For everyone

So you say energy = God. Ok, but why wouldn't you just call it energy ?

I do call God "energy": it is onmipotent, omnipresent, it is all there is, all there was and ever will be; it cannot be destroyed, it was never born, it takes infinite forms...There is no matter (illusion of our brains), only energy in motion. And we are only transformers of energy:we transform Oxygen into CO2 just by breathing, we can transform hate energy into love energy, or viceversa. We are just rays of fire, the transformer of energy by excellence.
But, people seem to have "energy" all figured out, with a concept and everything; but not God, you can never have God all figured out. It is the same concept perceived by different approaches.
I do call God "energy": it is onmipotent, omnipresent, it is all there is, all there was and ever will be; it cannot be destroyed, it was never born, it takes infinite forms...There is no matter (illusion of our brains), only energy in motion. And we are only transformers of energy:we transform Oxygen into CO2 just by breathing..
You are just describing energy.. :shrug:

..we can transform hate energy into love energy, or viceversa. We are just rays of fire, the transformer of energy by excellence.
I'm not sure about all that..

But, people seem to have "energy" all figured out, with a concept and everything; but not God, you can never have God all figured out. It is the same concept perceived by different approaches.
If people have energy all figured out and, as you say, energy = God. Then people have God all figured out. Right ?
You are just describing energy.. :shrug:
But that is what the Bible calls "God"; after all, most theists will define God just like I did in the previous post.

I'm not sure about all that..
What are you not sure about?

If people have energy all figured out and, as you say, energy = God. Then people have God all figured out. Right?

Well, scientists don´t have energy all figured out, that is quite impossible. What about the sub-atomic level? There are worlds within worlds in the sub-atomic level.
But, energy is the description of scientists for this, they will never say: "seek for the energy within", they are going to be more objective about it, and go on with their experiments.
On the other hand, God is exactly the same thing as energy, but with another implication; you can "get to know" this energy if you seek for it within yourself. That is God, religion, to seek the truth about this within you, not without you (what scientists are doing with energy).
But yes, God = energy, only we use "God" for inner knowledge implications; not external, scientific discoveries. No machine will ever come close to assimilate the human mind, the "energy" within ourselves.
But that is what the Bible calls "God"; after all, most theists will define God just like I did in the previous post.
I have never seen it written in the bible that God is energy. Will you kindly point out where ?

What are you not sure about?
About love and hate energies.. thats well.. lets not go there. You are just making up names again.

Well, scientists don´t have energy all figured out, that is quite impossible. What about the sub-atomic level? There are worlds within worlds in the sub-atomic level.
But, energy is the description of scientists for this, they will never say: "seek for the energy within", they are going to be more objective about it, and go on with their experiments.
On the other hand, God is exactly the same thing as energy, but with another implication; you can "get to know" this energy if you seek for it within yourself. That is God, religion, to seek the truth about this within you, not without you (what scientists are doing with energy).
But yes, God = energy, only we use "God" for inner knowledge implications; not external, scientific discoveries. No machine will ever come close to assimilate the human mind, the "energy" within ourselves.
You said it, not me..
Atheist, say what you believe as well because I too was an atheist a while back
it make’s me laugh when a theist says that, but technically we are all are born atheists so your right.
however what I believe your trying to say is you were a true atheist, the one that deprograms themself and reverted back to the norm, after a long time studying the the irrationality and errancy of religion and thus coming too a rational conclusion. Or it could be the atheist that’s never been indoctrinated with religion, never had to deprogram themself, but still studied and came to the rational conclusion.

but what I really thing you mean is the unbeliever, the one who's never been indoctrinated but has a belief in the supernatural/spirituality, because this is the only one who would become a theist, for the others above it is a total impossibility to become a thiest, nobody goes from rational to irrational without having a major trauma, like a blow to the head. So you may have been an unbeliever but not an atheist.
I have never seen it written in the bible that God is energy. Will you kindly point out where?

Just replace "God" with "energy"...

"Judaism, Christianity and Islam... God is usually held to have the following properties: holiness, justice, sovereignty, omnipotence, omniscience, benevolence, omnipresence, and immortality. It is also believed to be transcendent, meaning that God is outside space and time. Therefore, God is eternal and unable to be changed by earthly forces or anything else within its creation."

"Mainstream Orthodox Judaism teaches that God is neither matter nor spirit. They teach that God is the creator of both, but is himself neither. But if God is so different from his creation, how can there be any interaction between the Creator and the created? This question prompted early Kabbalists (Jewish mystics) to envision two aspects of God, (a) God himself, who in the end is unknowable, and (b) the revealed aspect of God, His "light," which created the universe, preserves the universe, and interacts with mankind in a personal way. Kabbalists believe that these two aspects are not contradictory but complement one another, similar to a creation inside a person's mind."

I can keep going and going, it is all about energy.

God is just the english word we use for creator of all things. I don't know what other use to use with energy but that is just the word we use for that energy is(sorry i can't break it down but you get me)

i want you to explain to me how there is no creator of the universe.
God is just the english word we use for creator of all things. I don't know what other use to use with energy but that is just the word we use for that energy is(sorry i can't break it down but you get me)

i want you to explain to me how there is no creator of the universe.

Who said there is no creator of the universe? A Universal law is that everything has a ´cause, including the universe, and beyond that.
The original creator is what we call God, it is also energy, Tao; but it wasn´t created much as it has always existed and always will. It was transformed.
For me, the difference between the words "God" and "Energy", is that "God" is used to speak about trascendence of our current illusionary reality (true religion). And energy is just the scientific word for it, an objective perspective of God is called "energy". A subjective perspective of energy is called God.
good enough for me....

the reason i asked is for study i guess, i still would like to know how everyone else feels about it, what they consider as answers to my questions... if you atheist don't believe in anything.. then understood... i just want to hear what is believed and all different versions of it..


and if what i described contradicts itself in anyway.....
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I want to hear what everyone truly believes about God and everything with it, including afterlife. Atheist, say what you believe as well because I too was an atheist a while back, and I find that atheist just don't know what to believe so they'd rather not...

I have something I want to say but I want to see if anyone else believes the same way I do, plus i don't really know how to word it.. (believe me i tried).

Don't be shy, and i wasn't bashing atheist so don't think it... just say what you feel.

<H1>This is a new way of asking my question</h1>

Let's say every aspect of the bibles are true, there is a heaven, there is a hell, a god, a satan.

In our world and how do you see these things? I'll answer what i believe to put and example.

God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)

Now comes the part with hell and heaven, i believe in reincarnation to a certain point, i don't know how the reincarnation works with hinduism but i believe that we are all in hell already, we are mostly moved by our negative thoughts(satan) hence: war, religion, money, etc... and the only way to truly reach heaven is to be completely happy with your life. To die being able to say, i am happy with everything i have done in my life and have truly enjoyed it to the fullest. Not based on your actions instead your thoughts, true happiness.. nirvana... but until you reach that point.. you are stuck here.

i don't know how it sounds to everyone, i'm not sure if theres a name for it, its just what i have found to be the truth. Please tell me how you feel.

I believe God is not corporeal, so our closest term to describe God would be the "positive energy" that calls us to be greater than we are, do kind things we would not do otherwise, love our enemies, etc. I don't beleive in a personified Satan, either. I believe that is a term that people use to mean temptation, and your "Negative energy" is not bad. If there is an afterlife, I believe our souls can leave a legacy on earth, but also that our souls can spend an eternity with God. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the afterlife, though, since I think belief in God has a lot more to do with prioritizing how to spend your time on earth so you can "live life abundantly" and leave a loving legacy. Maybe God can help people from feeling like they are primarily motivated by "hell" on earth.

Just my two cents. As for my background, I am not a traditional Christian. I do attend the Methodist church for the purposes of mutual support, outreach, and instruction.
So you say energy = God. Ok, but why wouldn't you just call it energy ?
M*W: I've said this myself when I believed in a god. That god can be broken down to nothing but energy, so why not call it energy? Makes sense to me. I do believe in energy, but it's name isn't god. Energy has always been there and will always be there--the "alpha-omega," you know. Energy lives through all living things, and energy is all one. Energy doesn't need a name or to be anthropomorphized.
my beliefs, i used my own as an example of the answer im looking for

Well than your beliefs fall into the broad category of New Age belief system. you believe God is a kind of force or some kind of cosmic shared conscience.

I believe God is a distinct and separate personality that has close ties with His creation but is not a part of his won creation. God interacts with the universe but God is not of the universe.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I want to hear what everyone truly believes about God and everything with it, including afterlife. Atheist, say what you believe as well because I too was an atheist a while back, and I find that atheist just don't know what to believe so they'd rather not...

I have something I want to say but I want to see if anyone else believes the same way I do, plus i don't really know how to word it.. (believe me i tried).

Don't be shy, and i wasn't bashing atheist so don't think it... just say what you feel.

<H1>This is a new way of asking my question</h1>

Let's say every aspect of the bibles are true, there is a heaven, there is a hell, a god, a satan.

In our world and how do you see these things? I'll answer what i believe to put and example.

God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)

Now comes the part with hell and heaven, i believe in reincarnation to a certain point, i don't know how the reincarnation works with hinduism but i believe that we are all in hell already, we are mostly moved by our negative thoughts(satan) hence: war, religion, money, etc... and the only way to truly reach heaven is to be completely happy with your life. To die being able to say, i am happy with everything i have done in my life and have truly enjoyed it to the fullest. Not based on your actions instead your thoughts, true happiness.. nirvana... but until you reach that point.. you are stuck here.

i don't know how it sounds to everyone, i'm not sure if theres a name for it, its just what i have found to be the truth. Please tell me how you feel.
could you explain why your buybull is such a load of contradictions,inconsistencies and outright lies ?
and why would god need to sacrifice himself to himself to correct the rule he made himself in the first place? :rolleyes:
This is a new way of asking my question

Let's say every aspect of the bibles are true, there is a heaven, there is a hell, a god, a satan.
ok, I'm open to making that assumption, if it helps.
In our world and how do you see these things? I'll answer what i believe to put and example.
slightly confused here, are we in an assumed world, or are you talking about the real world.
God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)
oh we are still assuming ok, so god and the devil are energies, can we see these energies, are they different colours, like red bad, blue good.
Now comes the part with hell and heaven, i believe in reincarnation to a certain point, i don't know how the reincarnation works with hinduism but i believe that we are all in hell already, we are mostly moved by our negative thoughts(satan) hence: war, religion, money, etc...
so in this assumed world we are all controlled by these energies, and as it sounds mostly the red one.
and the only way to truly reach heaven is to be completely happy with your life. To die being able to say, i am happy with everything i have done in my life and have truly enjoyed it to the fullest. Not based on your actions instead your thoughts, true happiness.. nirvana...
so what your saying is dispite being controlled by this red energy, which is causing you to war and hate and kill, as long as you thoughts are pure/good you will get to heaven/nivana, bit of a tall order for your assumed world, especially when your killing your neighbour, pretty hard to think nice thoughts whilst plunging a knife into someone, dont you think.
but until you reach that point.. you are stuck here.
well given the scenerio you've conjoured up, it looks like no person could have or will ever see heaven/nivana.
i don't know how it sounds to everyone, i'm not sure if theres a name for it, its just what i have found to be the truth. Please tell me how you feel.
it sound pretty shitty.
I however have no such assumptions, if you believe all this stuff, I feel sorry for you.
reality is far easy to live in than you may think you might wish to try it sometime.
Just replace "God" with "energy"...

"Judaism, Christianity and Islam... God is usually held to have the following properties: holiness, justice, sovereignty, omnipotence, omniscience, benevolence, omnipresence, and immortality. It is also believed to be transcendent, meaning that God is outside space and time. Therefore, God is eternal and unable to be changed by earthly forces or anything else within its creation."

"Mainstream Orthodox Judaism teaches that God is neither matter nor spirit. They teach that God is the creator of both, but is himself neither. But if God is so different from his creation, how can there be any interaction between the Creator and the created? This question prompted early Kabbalists (Jewish mystics) to envision two aspects of God, (a) God himself, who in the end is unknowable, and (b) the revealed aspect of God, His "light," which created the universe, preserves the universe, and interacts with mankind in a personal way. Kabbalists believe that these two aspects are not contradictory but complement one another, similar to a creation inside a person's mind."

I can keep going and going, it is all about energy.


Hmm thats kind of trivial isn't it ?
M*W: I've said this myself when I believed in a god. That god can be broken down to nothing but energy, so why not call it energy? Makes sense to me. I do believe in energy, but it's name isn't god. Energy has always been there and will always be there--the "alpha-omega," you know. Energy lives through all living things, and energy is all one. Energy doesn't need a name or to be anthropomorphized.

Yes, I really don't get why people need to call it God.. :shrug:
Yes, I really don't get why people need to call it God.. :shrug:

There is no need, scientists "discovered energy" way after the word "God" was being used, in fact, the word "God" existed before the concept of a scientist. "God" is an old word for "energy", but scientists are not going to let it be, and try to know the truth about it all from within themselves, that is too subjective for a scientist; it cannot be proved or explained after you found it. That is were true religion comes in, when you can get to know the truth about it from within, not from external knowledge or experiments; this is were the word "God" becomes usefull.
But, if you rather, you can call it "energy", we really are talking about the same thing; do you seriously think that by common logic you can discredit the word "God" from language?
We use the word "God" to describe the undescribable in words about "energy".
Thank you to the forum for allowing me to think and try to put into words why God does not simply equal energy. There are many kinds of energy out there, but most of them do not call us to love others (even people who we think are unlovable). Most types of energy are not a source of strength when horrible events seem too difficult to bear. Most of them are not responsible for the creation of the universe and adaptability of life. I know in my earlier post I said that God is an energy, but I think that's putting God in a small box, and it's helpful to see that is equivalent to saying God is colored light. We need to figure out, in modern English, how to communicate the reality of God if we have given up the idea of the bearded old man in the sky. I think it is easiest for me to talk about the effects of God, rather than try to describe the substance of God.