Actually they exist primarily to enable run-of-the-mill people to make such distinctions
Then why do they disqualify them in the same breath?
If that was true one wouldn't see the social body that is attached to religious institutions bearing any influence on redefining the structure of teh said institution
Yes, and officially, this is called "the degradation of religious society".
"You are jaundiced/have material attachments" certainly does not render the speaker spiritually superior.
The same person who tells us they know what is best for us also tells us that the reason we don't see them as superior is because we have jaundice.
All we know about spirituality, we know from the same people who tell us that the reason we don't see them as superior is because we have jaundice.
We don't know anything else, we don't have any other source. It's either this, or nothing.
Spiritual investigation is about finding the association that does, rather than impersonally and unrealistically assigning an impossible category of behavior to the first aspiring spiritualist one meets
Reality is not like that.
In reality, there is a number of people, spiritual/religious organizations who claim to be spiritually advanced, who claim to know what is best for us, and who in their public addresses criticize the run-of-the-mill people as rascals.
One is supposed to join a religious or spiritual organization without any prior investigation.
We are supposed to come there, and commit fully the first time. If we don't, we're rascals.
If we're not inspired by them, we're rascals.
Spiritual/religious organizations make no allowance for a search.
And it is either these spiritual/religious organizations, or nothing.
EDIT: Given that we are supposed to choose among several religions / spiritual paths/ organizations (they certainly all want us to choose), how are we supposed to choose, when they all appear so similar? The names may be different, but the teeth-gritting and the insanities are the same in them.
Why is spirituality a matter of "grit your teeth and bear it, indefinitely"?
Its always the case that advancement is slow and painstaking and falling down is incredibly easy and quick. Thats why it is often talked about as a razor's edge.
Why do they keep saying that "chanting the holy names is sweet" and things like that - when so many have just the opposite experiences, for long periods of time?
Years of practice, and not a single positive experience. But people should just continue anyway, banging their head up against a wall?
Why is the only way to see these spiritual authorities as advanced, by telling myself "I am too stupid to understand, surely they must be right"?
If that is the only thing you are calling upon to determine who is a spiritual authority I think you have to go back to the drawing board with your definitions
Like any of those spiritual authorities would forgive me for doing so.
Moreover, I would be reading about those definitions from them. And then to use those same definitions against them?? What kind of logic is that?