Full born atheism is anti-intellectual

He isn't a physicist. He's a psychiatrist.

QQ isn't a psychiatrist.

I didn't know QQ was anything in particular. I thought he worked at a restruant or something else like that.

But anyway....

He is a physicist also. And the best one on the board, to repeat the original question once again
I knew a ghost hunter in my hometown, he was even on David Letterman once. He also happened to be a paranoid schizophrenic.

I am currently writing what I am calling a religion of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is usually common symptoms of original psyche playing tricks on us. Ghost hunting is people hunting, as, there are no ghosts, only spirits. More than likly if you confront him with th is idea you will see what he's talking about.

But then again, ghost hunting isn't really relevant to this ...
Neuropsychobiology is an fledgling field in science that studies the biological aspects of the mind and body connection and how it can be quantified or studied. Perhaps if you looked for information from that field?:)

It is mostly the nonassuming idiots like glaucon (pardon, ... uh, NOT glaucon?); and mr doubting mennace and CC that do things like assume before the speak.
I asked QQ if he was a psychatriast; his answer was no. I asked QQ if he worked at a resturant, his answer was yes. I saw QQ discussing with other physicists on the board, and he was the leader.

So, not only in my mind.
I sent QQ a PM with a request to clarify his profession. I'll post the results verbatim (minus any non-appropriate information -ex. real life names, personal life trials, etc.-).
Alright. He denied it to me, and I am a good friend of his. It would be interesting to see his answers "verbatium." -
His verbatim answer is below with censoring in brackets <>. Looks like we both got it wrong :eek::

Hey Hi <Crunchy Cat>,
Yep I can be a bit confusing at times certainly got Brent and a few others in a few knots.
In reference to the Ping pong ball incident. At the time I was doing advocacy work for inpatients at a major psych ward here in Melbourne.
One of the reasons behind doing this work apart from pure philanthropy was to study the behaviour traits of those suffering hallucinatory type disturbances.
The lady in question was convinced she was pushing the ping pong ball around with her mind.
Her concentration was intense and actually if you watched the ball and her together it did appear that she was actually manipulating the ball but in very slight ways. Say 10 mm over 500mm
[she was having a lot of difficulty because there was a breeze blowing in the yard ha]
Btw as far as I know she has almost stabilised in her mental health now...but haven't seen her for ages.

No I am not a professional quailfied psychiatrist/health worker and have never claimed to be. I am sorry if I have mislead inadvertantly.

I would be in direct conflict with current attitudes any way if I was.
Just very strong observation techniques.

Which by the way does not imply any lack of respect for mental health workers. As I hold them in the highest of esteem [ tough job ]

As to my profession:
Currently I am <Retired>.
Originally I was a motor mechanic and had a couple of businesses. including a 24/7 service and parts business <Censored>.
These days I am writing a few books hoping to publish and trying to make a buck from web design and IT.

mostly self taught.

<Quantum Quack>
Yup. That's Quantum Quack alright! The good man that I know.
Can't really 'chat' with him.

I'd assume his interest in the schizophrenics with hallucinatory experiences is due to the relevancy to their reality.

I've had experience with this myself, with other schizophrenics.

And I still say that full born atheism is anti-intellectual.
Although God may not exist, or whatever, the fact is that it is anti-intellectual to assume he does not exist at an intellectual level.

Now, this would be a better way to word it using my own "wisdom".
I'm still trying to figure out just what you're trying to say. Does this also mean "it is anti-intellectual to assume xyz does not exist at an intellectual level" with xyz referring to anything imaginable? Or does the concept of (which?) god have some sort of qualifier that makes it/him/her make the quoted sentence true?
Yup. That's Quantum Quack alright! The good man that I know.
Can't really 'chat' with him.

I'd assume his interest in the schizophrenics with hallucinatory experiences is due to the relevancy to their reality.

I've had experience with this myself, with other schizophrenics.

And I still say that full born atheism is anti-intellectual.
Although God may not exist, or whatever, the fact is that it is anti-intellectual to assume he does not exist at an intellectual level.

Now, this would be a better way to word it using my own "wisdom".

I still say that you have some extremely fundamental communication problem. Is English your second language?
I'm still trying to figure out just what you're trying to say. Does this also mean "it is anti-intellectual to assume xyz does not exist at an intellectual level" with xyz referring to anything imaginable? Or does the concept of (which?) god have some sort of qualifier that makes it/him/her make the quoted sentence true?

Yeah. Let me clarify a little bit ok:

Sisyphus said:
I've had experience with this myself, with other schizophrenics.

And I still say that full born atheism is anti-intellectual.
Although God may not exist, or whatever, the fact is that it is anti-intellectual to assume he does not exist at an intellectual level.

Now, this would be a better way to word it using my own "wisdom".

What I was getting at is that there is something I am writing in a book called "the religion of schizophrenia"; just for test purposes as the title.

My point is that God is intelligible. Or better, able to be "conceived" or thought about. About is the right word. God is able to be thought about sounds OK. We don't know what god is as you were getting to, and so, it is best to assume that he exists until we can say that "xyz" exists. Of course let's refer this xyz to the same existence of God and we have the notion that xyz is the "flying spaghetti monster FSM" which is a notion common to the ground of the schizophrenic.

It is a philosophical and theistic conception of God.

Could be discussed.... I wonder if it will...

Have I said enough ?
So you're basically saying anything that's imaginable can be said to exist, simply because those things exist in our minds?
I do, quite often.

They're capable of understanding deeper; but yes, he is right, after all. But the point is not that they exist in our minds, but that they are yet to exist for you. Even the uncertainty of it all.

Ps you've forgotten invert nexus.