For everyone

Sorry my young jedi knight, I prefer a simple english/greek translation/quote to whatever the hell gobbly gook that was you quoted. Something was certainly lost in translation there.

Actually I just prefer to use my own mind, than Aristotle's....he just has a bit more credibility around here than me, and happened to have a quote of something I came up with myself, me and all MY own.
If the scribes comprise merely one of many less than credible groups that are/is the human race, why believe any of them...forsake them all, and simply put your trust in God and His Inspired Word.
M*W: I did put my trust in god and believed that Jesus was my redeemer. There was probably no one who loved god as I did. My whole life was embedded in a godly life. Been there, done that, trying to show the rest of you what is the truth.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

M*W: We've been told this, but have you ever thought that this could be a fallacious lie?

...and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...Thy Word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever...
M*W: Or we would like to believe. That's the game plan for eternity. We gotta watch out for that judgment day! So we believed in all that ....

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.
M*W: An astro-theological interpretation of this quote would be too deep for you to understand. It's kind of like a rhetorical question... "to whom shall we go?" There is only one god, the Morningstar, the Daystar, the Son and Sun. "To whom do we go?" There is no other sun in our solar system, so there is only one god, the Sun. There is nowhere else to go. To move away (lose the faith) would be to skip out of one's orbit (faith). That's not what we've been programmed to do.

For those that think this is some form of circular reasoning The Word of God Incarnate declares:

Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
M*W: Read it in this context:

"The sun answered and said to the sun worshippers, even if I could tell you about myself, that which I already tell you is true, for I know where I came from (the center of our solar system), and know where I am going (burning in the center of our solar system), but you will never know where I came from, and you will never know where I'm going.

The sun, or a metaphor thereof, remains in the same place, so we don't know (at least the ancients didn't know) where the sun would move. Now we know the sun doesn't move away from the center of our universe.

The sun created our universe, at least this solar system. There is nothing greater than our Sun.
M*W: Well, I've never given any thought to that. Actually, I don't read Nutter as a rule, because he's such a ...nutter.

Photizo preaches too much, so I don't read him too much.

I am suspicious, however, that some of the christians on the forum have duplicated their identities with sockpuppets. The can fool some of the people some of the time, but in reality, there's probably only three christians on board, and the rest are their sockpuppets. They want it to look like they are in the majority, but we all know that they are not!

You know, I should be more attentive to the idiots, but I value my time so much.

Weird, i have never felt like i was in a majority here. And whenever someone does a poll it is always indicative of the domination of athiests in this forum.

Very strange of you to claim that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: I did not assume that all scribes wrote the Torah. When you say, "His words," I'm assuming you are referring to Jesus. No? In all honesty, Adstar, there was not much time difference between when the O&N Testaments were written down. I just find the statement suspicious by using "scribes" and "Pharisees" in the same sentence which implied dishonesty. Can you tell me where else "scribes" and "Pharisees" were connected in some way?

A scribe merely means someone who records things, who writes things down usually for someone else. A scribe could be a Pharisee. A scribe could work in many different areas; they could be tax officials or a scribe working for the army recording salaries or a scribe writing down deeds for land and contracts. In a word where most people where illiterate scribes could spend their time writing letters for other people to send to their loved ones.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
After reading all 65 posts in this thread, I decided to just focus on the original and respond. As always I speak for myself and from my own personal perspective on the subject.

God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)

I agree but disagree...Bare with me... Absolutely GOD is the energy that binds all things. He is all powerful and all mighty. He is after all the Creator of all that is. However it is my belief that he does have corporeal form. It tells us in Genesis that GOD created man in his image. Therefore shouldn’t GOD be human. So why you may ask do we (having been created in his image) not have the same power and mightiness of GOD himself? Think of it in this way: when a child is born he/she has a resemblance to one or another or both of his parents. He was born in either or both parents images. GOD is our father (also making him a parent) created man in his own image. The difference is being created and being born. GOD created man and then man bore children thereafter. Perhaps the reason GOD created man rather than giving birth to man is because by birth comes all the power and energy that GOD does possess and such power and energy would be with out a doubt too much for mankind to handle. Remember that GOD created everything...the universe and all that is in it; however it is only man that he created in his own image. Man is the only creation of GOD which has the power and ability to reason, think freely, and make these posts and debate them here on SciForums. Now… Satan = the same energy only negative...No... I fear you are giving Satan more credit than he deserves. Although he does deserve credit because with out him we would not be here having this discussion today. There would not be a need to debate believers verses non-believers. We would all be living naked and happily ever after with grand dad and grandma (Adam and Eve) enjoying Sunday dinner in the Garden of Eden which would have by now extended over the whole earth, but NO...there was Satan to ruin the party for the everyone. The one bad apple (pardon the pun) in the bushel that had to spoil the whole damn bunch! Same energy? Nah, A lot of negativity? SURE YOU BET YA! But remember this... Man is created in GOD’s image....Satan was not. We inherited the free will, the ability to think, reason, and make decisions. Satan was originally one of GOD’s angels who let his own ego overcome himself. He also was created by GOD, but not in GOD’s image. His goal is to steal all that is GOD’s but what is his prize....POWER. Does Satan have the same energy? No, otherwise Satan wouldn’t have to work so hard to get that which GOD has and that being GOD’s children (mankind). So what is our protection against Satan? Here is the cool part...OURSELVES! Satan fears GOD and man is created in GOD’s image so shouldn’t Satan also fear mankind? If not he’d better because we could kick Satan’s ass if we put our heart and soul into it which is a good lead into the next part…

Now comes the part with hell and heaven, i believe in reincarnation to a certain point, i don't know how the reincarnation works with hinduism but i believe that we are all in hell already, we are mostly moved by our negative thoughts(satan) hence: war, religion, money, etc... and the only way to truly reach heaven is to be completely happy with your life. To die being able to say, i am happy with everything i have done in my life and have truly enjoyed it to the fullest. Not based on your actions instead your thoughts, true happiness.. nirvana... but until you reach that point.. you are stuck here.

While being created in his image he installed in us a soul. A means to feel humanity as he does and the ability to act on it in our own way as he does all with the freedom to make our own decisions. Since the soul is not of a physical nature it is most likely ours on time. How we use it is how we are judged. The soul is always the prize that is up for grabs. Satan fights to gain possession of it, GOD fights for us to keep possession of it, and we use it and abuse it bouncing it around throughout our lives thinking it is ours to do as we please. It was Elizabeth Barrett Browning who once said, “I should not dare to call my soul my own”. The key thing that GOD wants us to do with that soul is to keep it faithful. The rewards are beyond imagination if we keep the soul steadfast and faithful with GOD, but the sentence for the opposite is just that…the opposite…certain death. Satan does not promise everlasting life and joy…GOD does! No matter what the circumstance, GOD excepts us to keep the soul faithful and he doesn’t say that it is easy. It’s hard as hell because that is the thing that Satan is fighting so hard to get. We have to fight just as hard and even harder to keep it safe. Just keep our eyes on the prize. No matter what we suffer to keep it, the rewards will far out weigh the work and the fight we have to endure. Tom Petty sings, “You can stand me up at the gates of hell and I won’t back down”. Now that’s steadfast faithfulness. Rock on! What about reincarnation. I don’t believe in reincarnation unless it means that when the time comes and Jesus is here to judge the living and the dead and we have kept our hearts and souls steadfast and faithful we can gain everlasting life without ever knowing what sin is again (a rebirth to mankind) then okay I’ll buy reincarnation, but if it means that when we die we are reborn as something or someone else then no I don’t believe that at all. The only way to truly reach heaven (Heaven on Earth but that’s a whole other thread) is to not back down, keep your soul steadfast and faithful, and remember who your father is who’s image you were created in. As a former preacher of mine use to always say, “Remember who you are and who’s you are”. Amen.
Weird, i have never felt like i was in a majority here. And whenever someone does a poll it is always indicative of the domination of athiests in this forum.

Very strange of you to claim that.
M*W: I didn't say christians were in a 'majority,' I said you all wanted to 'look like you were in a majority' by replicating identities through sockpuppets. Just my opinion, and I didn't imply nor do I believe that you are a sockpuppet. I was referring to members/former members like Woody, Sandy, etc..
I want to hear what everyone truly believes about God and everything with it, including afterlife.

I am an Atheistic Eclectic Neopagan, as oxymoronic as that may sound. That is, I do not believe in any of the gods, or in any god, but I believe that the Norse and Celtic myths are a good guide to life and provide adequate morals and metaphors through which ethics can be derived.
As a result of my Paganism, my ethics are, generally, pragmatist and relativist. Utilitarian in some respects, but mainly they are relativistic. Morality is relative, and open to the interpretation of the individual mind.
I associate with Wicca, even though I do not consider myself a Wiccan. I find it to be a good religion, however, and probably the best one out there. Its good statement of ethics and wide plurality of theological views, including an atheistic perspective, lead me to associate with it.

Theologically speaking, I do not believe that any gods exist, and that there are significant and logically sound arguments which demonstrate the agnostic nature and nonexistent reality of any deities. In this respect, I am a moderate atheist and a secular humanist.
But, on the other hand, I celebrate Norse and Celtic pagan holidays and observe the feast days and festivals. And, as I said earlier, I believe that the Norse and Celtic myths and legends, when recognized as the figurative storytelling that they are, much like Aesop's fables and Grimm's fairytales, can be used as a good source of social mores and ethics, and a far better guide to good living than the bible.
The gods described in the Norse and Celtic pagan faiths are, in my opinion, probably just exaggerations of historical chieftains and kings, their stories and deeds re-told in a way that would be relevant to future generations.

However, I do believe that there is a universal energy force, and in this way, I am an animist. However, my naturalistic world-view leads me to think that this universal force is some kind of unified field, or some form of electromagnetic energy force that permeates reality and binds everything together.
M*W: I didn't say christians were in a 'majority,' I said you all wanted to 'look like you were in a majority' by replicating identities through sockpuppets. Just my opinion, and I didn't imply nor do I believe that you are a sockpuppet. I was referring to members/former members like Woody, Sandy, etc..

Well that is a false allegation. Because i have always been Adstar in this forum and i have never been anyone else.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I will make it plain and simple.

The universe is far too vast, and existence far too immovable to include humans as some grand entity of which the "creator" of this vastness would be reminiscent.

Man, as a whole, is petty and frivolous. Man does not wish to evolve and move forward. And to assume that 15 billion years of existence were created simply as a 'stage' on which the Aggrandized Man, this so-called God, can play with his barbie dolls and action figures is certainly the ne plus ultra of absurd concoctions within the human mind.

Under no circumstance will I revoke the significance of the universe by stating we inconsequential, putrid, selfish, mindless humans should ever maintain some significance when the duration of our existence marks not even a tick on the universal clock. And even in those nanoseconds, we have proven nothing but our indecency and our inability to harmonize and complete world-class achievements.

We fight each other on a both worldly and individual scale...and there is nothing to suggest that humankind can think as a single logical entity. The only kind of entity, in fact, that will ever transcend the confines of territorial and profligate aims.

I do not believe in "God" because God is a man...the idealistic man, one who can contain an infinity of valueless gains...acceptance, worship, "unconditional" love, devotion, freedom, unbridled name a few.

I do believe, however, that the Universe(or multiverse) represents all that is omniscient and omnipresent...the universe, in all of its greatness, surely can do without the piety of that self-destructive species known as Man....
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