For the atheists


This is a very interesting comment. What is proof of God?


Well, you would probably have to define the attributes of God. One piece of supporting evidence would be the effectiveness of prayer. If you could show statistical evidence that being prayed for (without your knowledge) increases your chances of recovering from disease, that would be compelling.
And how does he know this?

He knows this (at least up to this point) because none of the claimants can do anything but quote the bible.

Is it possible that God is beyond the scope of scientifiic analysis, and can ony be percieved via developed human consciousness?
If it is possible, why demand ONLY scientific evidence as proof?

This is the most sci-fi, mystical, magical suggestion I've heard today.

1. Human 'consciousness' will always depend on empiricism. We analyse with our senses. Even if we add telepathy to our senses, we would have to telepathically communicate with such a being, and we would all have to have that sense in common.

2. Your opinion of "developed" is subjective and I dare say lacking.

3. As Arthur C. Clarke said..."Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". It seemed appropriate here, in that perhaps the magical god being is another life form with more advanced tech. Certainly if you're 'open minded' enough to believe in a god from one book, you can allow for this postulation.

So what? That is his opinion, for which he has nothing but the simple logic that if he cannot see God, then God does not exist. Do you think that is sufficient to stop all belief in God?

You did not read what I said. He isn't the only one that cannot "see" god. I'll bet good money you never have either.

set up a strawman God

Like Yahweh...

prove that he cannot exist because he cannot seen with the eyes

Incorrect. I always am careful to say perceive. "See" is so limiting. If for example we all heard a detached voice at precisely the same time (to be very simplistic) might be a fair indicator of the existance of a more powerful entity.

Worshipping it is entirely another matter.

then say lets sit and wait until we can see him

Um. See above.

Yeah if the questions are known in advance, but straight of the bat, with someone with an incling of intelligence, he's all over the place. The reason being, he doesn't know what he is
talking about, outside of i cannot see God with my own eyes therefore God doesn't exist.
He gets caned everytime. :D

Well, thus far, he hasn't been all over the place. He has been very consistent in his answers.

It has no power and awe anymore. Who controls, the banks, the media, education, food, medicines, these are the people who have power.
The day of religious institutional rule is over.

Oh give me a break. Gee Dubya (eg) is as theist as they come. There's no need to control the actual machines of power, when your organization controls the people who control those machines.

If you air them in public you must expect some sort of challenge from people of differing opinions. If I were to stand on your street and begin preaching "Jan Ardena wears a pink tutu and a viking helmet to the office", would you not challenge that belief? Even if you don't actually...I can almost guarantee you'll feel the need to.

On the contrary I understand why people don't laud and join me, its really quite simple. Is that the length and breadth of your reason? Its quite puny, really, isn't it?

Instead of saying my reason is puny, why not challenge it? I've aired an opinion in public as an open challenge to you...

Why do you think Dawkins uses the term "sky fairy" instead of the term "God".

Because it's demeaning. I thought it was funny and kind of cute.

The most insufficient what?

Justification for violence.

He believes that God doesn't exist because he cannot see him with his eyes, and if one is going to worship, then worship that which you can see with your own eyes. That can be his only premise.

Rubbish. You are applying your own opinion to what the man is saying. Read the book. Think of it as getting to know your enemy.

Matter of fact, why not talk to a "troubled youth" too? Maybe you'll find out why your neighbourhood kids are acting out, instead of assuming that the devil and the "Tele-Vision" have possessed them?

Since people start using its name to justify their fanatical ideas, namely telling people what they should and should not think.

Um, science as an organization does not ever deign to tell you what to think. As an organization, they put forth theories and findings with empirical evidence, proofs and steps, for peer review and acceptance. Get an education why don't you?

There's nothing wrong with science, it is a great tool to gain understanding of the material world.

And there's another world?

That doesn't mean "religion" is the reason.
The reason is obvious, there seems to be an attack of muslim countries and peoples, ie. iraq, palastine, afganistan, and people are cheesed of.
If it was as you say, then the muslims in my town would be murdering left right and center, but they're not.

Religion is the reason why they're reacting violently!

So there behaviour isn't acceptable because it is, as you put it, spured
on by religion?

The behaviour is made doubly unacceptable because the driving force is illogical in the extreme.

Why don't the muslims who live on the next street to me, murder the infidels in my area, God knows there are plenty of us.

I don't know, why don't you ask?

PS I do not appreciate you alluding that I lump all muslim people in the same crazy boat. Obviously, they aren't the same people as jihadists etc; however I agree with Sam Harris in that moderate theists give the avenue for (some) dangerous fundamentalists to progress unchecked.

I have never heard of one incident where a muslim has even had a mild argument with an infidel, based on religion. So what is the logical basis of your claim?

Really? Have you never listened to the reasoning that Osama gives on his videos?

Osama: "...everybody praises what you did, the great action you did, which was first and foremost by the grace of Allah. This is the guidance of Allah and the blessed fruit of jihad."

:eek: what's this? Evidence of religiously fuelled violence? But but...Jan...religion doesn't cause violence! How about another?:

Shaykh individual: "You are asking for martyrdom and wonder where you should go (for martyrdom)?" Allah was inciting them to go."

The Shaykh lieutenant was speaking, I gather from the transcript, of arrangements to attack the US...and the 72 virgins each attacker would get for running this particular gauntlet.

I would do, but as a result of idiotic youth behaviour, houses in neighbourhoods where people are civilised, have shot up in price, for that reason,
and houses in my neighbourhood, cannot be sold for love nor money.

I find it highly difficult to believe that your youth is the SOLE reason that your property value has declined. I find it difficult to believe that the adults in your area live in fear of teenagers.

This is a joke...isn't it.

No. Bear in mind we may have different opinions of what is youth. You sound like youth for you might be anyone under 30. To me, I'm thinking your neighbourhood sounds like it's infested with rabid 16 year olds with Uzi weapons and Collins blades.

What does religion currently enjoy?

Dominance over humanity.

Why are you accusing me of wanting people to join me?
Where have I stated this, or where has any theist in this thread stated this?

I'm glad you asked me for any theist, instead of only yourself. Photizo just asked us a few posts ago, to seek salvation. That counts right?

You cannot challenge me, as you don't care to understand what it is I believe, outside of what you think it is. If you care to understand then still, you do not need to challenge me as the basis of my belief can be found in any scripture.

AH! But this is exactly the point, my dear Jan. I can challenge you precisely because I don't have the same opinion, and YOU are putting your opinion on a public forum.

And this is exactly what Harris and Dawkins are saying...why do you expect to be unchallenged based on simply the fact that I don't wish to perceive your beliefs exactly as you do????????????????????????????????

Why pussyfoot, lets go the whole hop, and accept it for what it is, a belief that God does not exist.

Whatever rings your triangle...

This cannot be stopped, have you not read your scripture? :D
I merely enjoy debating and discussing these issues, in between recording and mastering my songs.;

I've been thru confirmation in the roman catholic church. That's about enough scripture for me.

I fear the war, regardless of religion, or not.

I fear violent youths who know they cannot be touched, inflicting their violence on innocent people, spiraling because the government doesn't do anything to curb it.

I wouldn't inflict that on my worst enemy, what to speak of you.

I'd be in England, with a degree and 10 years of experience. I'm pretty sure I'd get out of your neighbourhood quickly.

I fear that the organised religion will eventually be taken over by a regime which will openly discriminate against people who believe in the one God by
accusing them of murder, and being a party to murder because of what they
belief, by placing people in mental institutions, because they believe they are deluded based on nothing but a personal preference which would have, by now, become the norm.

Ah, but this is an exaggeration brought on by fear. Humanists subscribe to true methods of justice, and belief in a god would merely be a humorous curiosity to them, except that the subscription to the belief religion fuels much violence, discrimination and chaos.

Were religion 'confined' to more civilized communication, like no jihads and no Crusades (as the worst examples)...we'd not have a problem here Jan.
This is the most sci-fi, mystical, magical suggestion I've heard today.

1. Human 'consciousness' will always depend on empiricism. We analyse with our senses. Even if we add telepathy to our senses, we would have to telepathically communicate with such a being, and we would all have to have that sense in common.

Personally, it's in this area that I start to think religous claims start to sound reasonable. Sam Harris actually does a good job describing why in my opinion. Read this interview with Harris if you get the chance. It is a debate he has with sceptics (he is defending spritual experince):
Oh my mistake, I didn't know in addition to actually reading it you actually heard it too. That means it must be true...

...I doubt you see the irony in your comment.

No, it means if you do those things, then there is a chance you will believe. Barring that however, your chances are slim to none.

You've been personally told and appealed Esau, you count your birthright as a common thing, exchanging it for a mess of pottage. There's irony for you.
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This is classic... The problem here is that you blindly accept this as history rather than a story.

No, this is "classic" someone who prides themself on being rational, you haven't the slightest hesitation to post such irrational nonsense...amazing...yea, here in this "classic" example of irrational foolishness, we have a "classic" example of irony being lost on someone. Don't tell me, your motto is "to thine own self be true".
NDEs aren't just dreams. If they were people that had them would say "I just had a dream." Thats's not what people report including sceptics that have them.
every had a dream whereas you believed it was real. most people have.
it is still a subjective experiencem isn't it.
The actual proof and verification is from the nurses who confirmed that she correctly reported commetns they made evn though she had earplugs in her ears and no blood in her brain! And the doctor that said she correctly identified the tool even though she had tape over her eyes and no blood in her brain!
completely irrelevent, testimony is not evidence, without something solid to back it up, I've dreamed I was being operated on in the past, and because of the amount of hospital tv dramas I'd seen, had it decked out with the latest instruments. it all just subjective baseless ramblings.
Then I can only conclude that you're pretty dense.
better dense than gullible.
every had a dream whereas you believed it was real. most people have.
Yeah, then I woke up and said "wow, that was fucked up." You're actually arguing against yourself with this point in my opinion.

it is still a subjective experiencem isn't it.
The question is why people(including sceptics) who have it think it is real instead of just saying they had a very realistic dream.

testimony is not evidence
Yes, actually it is.
without something solid to back it up, I've dreamed I was being operated on in the past, and because of the amount of hospital tv dramas I'd seen, had it decked out with the latest instruments.
Really, what are these latest insruments that you saw in your dream that you know about from TV? I don't believe you.

it all just subjective baseless ramblings.
Stop being silly. It is a phenomenon distinct from dreams that is as deserving of objective scrutiny as any other phenomenon.
better dense than gullible.
Best to be sceptical.
The question is why people(including sceptics) who have it think it is real instead of just saying they had a very realistic dream.

A) Traumatic experience. I have seen even the most die hard sceptics shit themselves when in a haunted house - even though they have no belief in ghosts.

B) Lack of education. How many people would you say really know much about the brain?
A) Traumatic experience. I have seen even the most die hard sceptics shit themselves when in a haunted house - even though they have no belief in ghosts.
Are you saying these hard core sceptics become believers after these haunted house experiences?

B) Lack of education. How many people would you say really know much about the brain?

What we are talking about is conscious experience (the "hard problem"). I think jumping to conclusions about consciousness and brain at this point and time is a little intellectually dishonest.
1) Consciousness appears to be a non-material phenomenon (if it is simply just material then why does it have no physical qualities? Why can't it be measured? Why can't objective evidence be provided for it's existence?)
2) There is no actual scientific evidence that consciousness is just a result of the brain. There is no more evidence that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of purely physical processes than there is for intelligent design. Sure it might be true, but its not science.
3) Given this state of affairs I don't think it's unreasonable to think that consciousness may in fact be some type of immaterial phenomenon that is not affected by physical death. Thats just the state of philosophy and science on the subject in my opinion.
4) Given the fact that its at least philosophically possible that consciousness is an immaterial phenomenon, I think its very interesting that people report these strange expereinces (that aren't simply dreams) at the time of death.
If NDEs are simply a result of material biological processes then that means one of two things;
1) It is the result of a malfunctioning brain. (I don't find this explanation satisfactory becasue the experiences are so ordered. Are we really to believe these highly structured narratives about life and death are simply the result of disorganized brain function. That is a coincidence to much for me to accept).
Greyson writes in his discussion: “No one physiological or psychological model by itself explains all the common features of NDE. The paradoxical occurrence of heightened, lucid awareness and logical thought processes during a period of impaired cerebral perfusion raises particular perplexing questions for our current understanding of consciousness and its relation to brain function. A clear sensorium and complex perceptual processes during a period of apparent clinical death challenge the concept that consciousness is localized exclusively in the brain.” And Parnia and Fenwick3 write in their discussion: “The data suggest that the NDE arises during unconsciousness. This is a surprising conclusion, because when the brain is so dysfunctional that the patient is deeply comatose, the cerebral structures, which underpin subjective experience and memory, must be severely impaired. Complex experiences such as are reported in the NDE should not arise or be retained in memory. Such patients would be expected to have no subjective experience [as was the case in the vast majority of patients who survive cardiac arrest in the three published prospective studies1-3 or at best a confusional state if some brain function is retained. Even if the unconscious brain is flooded by neurotransmitters this should not produce clear, lucid remembered experiences, as those cerebral modules, which generate conscious experience, are impaired by cerebral anoxia. The fact that in a cardiac arrest loss of cortical function precedes the rapid loss of brainstem activity lends further support to this view. An alternative explanation would be that the observed experiences arise during the loss of, or on regaining consciousness. The transition from consciousness to unconsciousness is rapid, with the EEG showing changes within a few seconds, and appearing immediate to the subject. Experiences which occur during the recovery of consciousness are confusional, which these were not”.

2) The second possiblity is that evolution played a part. This would at least explain why the experiences are highly structured. But I don't see how this phenomenon can be explained purely in terms of evolution.
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No, this is "classic" someone who prides themself on being rational, you haven't the slightest hesitation to post such irrational nonsense...amazing...yea, here in this "classic" example of irrational foolishness, we have a "classic" example of irony being lost on someone. Don't tell me, your motto is "to thine own self be true".


Your point?
Are you saying these hard core sceptics become believers after these haunted house experiences?

It certainly does happen.

What we are talking about is conscious experience (the "hard problem"). I think jumping to conclusions about consciousness and brain at this point and time is a little intellectually dishonest.

This could and would end up a vast discussion and is now probably better placed in the Sarkus thread. What I was trying to point at is the inability of a patient in general to explain the 'symptoms' in rational or educated terms. Mrs Jones nearly dies and experiences some a white light. Would she ever conclude that it was oxygen depravation or would she, no matter how sceptical originally, explain events the only way she knew how?

1) It is the result of a malfunctioning brain. (I don't find this explanation satisfactory becasue the experiences are so ordered...

'Malfunctioning' is not really the appropriate word to use here, I feel that 'shutting down' would be better. That something is coming to an end does not indicate that the end would be chaotic.

We must still of course look at and solve the various problems: 1) NDE experiences can be recreated in the alive and healthy by scrambling certain senses. 2) NDE experiences have and do occur in those that are under no threat of death but have simply fainted. 3) If we are to assert that these events happen when a patient has actually 'died', how do we figure out that the events did indeed happen after death as opposed to just before it?

Jan said:
Is it possible that God is beyond the scope of scientifiic analysis, and can ony be percieved via developed human consciousness?
If it is possible, why demand ONLY scientific evidence as proof?

E said:
This is the most sci-fi, mystical, magical suggestion I've heard today.

Is it possible?

2. Your opinion of "developed" is subjective and I dare say lacking.


3. As Arthur C. Clarke said..."Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". It seemed appropriate here, in that perhaps the magical god being is another life form with more advanced tech. Certainly if you're 'open minded' enough to believe in a god from one book, you can allow for this postulation.

I can allow for that postulation anyway, but it has nothing to do with God, or belief in God.

You did not read what I said. He isn't the only one that cannot "see" god. I'll bet good money you never have either.

My point was that he is basing his belief that God does not exist on that premise, as there can be no other logical premise that God does not exist.

If for example we all heard a detached voice at precisely the same time (to be very simplistic) might be a fair indicator of the existance of a more powerful entity.

If God exists as stated in the scriptures, why would he need to prove his existence?

If you air them in public you must expect some sort of challenge from people of differing opinions.

Do you see anyone who airs their opinion in public, the way you say I do, that doesn’t expect challenge, and differing opinions?

Instead of saying my reason is puny, why not challenge it? I've aired an opinion in public as an open challenge to you...

Then you must give an example, otherwise your so-called challenge is nothing more than wild accusations.

Justification for violence.

I don’t agree that religion justifies violence, outside of defence, and even then there is not much justification. A violent person will justify their violence with anything.

Um, science as an organization does not ever deign to tell you what to think.

Never said it did.

And there's another world?

There may well be. Do you think it is possible?

Religion is the reason why they're reacting violently!

Under those circumstances, how would you act, as a person without religion?

I don't know, why don't you ask?

I’m not the one claiming that faith in God = violence for pleasure, and as such I see no need to ask such a question, not to mention that they are among the least violent.

PS I do not appreciate you alluding that I lump all muslim people in the same crazy boat.

And why should you, if it makes you look irrational. :)

Obviously, they aren't the same people as jihadists etc; however I agree with Sam Harris in that moderate theists give the avenue for (some) dangerous fundamentalists to progress unchecked.

How do they do that?

Really? Have you never listened to the reasoning that Osama gives on his videos?

Osama: "...everybody praises what you did, the great action you did, which was first and foremost by the grace of Allah. This is the guidance of Allah and the blessed fruit of jihad."

As a matter of fact I listened to one the other day, so I’ll quote.

“The events of September 11th are but a reaction to the continuous injustice and oppression being practised against our sons in Palestine and Iraq and in Somalia and Southern Sudan and in other places like Kashmere and Assam”

Dominance over humanity.

In what way?

AH! But this is exactly the point, my dear Jan. I can challenge you precisely because I don't have the same opinion, and YOU are putting your opinion on a public forum.

Then challenge, if you can, instead of throwing baseless accusations around.

And this is exactly what Harris and Dawkins are saying...why do you expect to be unchallenged based on simply the fact that I don't wish to perceive your beliefs exactly as you do????????????????????????????????

I wouldn't be here if I didn't expect to be challenged.
What gives you the idea that i expect not to be?

Well, you would probably have to define the attributes of God. One piece of supporting evidence would be the effectiveness of prayer. If you could show statistical evidence that being prayed for (without your knowledge) increases your chances of recovering from disease, that would be compelling.

You mean show you the statistical evidence so you can see it with your eyes?
But how would that be evidence of God' existence?

What other type of evidence would allow you to accept the existence of a Supreme Being?

Because it contains truth on all levels of understanding, even for the atheist.


So your answer to why scripture is believable is because it contains truth?

Yes Jan, I know you think its true, now answer the question. Why do you think it is true? On what are you basing your belief that it is true? Why do you believe a man lived in a whales stomach? Or that the Earth was created in six days?
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So your answer to why scripture is believable is because it contains truth?

Yes Jan, I know you think its true, now answer the question. Why do you think it is true? On what are you basing your belief that it is true? Why do you believe a man lived in a whales stomach? Or that the Earth was created in six days?

I don't think you understood my answer.
Scripture contains truth, not that scripture is truth.
That is why it is believable.
Stick to one point at a time.

I don't think you understood my answer.
Scripture contains truth, not that scripture is truth.
That is why it is believable.
Stick to one point at a time.


undoubtedly lots of things in the bible are true. But its the fantastic things, the things that really matter to the religion, that are unprovable.
In the end the theist is left with only the belief and with no evidence apart from his/her own religious experiences.
I don't think you understood my answer.
Scripture contains truth, not that scripture is truth.
That is why it is believable.
Stick to one point at a time.


Jan, it would be impossible for me to understand your answer because you actually haven't supplied one. You have just stated that you believe scripture is believable because you believe it contains truth. It's a circular non-answer. If you were a dog you'd be chasing your tail right now. If you catch it don't bite too hard.
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My point was that he is basing his belief that God does not exist on that premise, as there can be no other logical premise that God does not exist.

Jan, you said his belief is only based on his inability to see god. Dawkins' conclusion is based also on the fact that not a single person has been able to provide evidence, effects of, or methods to perceive god. Not one. Therefore...the logical position cannot be one of belief.

If God exists as stated in the scriptures, why would he need to prove his existence?

If Harry Potter exists as stated in the J.K. Rowling Tomes of Supreme Magics, why would he need to prove his existence? Your problem here is that you assume the bible to be an absolute truth, when it could have just been a collection of ancient urban legends.

I don’t agree that religion justifies violence, outside of defence, and even then there is not much justification. A violent person will justify their violence with anything.

Quite true.

Under those circumstances, how would you act, as a person without religion?

Political oppression? I thought that was what the UN was for...

I’m not the one claiming that faith in God = violence for pleasure, and as such I see no need to ask such a question, not to mention that they are among the least violent.

Where did I claim that? I said that religion is a motivating factor for violence. And I never said it was for pleasure.

How do they do that?

Simple. Moderates apply to their respective Governments for tax breaks, anti-discrimination laws etc. All well and good (well except for the tax breaks). Then they push into freedom of speech, where it becomes almost criminal to discuss religion unless it begins with the phrase "Our Father, who art in Heaven".

When fundies begin questionable actions, and witnesses point it out...the fundies get to go "how dare you question my religion!"...and said witnesses have little choice but to back off.

The blue quotes? That's what Harris and Dawkins are talking about...we should be able to dare question any religion with no fear of jihads.

As a matter of fact I listened to one the other day, so I’ll quote.

“The events of September 11th are but a reaction to the continuous injustice and oppression being practised against our sons in Palestine and Iraq and in Somalia and Southern Sudan and in other places like Kashmere and Assam”

Oppression begets violence Jan? Give me a break. Like you said, a violent person will justify his actions any way he can. Up to and including religious means.

In what way?

Sheer numbers...there are 5 billion odd theists in the world. With Christianity and Islam fighting for the number one spot.

Then challenge, if you can, instead of throwing baseless accusations around.

I wouldn't be here if I didn't expect to be challenged.
What gives you the idea that i expect not to be?

Jan. said

Jan Ardena said:
You cannot challenge me, as you don't care to understand what it is I believe, outside of what you think it is. If you care to understand then still, you do not need to challenge me as the basis of my belief can be found in any scripture.

That in bold gave me the idea that you don't expect to be challenged...

Jan Ardena said:
You cannot challenge me, as you don't care to understand what it is I believe, outside of what you think it is. If you care to understand then still, you do not need to challenge me as the basis of my belief can be found in any scripture.

...Why can't I? The only people that will challenge your beliefs are those who do not perceive it as you do. That's why LG and Sandy don't argue with you...