For everyone


The JuRtLy
Registered Senior Member
I want to hear what everyone truly believes about God and everything with it, including afterlife. Atheist, say what you believe as well because I too was an atheist a while back, and I find that atheist just don't know what to believe so they'd rather not...

I have something I want to say but I want to see if anyone else believes the same way I do, plus i don't really know how to word it.. (believe me i tried).

Don't be shy, and i wasn't bashing atheist so don't think it... just say what you feel.

<H1>This is a new way of asking my question</h1>

Let's say every aspect of the bibles are true, there is a heaven, there is a hell, a god, a satan.

In our world and how do you see these things? I'll answer what i believe to put and example.

God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)

Now comes the part with hell and heaven, i believe in reincarnation to a certain point, i don't know how the reincarnation works with hinduism but i believe that we are all in hell already, we are mostly moved by our negative thoughts(satan) hence: war, religion, money, etc... and the only way to truly reach heaven is to be completely happy with your life. To die being able to say, i am happy with everything i have done in my life and have truly enjoyed it to the fullest. Not based on your actions instead your thoughts, true happiness.. nirvana... but until you reach that point.. you are stuck here.

i don't know how it sounds to everyone, i'm not sure if theres a name for it, its just what i have found to be the truth. Please tell me how you feel.
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I want to hear what everyone truly believes about God and everything with it, including afterlife. Atheist, say what you believe as well because I too was an atheist a while back, and I find that atheist just don't know what to believe so they'd rather not...
That's not so much atheism as it is agnosticism. Athiests do not believe we were created by a supernatural force, period.

I have something I want to say but I want to see if anyone else believes the same way I do, plus i don't really know how to word it.. (believe me i tried).
Well, considering your post is a bit (well a lot) vague about what you DO believe, I think you might want to elaborate on your beliefs so people can make better assessments as to whether or not they believe what you do.

Don't be shy, and i wasn't bashing atheist so don't think it... just say what you feel.
I'm agnostic. And although I don't think there are supernatural forces (at least how we currently percieve them), I won't rule it out.
The name that can be said, is not the eternal name; that much I can say, there is really nothing else to say about God after that.
Wherever Gautam Buddha would go, he would first warn the people: "You can ask me about anything, but do not ask me about God". It is not that Buddha didn´t know God, he was Godly, he reached Godliness; but not even a Godly person can describe God; it is quite simply beyond ordinary language.

For me, God is truth, God is beyond time and eternity. God trascends duality, therefore, you can say the exact opposite of what I just said, and still be right.
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I personally believe that someone or thing created this world and existence. But I don't believe in any of the gods in any of holy books e.g. Torrah, Bible, Koran. I don't think we will ever know the real truth regarding our creator or the purpose of our existence.
yes you are

and i'm sorry for not really specifying its just i guess i need to find the right question to get the right answer....

once i find it, i'll ask and hope that everyone can share what they believe
God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)

Are these your beliefs? Or are they examples of beliefs you just chose to use as an example?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I believe that if there is a god (and I'm willing to consider that there is) then he/she/it is essentially unkowable to me unless he/she/it reveals him/her/itself to me.

As for any afterlife, I think it's not my concern. My life in the here and now is what I should be focused on and when I'm dead I'll find out what (if anything) happens.
I want to hear what everyone truly believes about God and everything with it, including afterlife.
I don't believe in any God and 'everything with it' falls with that.

Atheist, say what you believe as well because I too was an atheist a while back, and I find that atheist just don't know what to believe so they'd rather not...
I do not believe, speak for yourself.

I have something I want to say but I want to see if anyone else believes the same way I do, plus i don't really know how to word it.. (believe me i tried).

Don't be shy, and i wasn't bashing atheist so don't think it... just say what you feel.
I think the possibility of a God existing is extremely improbable, therefore I don't believe in any.

<H1>This is a new way of asking my question</h1>

Let's say every aspect of the bibles are true, there is a heaven, there is a hell, a god, a satan.

In our world and how do you see these things? I'll answer what i believe to put and example.

God = an energy that binds all things in the universe together, it has no corporeal form. But it does have thought.
Satan = the same energy only with negative thoughts instead. (Negative or bad is whatever hurts another lifeform)

Now comes the part with hell and heaven, i believe in reincarnation to a certain point, i don't know how the reincarnation works with hinduism but i believe that we are all in hell already, we are mostly moved by our negative thoughts(satan) hence: war, religion, money, etc... and the only way to truly reach heaven is to be completely happy with your life. To die being able to say, i am happy with everything i have done in my life and have truly enjoyed it to the fullest. Not based on your actions instead your thoughts, true happiness.. nirvana... but until you reach that point.. you are stuck here.

i don't know how it sounds to everyone, i'm not sure if theres a name for it, its just what i have found to be the truth. Please tell me how you feel.
I think you have taken a step backwards. You now "just don't know what to believe".
enmos tell me why there can absolutely be no god...

i want to hear what you have figured as the secret to life..
enmos tell me why there can absolutely be no god...

i want to hear what you have figured as the secret to life..

I did not say such a thing. I said God is extremely improbable, therefore I don't believe there is a God.
Emmos is right, God is as improbable as life itself. I mean, if you would have never seen life, who would believe in it? It is so unlikely is scary.
Emmos is right, God is as improbable as life itself. I mean, if you would have never seen life, who would believe in it? It is so unlikely is scary.

No need for sarcasm Wisdom. I don't see any reason to believe in any God, so why should I ?
I lack a belief in gods, heavens, mermaids, invisible floaty bananas and anything else you might deem 'supernatural'.

Except for Lenny, he's real.

Based upon certain issues, I feel certain gods, (thor, jesus etc), can be completely ruled out.
No need for sarcasm Wisdom. I don't see any reason to believe in any God, so why should I ?

But it is truth, life is very unlikely in this Universe, I mean, what are the probabilities? maybe close to zero. Life itself is a miracle, but what is the force behind life? Nobody can say that with an honest answer; lets call it "God".
But it is truth, life is very unlikely in this Universe, I mean, what are the probabilities? maybe close to zero. Life itself is a miracle, but what is the force behind life? Nobody can say that with an honest answer; lets call it "God".

So you call probability God ? Hmm ok..