For everyone

So what motivates you to help others who are not in your pack (family, friends, business associates, etc)? What motivates you to try to make the world a better place? What motivates you to forgive people instead of writing them off?
Thank you to the forum for allowing me to think and try to put into words why God does not simply equal energy. There are many kinds of energy out there, but most of them do not call us to love others (even people who we think are unlovable). Most types of energy are not a source of strength when horrible events seem too difficult to bear. Most of them are not responsible for the creation of the universe and adaptability of life. I know in my earlier post I said that God is an energy, but I think that's putting God in a small box, and it's helpful to see that is equivalent to saying God is colored light. We need to figure out, in modern English, how to communicate the reality of God if we have given up the idea of the bearded old man in the sky. I think it is easiest for me to talk about the effects of God, rather than try to describe the substance of God.

God is energy, BUT our minds are limited, and God is unlimited, meaning we cannot possibly grasp the concept of God with normal language; that is the reason I say "God is energy", because it is!! At the same time, something that is eternal cannot be named; we cannot understand God, we can just experience God. That is the difference, you can experience energy, but you are not experiencing "the ultimate truth about energy", the truth that we cannot understand, only experienced.
So what motivates you to help others who are not in your pack (family, friends, business associates, etc)? What motivates you to try to make the world a better place? What motivates you to forgive people instead of writing them off?

My own philosophy of the self+1 - the selfish philosophy. I do not feel like going into the details, however suffice it to say a better man summed it up better than I probably can:

"I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law(or god-N)."
- Aristotle
So what motivates you to help others who are not in your pack (family, friends, business associates, etc)? What motivates you to try to make the world a better place? What motivates you to forgive people instead of writing them off?

nietzschefan is right you know, all those things mean nothing if you are doing it for the fear of punishment from "God", that "God" of punishment is dead (never existed in the first place).

What really should motivate you to do those things is your own satisfaction of helping people, as well as you would like to be helped in the same situation; not expecting some sort of reward for it. Compassion itself is a real prayer to God.
nietzschefan is right you know, all those things mean nothing if you are doing it for the fear of punishment from "God", that "God" of punishment is dead (never existed in the first place).

What really should motivate you to do those things is your own satisfaction of helping people, as well as you would like to be helped in the same situation; not expecting some sort of reward for it. Compassion itself is a real prayer to God.

I certainly did not mean to indicate that my motivation to love is fear, but rather that it is my response to the experience of God in my life. Sometimes it is frustrating, and NOT satisfying to help people, and it's no guarantee that just because you have helped others in the past you will get the same help when your time comes. So, if it was just for my own enjoyment or because I was expecting payback I would not do it as much as I do now, because it would be easier just to take time for my family, friends, and people in my neighborhood. God calls me to greater things, and so I was wondering how that is similar in someone who does not believe.
My own philosophy of the self+1 - the selfish philosophy. I do not feel like going into the details, however suffice it to say a better man summed it up better than I probably can:

"I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law(or god-N)."

Responding like an automatonic Pavlov's dog isn't quite enough. While philosophy might help him do, it can never make him BE--on the 'inside'--who he is supposed to BE as the Image of God. Only God can accomplish that through the indwelling Holy Spirit. As Aristotle describes himself there, he merely resembles what Jesus says here:

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
sort of, i kind of came to this point:

everything we believe is crap, god is not energy, it is not a being, its not biblegod, the creator of the universe is something we cannot possibly comprehend, something far beyond the last thing in our imagination. The afterlife is also something we cannot comprehend.

is that what everyone agrees on?
sort of, i kind of came to this point:

everything we believe is crap, god is not energy, it is not a being, its not biblegod, the creator of the universe is something we cannot possibly comprehend, something far beyond the last thing in our imagination. The afterlife is also something we cannot comprehend.

is that what everyone agrees on?

sort of, i kind of came to this point:

everything we believe is crap, god is not energy, it is not a being, its not biblegod, the creator of the universe is something we cannot possibly comprehend, something far beyond the last thing in our imagination. The afterlife is also something we cannot comprehend.

is that what everyone agrees on?
nearly, just change a few things and your there.

"god is non existent, it is not a being, its not biblegod, it's just an imagined concept, the creation of the universe is something we cannot properly comprehend at the moment, The afterlife is also something that does not exist."
nearly, just change a few things and your there.

"god is non existent, it is not a being, its not biblegod, it's just an imagined concept, the creation of the universe is something we cannot properly comprehend at the moment, The afterlife is also something that does not exist."

That is your assumption, not the fact, the fact is that we don´t know.
I find a little difference between a person that says "I´m a Christian and the Bible is 100% true", and someone that says "I know that God doesn´t exist". Those 2 kinds of people are both in denial of real possiblities.
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yea im not down for that changeup either, no matter what anyone says, there is SOMETHING that created us... it could be something we will never understand, or it could be the simplest answer (energy :) im sticking to that), but its there.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
M*W: I never understood this quote. It seems ironic that it was the scribes who wrote down the very bible themselves but were associated in a negative way with the Pharisees.

If the scribes are less than credible, how can the bible be inerrant?
M*W: I never understood this quote. It seems ironic that it was the scribes who wrote down the very bible themselves but were associated in a negative way with the Pharisees.

If the scribes are less than credible, how can the bible be inerrant?

Hi Medicine,
pardon for asking but do you think Photizo is a sockpuppet of Nutter ?
M*W: I never understood this quote. It seems ironic that it was the scribes who wrote down the very bible themselves but were associated in a negative way with the Pharisees.

If the scribes are less than credible, how can the bible be inerrant?

He was talking to a group of people when He said that And not all scribes dealt with the Torah. You really are stretching it to use His words to say that He was talking about all scribes and Pharisees down through out the ages.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: I never understood this quote. It seems ironic that it was the scribes who wrote down the very bible themselves but were associated in a negative way with the Pharisees.

If the scribes are less than credible, how can the bible be inerrant?

If the scribes comprise merely one of many less than credible groups that are/is the human race, why believe any of them...forsake them all, and simply put your trust in God and His Inspired Word.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...Thy Word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever...

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

For those that think this is some form of circular reasoning The Word of God Incarnate declares:

Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
Hi Medicine, pardon for asking but do you think Photizo is a sockpuppet of Nutter ?
M*W: Well, I've never given any thought to that. Actually, I don't read Nutter as a rule, because he's such a ...nutter.

Photizo preaches too much, so I don't read him too much.

I am suspicious, however, that some of the christians on the forum have duplicated their identities with sockpuppets. The can fool some of the people some of the time, but in reality, there's probably only three christians on board, and the rest are their sockpuppets. They want it to look like they are in the majority, but we all know that they are not!

You know, I should be more attentive to the idiots, but I value my time so much.
He was talking to a group of people when He said that And not all scribes dealt with the Torah. You really are stretching it to use His words to say that He was talking about all scribes and Pharisees down through out the ages.
M*W: I did not assume that all scribes wrote the Torah. When you say, "His words," I'm assuming you are referring to Jesus. No? In all honesty, Adstar, there was not much time difference between when the O&N Testaments were written down. I just find the statement suspicious by using "scribes" and "Pharisees" in the same sentence which implied dishonesty. Can you tell me where else "scribes" and "Pharisees" were connected in some way?
Responding like an automatonic Pavlov's dog isn't quite enough. While philosophy might help him do, it can never make him BE--on the 'inside'--who he is supposed to BE as the Image of God. Only God can accomplish that through the indwelling Holy Spirit. As Aristotle describes himself there, he merely resembles what Jesus says here:

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
