From Captive to Convert to Islam !!


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
British journalist Yvonne Ridley was captured by the Talibans two years ago. Find out why Ridley has converted to Islam following her ordeal.

Yvonne Ridley is the Sunday Express journalist ( far right newspaper ) who hit the headlines when she was arrested after being sent to cover the build-up to the Afghan war.

Two years ago Yvonne was detained on suspicion of spying after going in search of a scoop disguised in a traditional burka

But it ended in disaster when she was thrown into prison and held for ten days, while the government, Yvonne's family and work colleagues tried to secure her release.

Against the odds Yvonne was set free, but her time in the hands of the Taliban proved to be a life-changing experience.


PS: I would like to know the reaction of the Islamophobes Haters here !!! :D
This statement deals with the Patty Hearst case.

As a defense witness, Dr. Robert Jay Lifton provided the most eloquent expression of personality transformations. In 1961, he had published a book called Thought Reform to discuss a pattern of behavior that he'd observed among prisoners of the Communist Chinese in the 1950s. Some Chinese had described to him a series of identity shifts related to their embrace and subsequent rejection of communism.

Such transformations are possible, Lifton said, because of the adaptive and malleable nature of the self. If the pressure is strong enough, people exposed to new environments and beliefs can actually change their entire perspective. In times of restlessness and transition, such as was evident in America during the 1960s and 1970s, many people were vulnerable to personal transformation, especially young people. The more fluid the social milieu, the more fluid the person. But when we feel that we're losing our mooring, we locate ground in anything that promises structure. In the process, we can actually merge incompatible elements of identity. The psychology of the survivor often involves symbolic forms of death and rebirth.

Lifton compared brainwashing to how the SLA zealots operated with Patty:

Milieu control – the control of communication by creating a totalitarian environment and "loading" language with ideological and emotional terms. Everything the person is exposed to is based on the zealot's truth.
Mystical manipulation – they use their mystique to provoke certain behaviors and emotions in a person but make it appear to arise spontaneously; they rely on making the impression that they're serving a higher purpose and their ideas are sacred. People who feel trapped by this resort to "the psychology of the pawn," by subordinating themselves to the ideology and adapting. It's less painful to flow with the tide than against it.
Demand for purity – By purging those ideas and behaviors that are inconsistent with the group ideology, they can become "pure." Shaming and guilt-producing tactics are used, and the cult leaders are the ultimate arbiters of what is good and bad. Denouncing "bad" thoughts and behavior is a relief to the captor.
It didn't seem such a stretch, but the jury was nevertheless confused.

In their post-trial edition, The Saturday Evening Post jumped on this bandwagon by running a lengthy editorial on the methods of brainwashing. In an informal survey of military men and missionaries, they found that even those prepared for it may still be brainwashed into accepting an enemy's ideology, even to the point of harming their country. The editors offered the typical steps involved:

Confinement under inhuman conditions to lower resistance (such as being kept blindfolded in a closet for 57 days).
The insistence on confession of past misdeeds (such as being raised in a privileged family).
Manipulating confessions into the context of the ideology (Patty had it all while many people are starving). The confession becomes self-criticism.
Telling the person that his former society had turned against him (Patty was told that her parents would not meet the ransom demands).
"Undeserved" liberties are granted commensurate with the person's conversion, which makes the person grateful to his captors. (She denounced her family on tape.)
The person's weakened physical state and feeling of shame and inferiority merge into a bond with the captor. (Patty joined the SLA in their criminal activities.)
Captors prove their sincerity by using the same tactics on their fellow prisoners. (Patty took part in a bank robbery and helped two members elude arrest.)
Even upon returning to society, the person will experience confusion and doubt. (She exhibited this behavior.)}
These procedures, the editorial went on to say, are not unlike those used in boot camp to get recruits to become part of a fighting team, for the honor of the country. In other words, it's used because it works, and DeFreeze knew how to do it.

In addition, Patty had some clear disadvantages. She had no training in these tactics, she was young and vulnerable, she'd been protected most of her life, and she lived among college students who articulated anti-establishment values. There's no reason to doubt that she had been under duress sufficiently traumatic and manipulative to produce the shocking behavior for which she was on trial.

To buttress this argument, Flo Conway and Jim Seigelman coauthored a book called Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change in which they analyzed Patty Hearst as an exemplar of their thesis.

Mind-altering experiences may threaten the brain's ability to process information, they wrote, which leads to altered thinking and stress disorders. Patty's personality was methodically destroyed to the point where she underwent a dramatic and traumatic personality change. Then as she watched her captors die in the safe-house fire, surrounded by an army of police, she believed that what they had said about society was true. She thought that the police were now out to kill her. She had no idea why she failed to contact her parents, except that she did not trust them. Yet in retrospect, the way she was thinking at the time made no sense to her.

In an interview three years after her kidnapping, Conway and Seigelman believe that Patty showed all the signs of a cult victim. She laughed and cried in odd places, and offered little detail about her ordeal in the closet, claiming only a vague memory. She had mood swings and a great deal of anxiety. To their mind, her avoidance of the subject indicated extreme trauma, which meant that she could not freely form real criminal intent.

While their thesis may be true, all of the examples they use also support the possibility that Patty was protecting herself and her new friends by acting confused. In fact, friends who knew her before the kidnapping viewed her as a chameleon who could shift her personality at will to suit her purposes. Emily Harris claimed that Patty had worn a piece of jewelry that Wolfe had given to her right up until her arrest, indicating that her involvement was emotional and not the result of brainwashing. If she identified with Wolfe early into her captivity and accepted his ideas, as many women do when in love, then her decision to join the SLA makes as much sense as the brainwashing theory.
She might also be an adventurer judging by her choice to be a war reporter. It will be interesting to see how long she chooses to 'experience' this new lifestyle before she returns to normalcy in England and writes a best selling book.

Katazia said:
She might also be an adventurer judging by her choice to be a war reporter. It will be interesting to see how long she chooses to 'experience' this new lifestyle before she returns to normalcy in England and writes a best selling book.


Didn't you hear/read what she said; "I started reading the Koran and it was an absolutely breathtaking. It could have been written yesterday for today."
Maybe she understands something that you don't.
Normalcy in England?

Jan Ardena.
Katazia said:
She might also be an adventurer judging by her choice to be a war reporter. It will be interesting to see how long she chooses to 'experience' this new lifestyle before she returns to normalcy in England and writes a best selling book.


You can say whatever you want, the fact that this WESTERN women along with thousand western women convert to islam every year indicate that your misinformation about Islam is NOT working.

Proud Muslim,

thousand western women convert to islam every year
What is your source for this claim? I suspect some also convert away from Islam. Can you put your claim into perspective so we can see if it is true or not?

Jan Ardena,

Didn't you hear/read what she said; "I started reading the Koran and it was an absolutely breathtaking. It could have been written yesterday for today."
Maybe she understands something that you don't.
Or she is simply naive and has not yet discovered the many contradictions in the Koran. But I would agree that the best way to fully appreciate a new idea and culture is to directly experience it. These are also traits of a good journalist and author as well.

She appears to be on a crusade to learn and experience and when combined with her literary talents then the result is highly likely to be a book or books. Whether she has been brainwashed or not is another matter, but I suspect time will resolve that question.

Some people convert to Islam, some convert out of Islam, this kind of thing happens all the time.

She is lucky that she is British, where she is free to be muslim. If she was an Afghani muslim converting out of Islam, she would probably be buried up to her neck and stoned to death.
Proud Muslim,

In the USA – Number of people -


1990 = 13,116,000
2001 = 27,539,000

Percentage increase = 110% or about 1.3 million people a year are moving away from religion.


1990 = 527,000
2001 = 1,104,000

Percentage increase = 109% or about 52,000 people moving to Islam each year.


1990 = 151,225,000
2001 = 159,030,000

Percentage increase = 5% or about 71,000 people moving to Christianity each year.


People in the USA are moving away from religion 25 times faster than people are moving to Islam, and 18 times faster than people are moving to Christianity. And people are moving away from religion at a rate of 10 times faster than people are moving to Islam and Christianity combined.

If those rates are maintained then the USA will be effectively non-religious within the next 40 years and Islam and Christianity will become irrelevant cults.

How about that for a sense of perspective?


Raw data source -
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Katazia said:
Proud Muslim,

What is your source for this claim? I suspect some also convert away from Islam. Can you put your claim into perspective so we can see if it is true or not?

My pleasure !!

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world

-'' Indeed, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, London Sept 2003

-BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:

-Islam is spreading so fast in Mexico:


-In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:

-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:

- Hindus in india are converting to Islam:

- Islam is back to Spain after 500 years:

- More and more americans are converting to Islam specially after 9/11:


- The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:

Islam: The Next American Religion?

Catholic World News: Exhilarating Time To Be Christian," But Islam Grows Faster

U.S. Department of State for International Information programes: Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America:

Muslims outpace Anglicans in UK :

A Spanish bridge to Islam:

So My dear 'Educated' Katazia, are all the above converts confused like you ?

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Katazia said:
Jan Ardena,

Or she is simply naive and has not yet discovered the many contradictions in the Koran. But I would agree that the best way to fully appreciate a new idea and culture is to directly experience it. These are also traits of a good journalist and author as well.

And of course you by your ''great'' knowledge already discovered these ''contradictions'' right ?? :rolleyes:

Maybe Free Online translation of the Noble Quran will help you my dear:
Proud Muslim,

Have you ever heard of the Stockholm Snydrome? That could be an explanation of why a captive would convert. There is no validity to claiming a free-will conversion of a former captive.
Proud Muslim I grant you the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion. It has also the fastest growing terrorist organizations. The way I see it Islam has filled the void left by communism's demise. People don't have communist organizations anymore to fight their battles so here comes Islam promising a way out of one's misery.

Ofcourse United States is still the enemy just as it was for communism and the reasons why US is the enemy are still the same. Capitalism and and the liberty to build one life from scratch are still offered here to a degree found nowhwre else. We have our problems but we are proud of our liberty.

Is it New Hampshire that has the motto "Live free or die"?

Well that's my motto also.
Katazia said:
Proud Muslim,

In the USA – Number of people -


1990 = 13,116,000
2001 = 27,539,000

Percentage increase = 110% or about 1.3 million people a year are moving away from religion.


1990 = 527,000
2001 = 1,104,000

Percentage increase = 109% or about 52,000 people moving to Islam each year.


1990 = 151,225,000
2001 = 159,030,000

Percentage increase = 5% or about 71,000 people moving to Christianity each year.


People in the USA are moving away from religion 25 times faster than people are moving to Islam, and 18 times faster than people are moving to Christianity. And people are moving away from religion at a rate of 10 times faster than people are moving to Islam and Christianity combined.

If those rates are maintained then the USA will be effectively non-religious within the next 40 years and Islam and Christianity will become irrelevant cults.

How about that for a sense of perspective?


Raw data source -

Awesome stats Katazia! Glad to see that the U.S. population is getting
I can think of a few reasons why - perhaps she saw the many truly good aspects of Islam and decided to convert, perhaps she saw the negative aspects of Islam and decided to convert to release her subconscious anger, saw this as an opportunity to rebel, driven by fear she accepted Islam, a missionary convinced her, she had always liked the Islamic religion and saw this as an opportunity to convert. There's more, but those are the ones I can think of.
I agree with Lucretius; religion is a disease caused by fear. I suppose uncertain times can cause people to latch on to dogmatic nonsense more readily.

But the number of people who believe in something doesn't change whether or not it is nonsense.

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
-- Bertrand Russell, "Christian Ethics" from Marriage and Morals (1950