.

And go from there.

Do you think this is OK?

PS: I went to the Opera last night :)
The Marriage of Figaro

On there way the taxi driver had either a CD or a radio station with an Imam giving what I suspect was a sermon. In the sermon the Imam said, in English obviously (which seemed odd as the driver spoke with an accent) anyway… the Imam said infidel unbelievers (or was it non-believers?) will burn in “Hell Fire” .. bla bla bla…

So: My question: Will I as a disbeliever, non-believer, unbeliever, infidel burn in Hell Fire? Let’s say; I in my own personal and well thought-out conclusion deny there is an Allah and (this is important) even if there were, I still refuse to worship or submit to it and it can go jump in a lake and eat fish ;)

So? With your understanding of Islam.
1) Will I burn in Hell Fire?
2) Do people burn in Hell Fire?
3) If so whom?
4) Why?
5) Does it seem an all loving thing to do, burn people in Hell Fire?
RE: Pork

While it is true some pork can carry disease that can infect humans, so does chicken, lamb, cow and especially (and more so than any other) other primates like ape and monkey.

1) Acording to God is it OK to eat a primate, say Ape or Monkey? Is there any reason why or why not?
2) According to God is it OK to eat pork? Is there any reason why or why not?
3) According to God is there anything wrong with eating another human? Is there any reason why or why not?

It's a fire of love, evidently. Yes, you will burn. Furthermore, as a disbeliever, it is permissible to burn you prematurely.
RE RE Pork,

To make sure my list is correct. If the pork is perfectly clean is it OK to eat pork everyday? Japanese eat pork all the time, probably for some its like everyday (ramen noodles). They are the longest lived people on the planet - I think we can safely say eating pork does not increase you chances of getting sick over that of chicken, beef, lamb, camel, etc...
The bible was written before refrigeration and anti-biotics. There might have been a good reason for the Jews and Muslims to prohibit pork consumption (as well as shellfish).
I do – But I would also like to make a list of agreed to tenets. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with simply saying: “Atheism is incorrect, anyone who thinks there is/are no God/s is simply not correct in this belief. I, as a moderate Muslim, believe there is a single God.”

Then I go over to my list and write.
1) There is one God
2) There are not Multiple Gods.
3) Atheists are incorrect in their belief there is not a God (or, should I say, lack there of).
4) Polytheists are incorrect in their beliefs of multiple Gods.

And go from there.

Do you think this is OK?

Frankly there are no agreed to tenets, so I can only give my point of view, which is that everyone is free to interpret their faith in the way that suits them best. Who knows why people believe the way they do?

PS: I went to the Opera last night :)
The Marriage of Figaro

Sounds like fun
On there way the taxi driver had either a CD or a radio station with an Imam giving what I suspect was a sermon. In the sermon the Imam said, in English obviously (which seemed odd as the driver spoke with an accent) anyway… the Imam said infidel unbelievers (or was it non-believers?) will burn in “Hell Fire” .. bla bla bla…

So: My question: Will I as a disbeliever, non-believer, unbeliever, infidel burn in Hell Fire? Let’s say; I in my own personal and well thought-out conclusion deny there is an Allah and (this is important) even if there were, I still refuse to worship or submit to it and it can go jump in a lake and eat fish ;)

So? With your understanding of Islam.
1) Will I burn in Hell Fire?
2) Do people burn in Hell Fire?
3) If so whom?
4) Why?
5) Does it seem an all loving thing to do, burn people in Hell Fire?

What is Hell Fire?
Do you know?