Full born atheism is anti-intellectual

How did, say, the most recent one unfold?
She won't tell you, but it's for sure real. She keeps saying how 100% convinced she is by her own experiences without realizing that this has zero impact on discussions of the actual existence of god(s). It appears to be a form of egomania that dosen't allow her to realize that her experiences mean nothing to the rest of the world.
Yes it is.
Anything that can be conveyed in person can be conveyed in a forum.
Really? How about interpretive dance.

This goes to suggest comprehension misunderstandings not to mention jeleousy.

And your point is?
That you should learn to communicate better if you want to have meaningful conversations.

Quite possibly.

But I still would like to see your philosophy before I begin to elaborate on mine, mr "doubting mennace."
Philosophy of what? I suppose you might be able to label me an empiricist :shrug:
Any statement is acceptable so long as you can respond to it. IMO.

But, I'm not going to dismiss your free thinking. Put it this way:

Elaborate the point. Consider it. Think about it in the context given. That's all that my words vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvibe.
Err, what?
How do you feel things? Nerve impulses. How are nerve impulses generated? Physical stimulation of nerves.

How else? There is no other way.

P.S. for all of the science challenged out there, physical stimulation includes friction (mechanical interaction) and electromagnetic interaction (heat, i.e. light).

SL,, you know Quantum Quack fairly well unless I am mistaken.

Ask him to come to this thread and help me out; afterall, he knows as well as I do that not only nerves but sensations with lack of photons can give off experiences which inspire these "feelings of things."

Pardon the jibberish doubting mennace, but it is the truth weather you like it, or not?
Really? How about interpretive dance.
Sounds good. Just don't poke too hard or you'll reach a brick wall that points you back to the previous posts :eek:
Yeah. Sorry for that one. You just push my buttons and I am not a soft member here.
That you should learn to communicate better if you want to have meaningful conversations.
Yeah........ I should. And I will. Thanks for the advice there.

Philosophy of what? I suppose you might be able to label me an empiricist :shrug:
Empiricist aye? I would suggest looking into some of Quantum Quack's posts in the physics forum about Quantum Physics and such; he believes there is no photon, and no one yet has to show him a photon in the vein that he asks for. As such, your empiricism is subject to slight dismissal unless it is subject to pragmatic concerns :shrug
Dudes, this is existabrent, the machinery of his mind cannot be comprehended by any mortal man.
"quantum" experiences? What, pray tell, is a quantum experience?

See the below post for an elaboration but, with lack of photon comes exceptional thought about quantum connections.

Thus leading on to further considerations which would be pragmatically--- possibly misleading to say the least.

SL,, you know Quantum Quack fairly well unless I am mistaken.

Ask him to come to this thread and help me out; afterall, he knows as well as I do that not only nerves but sensations with lack of photons can give off experiences which inspire these "feelings of things."

Pardon the jibberish doubting mennace, but it is the truth weather you like it, or not?
Yes, I know QQ.

"sensations with lack of photons can give off experiences"

I have no idea what this means, and I suspect it means nothing.
Dudes, this is existabrent, the machinery of his mind cannot be comprehended by any mortal man.

Hah. Thanks spidergoat :)

Actually I prefer sisphyus as a cover up to the outside; something to vent with. A strong name if you don't mind me saying so,

And the machinery of my mind is quite well comprehendeble.

Just read some of the above posts and you will get my point.
Ps SG I am recovering.
Yes, I know QQ.

"sensations with lack of photons can give off experiences"

I have no idea what this means, and I suspect it means nothing.

Sensations, considering the lack of a photon in QQian logic, can give one to experience emmense goddlieness and universality about a condition of a God--- thanks for pushing the button.
Sounds good. Just don't poke too hard or you'll reach a brick wall that points you back to the previous posts :eek:

Yeah. Sorry for that one. You just push my buttons and I am not a soft member here.
You're not alone.

Yeah........ I should. And I will. Thanks for the advice there.
Sure. I would suggest complete sentences, paragraphs for longer posts, and bullet points for short lists of ideas. Fragmented sentences are not likely to be understood.

Empiricist aye? I would suggest looking into some of Quantum Quack's posts in the physics forum about Quantum Physics and such; he believes there is no photon, and no one yet has to show him a photon in the vein that he asks for. As such, your empiricism is subject to slight dismissal unless it is subject to pragmatic concerns :shrug
Does he fall into this category?

He is the best physicist on the board; and much smarter than any member on the site...... Although he can get nerve racking and is in terrible health. And I may admit although he is a great philosopher, his philosophy is lacking due to his health. But, the point remains; the guy is great at what he knows. He doesn't fall into that category:

He falls into the category of:

"I thought you knew that?

No, I didn't.

Oh, oh well, well it's true that the photon may not exist.



Or some sort of jibberish.
I know that anything you feel is necessarily a material phenomenon, so your proclamation that the 'spiritual' cannot be verified materially is void if you've felt something.

right, i just can't hand it to you. is it measurable? i'm sure it is somehow but it's not done. not with me anyway. some of the ghost chasers and mediums have devices that they measure their paranormal activity with. and i guess if i had been hooked up to something while i was experiencing these things that something would have been read. i don't know what exactly but something...

More to the point, I know perfectly well that the brain is capable of producing all manner of unexpected sensations, and that by no means does that necessarily constitute something supernatural.

but why would it then? and why would it have a reason associated with it? i have received a reason for this activity...an explanation of sorts...a purpose, so it's more than just some random sensations. there's a lot involved. i don't believe in "magic", in that if i feel some sensation, then i'm sure there is some physical manifestation. but that doesn't mean that it's not iniated spiritually.

...and I said "likely had." I'm not discounting the rather remote possibility that you're experiencing Jesus beating you with a llama while you're wide awake, it just doesn't seem particularly plausible.

HEY! don't give him any ideas ok?! :p
right, i just can't hand it to you. is it measurable? i'm sure it is somehow but it's not done. not with me anyway. some of the ghost chasers and mediums have devices that they measure their paranormal activity with. and i guess if i had been hooked up to something while i was experiencing these things that something would have been read. i don't know what exactly but something...
Oh, god. "Ghost hunters" run around trying to detect magnetic fields... which are everywhere. That isn't measuring paranormal activity, that's stupidity in action. I'm talking about measuring sensory receptors in the brain.

but why would it then? and why would it have a reason associated with it? i have received a reason for this activity...an explanation of sorts...a purpose, so it's more than just some random sensations. there's a lot involved. i don't believe in "magic", in that if i feel some sensation, then i'm sure there is some physical manifestation. but that doesn't mean that it's not iniated spiritually.
Your argument was that anything inherently spiritual couldn't be measured. I'm telling you that if it affects the material world, which includes you, then it can.

HEY! don't give him any ideas ok?! :p

Don't worry, I've never seen that on any of the lists of things that jesus would do. :p
some of the ghost chasers and mediums have devices that they measure their paranormal activity with. and i guess if i had been hooked up to something while i was experiencing these things that something would have been read. i don't know what exactly but something...

Ghost hunters claim ghosts actually give off electro-magnetic energy and create temperature changes. Silly in the extreme, of course, but certainly convincing enough to fleece the gullible into buying their crap.


i don't believe in "magic"

You appear to be obsessed with "magic" and things that go bump in the night.
I'm actually curious about Lori. I know there are a lot of people like her. It's not that she's stupid, I'm sure, it's just that she can't tell the difference between scientists and charlatans. I'd bet that a handful of good books would change a lot of things for you.
I knew a ghost hunter in my hometown, he was even on David Letterman once. He also happened to be a paranoid schizophrenic.
right, i just can't hand it to you. is it measurable? i'm sure it is somehow but it's not done. not with me anyway. some of the ghost chasers and mediums have devices that they measure their paranormal activity with. and i guess if i had been hooked up to something while i was experiencing these things that something would have been read. i don't know what exactly but something...

Neuropsychobiology is an fledgling field in science that studies the biological aspects of the mind and body connection and how it can be quantified or studied. Perhaps if you looked for information from that field?:)