for atheists

Originally posted by Taken

Ok guys, he isn't personally bashing anyone or degrading anyone. He has his beliefs and stands by the Bible.

That's all fine, but he's also extremely obnoxious.

Difference is what makes us all beautifull and unique.

Well, I'd argue that being obnoxious doesn't contribute to either beauty or uniqueness. But hey, if you personally find his style tolerable then nobody's forcing your hand...

Will you systematically add all Christians to the ignore list?

Only the ones who aren't here to discuss anything. For example, so far you've given me no reason whatsoever to add you to my ignore list.

We have opposeing beliefs...thats what makes the forum full of opportunity in learning and exploring and understanding...On BOTH sides.

Yeah, except some of us prefer to learn in an environment where the source of the knowledge is not a screaming zealot. But anyway, the personal standards are all up to each participant. In my case, he was added to the list after a few straight weeks of his outporings showed no sign of ever contributing a single thought.
I find a lot of times you can learn as much about a person by what they don't say as you can by what they do. I find him to be a very colorfull, almost refreshing occasional intermission in the long drawn-out posts full of phylisophical ramblings, theological seminars, and scientific thesis'.

Kinda like a brief pause for a word from the sponsors.:D

I think then you may well be unique in that view.

But please please don't encourage him.

I'm not sure if he is simply very young or clinically simple-minded, but I recognize your compassion and that can't be bad. In return I'll try not to target him anymore since he does no real harm and I cannot conceive of anyone taking him seriously.


How can you support that creature? What if I were to do the same only with a different message:

There is no God.:eek: All Christians are in need of education! Your book is full of lies! There is no heaven! You claim to know the truth, but you don't even know the meaning of the word! Be honest to yourself and to the world; know the truth that religion is just another force of hate!

Take that and replace the arguments with their opposition, magnify the level of crap, and add bible quotes. That is Loone.
Re: Taken


Because –

You should be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.
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Stooooooooooooop! I think tht everyone got the idea. My eyes go round and I may start suffer from epilepsy:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D:D
Atheits, has meaning and purpose in life, but an identity crisis!

Originally posted by Cris

Ok so what's your point?

It only matters if you are concerned about meaning. You infer that meaning has some special type of importance. It doesn't.

Why not simply enjoy the life you have?
Because the life you have is only temperal, and you do get sick and heart-akes and really bad days ocationally! You are by the Word of GOD an immortal soul and spirit that will spend eternity somewheres, and you would have to answer for the life you people had lead, and that, before GOD Himself, including me!:bugeye:

Some more thoughts on that – look at the transtopian principles –

General goal: infinite existence under the best possible conditions.
Primary means to achieve this: reason, science and technology.
Motivation: enlightened self-interest.

Those alone will not satisfiy the heart of a man! No! We need JESUS and His Holy Word the Bible, and a personal relationship with Him that gave Himself the Supreme sacrifice for your sins! There is far more to you then human philosophy can achieve! You are created in the image of GOD! Although fallen.

Web link to full description -

Have fun ! And think! God has a better way, then that of men!:eek:
Re: Taken

Originally posted by Teg
How can you support that creature? What if I were to do the same only with a different message:

There is no God.:eek: All Christians are in need of education! Your book is full of lies! There is no heaven! You claim to know the truth, but you don't even know the meaning of the word! Be honest to yourself and to the world; know the truth that religion is just another force of hate! Size '400'?:rolleyes: it only goes to '7' :) And How about 'fonts'? make it look more stylish!

Take that and replace the arguments with their opposition, magnify the level of crap, and add bible quotes. That is Loone.

Satan is a liar, and the truth is not in him, (that is Satan) The Holy Bible is truth and wisdom that came directly from GOD Himself your Creator! It is 'Absulute Truth', and you will find out! We hope you will in life! There are Absulutes! Overly educated, and brainwashed peoples has said, there is none, but are very wrong, and are in intelectual ignorance, that will be their down fall eventually!:eek:

Satan is also a spirit that is the great deceiver! The ignorance that thou are in is his strong hold on your cold hearts!:eek: The lies against the Bible are from Hell! But GOD is who he says He is, and His Holy Word shall endore unto the end of time, and on forever! You will See the Truth for yourselves! Beware!
Sorry Avatar,

I wanted a font size one quarter the size but changing the values didn't work.

Loone has now introduced giant italics - ugh!!!

So from me - no more giant fonts, unless I have a really really realy really important message to send.

Take care

PS. Update - OK I've fixed it.

Is it possible to limit the size of fonts? Down to the size of a small building perhaps? :D

Killjoy. I might want to use the big letters one day. :D
Look in the Mirror! Acident? :)

Look in the mirror Cris!:D
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<i>But by such reasoning, the universe itself could have come from outside time.</i>

Since it appears that time came into being with the universe, it seems reasonable to say that the universe came from outside time (if it came from anywhere).

<i>Moreover, there is a problem when transitioning between no-time and time; there is nothing in between. Does that mean that even if there are gods, they are forever excluded from the universe?</i>

Maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps God can delegate some part of himself to exist within time?

<i>Finally, you did admit having difficulty with defining anything at all outside of time. And I would claim that is a fundamental difficulty that arises from the contradiction of a time-bound information processor (such as yourself) trying to represent an entity that is not time bound.</i>

I agree.

<i>By that reasoning, you cannot make any claims about any god whatsoever, including claims of existence thereof.</i>

I'm not claiming God exists. I'm claiming that the possibility of His existence is a real one.

<i>Eternal but not the foundation of all existence...</i>

But the foundation for our universe? Surely that would be a good start?

<i>Though neither the phrase "always there" nor even the concept of "eternity" mesh very well with an "outside of time" postulate.</i>

I agree. I don't have the answers to the problems the concept raises. I'm simply putting it out there as a possibility to consider.
This is the worst case of hijacking I've seen yet. To top that off I seem to be a factor in that chain of events. I apologize for my efforts.

I am now hitting the reset button:

How about the assertion that a god is neccessary to help we poor beasts. Does that explain why people who claimed to speak with god were more excepted a couple thousand years ago? When was the last time you saw a miracle or a dead person leaving their grave? Has this god taken flight, given up, or just waiting for the opportunity to shut up the heretics?:D

I have heard for years that all heretics are taken care of by a bolt from god. I am still standing! Also think of all those heretics who escaped the inquisition by pointing blame on others first. If this god is all powerful, why does it/he/she allow we infadels to persist?
Well if we view God in the capacity He described to the breath of life...then yes we are in that way hopelessly dependant on Him.
But perhaps when He handed Adam the plow (figurativly) He intended for us to learn, grow, and figure out how to help ourselves and depend on one another. With our scientific advances, perhaps we do not need His intervention as much. Although there still are many many claims of healings, and even some witnessed by doctors who admit it is unexplainable. I too believe in the power of Healing.
Any way mabey His kids are growing up and learning to be a bit more self-sufficient. Given that He gave us minds and thought processes, one could assume it is His intention for us to advance.

But this is all just an off the wall theory of mine...not an assertion of anything to be "the" way it is.
GOD is alone the Creator!

There is only one GOD! The one and only Creator of the Angels and of men and of all observed and unobservable of the Universe! All was made by Him alone! Jesus is God that came down unto us in human form, we were made in His image, and not of an ape! Not slim from the pit of lies from Satan the Devil, and some overly arogant people that think of them selves more highly then they ought to!:rolleyes:!

The truth stands! And we who love the Lord have a better stand for the meaning of life on Earth or anywhere! We have JESUS!:)

Those that know not the Lord, and hates Him and His Holy Word, have nothing really! Just a load of intelectual ignorance of the mind and heart, (spiritauly, brain-dead) and are dead, and having no understanding of the 'greater picture of life', so they would kill them selves if depessed and mutalate them selves, in there own agonizing torments! Because of drugs, alcohal, promiscuosness, anger, etc.

JESUS and the Holy Faith has a far better way to deal with life, and a one eternally far better then this one!

We here in the United States of America, has it so good here because of the Jeudeo-Christian Faith! And once that is removed totly from our Govt. and sociaty, we are doomed to some form of dictatorship, or some form of an oppesive government like unto some third world chaos life that we will actually lose a great deal of freedoms that we love, Saint or sinners we would not have what we have today! We as a nation, as a world, if we like it or not , really need JESUS and His Holy Word the Bible in our nations! In our hearts! ...if ye have a heart.:rolleyes: JESUS and His teachings, and His Holy Word would be a better and more solid foundation then that of the 'Anti-Christs' (ahteist), which are all on very thin ice!:bugeye: :D
There is only one GOD! The one and only Creator of the Angels and of men and of all observed and unobservable of the Universe! All was made by Him alone! Jesus is God that came down unto us in human form, we were made in His image, and not of an ape! Not slim from the pit of lies from Satan the Devil, and some overly arogant people that think of them selves more highly then they ought to!
You can say it in any color you wish, the fact that you repeat it does not make it true. You only serve to discredit your position. I floated the the theory that religion is a form of brainwash. You are only falling into that mold.
Just a load of intelectual ignorance of the mind and heart
You can't just label people as ignorant because they oppose your view. I do not tend to a stance of ignoring your position. You very much do. You can throw statements such as:
JESUS and the Holy Faith has a far better way to deal with life, and a one eternally far better then this one!
The argument is weak that is deprived of support.
We here in the United States of America, has it so good here because of the Jeudeo-Christian Faith! And once that is removed totly from our Govt. and sociaty, we are doomed to some form of dictatorship, or some form of an oppesive government like unto some third world chaos life that we will actually lose a great deal of freedoms that we love, Saint or sinners we would not have what we have today!
Spouting baseless lies is not a means of support. If you look at the freedoms granted in our governing body, chief among them is the freedom to practice religion. I assume that is to which you refer. There is also a clause prohibiting the interaction between church and state. I agree that dictatorships are a bad thing. It would seem, however that dictatorships go hand and hand with religious governments. Pick any Middle East country. Mussolini, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, et al. I reccommend that you research a topic in depth before arriving at false conclusions.

Also consider the Christian theocracies. They lead to horrible bloodbaths, such as the Crusades, the Religious Wars, Salem Witch trials, two Inquisitions, the enslavement of every available New World native, justification for the Holocost, any given foreign act of terrorism, wars in the Middle East, various acts of mass suicide etc.

Were these events not to have existed I would be in your corner. It is by the virtue of their existence that I find religion to have a malevolent purpose. It is not the message I find in error, it is the practice. In any organization that is dependent on a single individual for insight (preacher/minister/etc.) corruption and all human emotions are bound to interfere with the good of the whole. That structure is in fact similar to the very dictatorship that you earlier denounced. I could easily make the point that religious structures are the only true dictatorships left the world.
*Originally posted by Teg
I can see you put much time into this unthought.

More than you put into responding.
If you're an unbeliever than you don't believe anything at all.
What you think you "believe" is untrue, therefore you believe in nothing.
IOW, you do not believe anything.
You are simply unaware of the nature of deception which you failed to take into account in your personal philosophy.

*It is if you follow probabilities.*

That is merely another way of saying no one ever wins a lottery since the weight of probability is that you don't.
I think I've mentioned it before; you are very weak in math and logic.

*Consider: how many of your beliefs would you still have if you grew up on a different plan free from religious beliefs?*

Since I did grow up on a different plan free from religious beliefs, I'd have all of them.
You simply think that Christians are born.
Well, no one is born Christian.
Everyone has to be converted to Christianity.

*Only Tony1 logic concludes that.*

As I said, your grasp of logic is very weak.

*A god cannot be percluded, thus a god exists.
That is also a false use of logic.

No one believes in God on that basis, however, as you can see yourself (maybe), God cannot be precluded.

*Originally posted by Bebelina
you all seem to argue mostly for the discussions sake and also to show off your logic skills

So far, anyone on this forum attempting to "show off" their logic skills has merely succeeded in demonstrating their weakness in it.

*Originally posted by Cris
Everything is physical. No one has ever shown that there is anything else.

No one has shown that everything is physical, either.
Humor, justice, happiness are just a few things that cannot be demonstrated to be physical, even though there is no shortage of materialists willing to merely assert that they are.

*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
You all have an IMMORTAL SOUL & SPIRIT! You will be alive and awake in the chambers of HELL!

You should quit just ignoring the Bible.

Souls are not immortal.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. ...
(Ezekiel 18:20, KJV).

That is the BIBLE saying that souls die.

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, KJV).

That's the BIBLE saying that the dead don't know anything.
They will be ashes.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
(Malachi 4:3, KJV).

Those are quotes out of the BIBLE.

*Originally posted by Bambi
Without any further basis for judging absolute correctness, everything we ever knew or thought could turn out to be wrong in absolute terms

I'm glad you see that.
Many atheists fight tooth and nail against admitting that because of the implications of that statement.

*It does not prevent me from being right about all those things that my thought is capable of encompassing at the moment.*

While you are literally correct in saying that, you could be right while suspecting that you might be wrong, you could be just guessing exactly right, you could be completely wrong, i.e. you'd never know whether you were right or wrong.
See your previous statement.

*Practicality is one criterion.*

That is one good criterion.
However, over what length of time do you determine practicality?
After all, in just viewing only posts from this thread alone, it is easy to see that some people argue from practicality on a post-by-post basis, not realizing that they are shooting themselves in the foot in terms of their overall ability to make a point.
I, on the other hand, determine practicality from an eternal perspective.
You appear to determine practicality over a period of a few years.

*Experience is another.*

So you have experienced what occurs upon death, and afterwards?
I seem to have underestimated your experience.

*The subset never needs to be totally representative. It only needs to be representative enough to include all the things that matter.*

Oddly enough, that is true.
However, your position appears to be that you can determine what matters before you know what matters.
Furthermore, your ability to know what matters may be affected by deception, which appears to be something that your personal philosophy, like Teg's, fails to take into consideration.

*No such thing, I'm afraid. Gödel proved as much.*

Actually he didn't.
I believe he was talking about "formal" systems.
"Formal" is derived from "form" which is generally acknowledged to mean being distinct from having substance.
Substantial systems are a different story, and Gödel didn't say anything about them.

*Not unless you are prepared to discard Gödel's Theorem. It applies to God just as it applies to man.*

See above. I'm not discarding Gödel's Theorem, as I am realizing what it applies to.

*The scientific method is purely a methodology for generating those other systems.*

Don't be confused by the word "method."
The sci met is a formal system, since it follows a "form."

*therefore over time an increasing amount of reality gets represented within human thought thereby progressively diminishing the total incompleteness.*

That sounds good, unless the total amount of potential knowledge is infinite.
In which case, you are not diminishing the total incompleteness at all, any more than you could diminish infinity by repeatedly subtracting one from it.

*How does information exist without any information carrier?*

Beats me.

*provide the definition of information that does not rely on any medium*

I don't know such a definition, however, I am not going to assume that one does not exist.

*Thus you could say that evolution is a directed random process – a stochastic system.*

"Directed" implies "director."
Either evolution is random or it is intelligently directed.

*That is correct. It is also, as stated, the sufficient explanation of why logic is effective (it has been selected for indirectly by being a side-effect of structured abstract thought, and thereby turns out to be a pretty good inductive generalization of bulk matter’s emergent properties.)*

So the color "red" didn't exist until you saw it?

*Not true, just as English does not exist independently of whether anyone grasps it or not.*

What you appear to be saying is that a language that disappeared with no written evidence does not exist because no one grasps it, even though at one point in time people did grasp it, because they spoke it.
That is beginning to stretch the limits of believability.
That would mean that had someone developed the principles of logic, and then proceeded to forget them, then logic would not have existed until a second person develops them again.

Furthermore, that leads to the conclusion that if someone had written the principles of logic in code, and died without revealing the code, your argument would be that logic didn't exist.

All I can say to that is: ????

*You could say it’s relativistic of information to only apply to the entirety of a single universe (ours). However that’s stretching the intended meaning of the word a little, don’t you think?*

Only if there is another universe.

*truth is a judgment and as such exists only within an information processor. There it gets only as a result of the information processor existing. And also, of course, as a result of the inputs to the processor. Thereby it indeed depends to a large extent on perception.*

Truth as a percept exists as you describe.
However, there has to be some external truth which exists, of which our perception of truth is a specific instance.
Otherwise, we couldn't perceive truth, and we wouldn't have any way to even discuss the meaning of the word.

In addition, this external truth could exist, without our even being aware of it, somewhat like the existence of UV light, which we cannot perceive, yet exists anyway.

*Such an ability is itself contradictory.*

Ahh, but true omnipotence would be able to make THAT contradiction disappear, also.

*the argument demonstrates that no God exists (with the capitalized form meaning as conceived in Abrahamic religions) because such a god is the be-all and end-all of existence, which is impossible since ectoplasm has to be the real deal.*

That would be true, which is one reason that God isn't made of ectoplasm.

*Originally posted by Hoth
If I believed in a god, logic would probably force me to kill myself. If I believed in a benevolent god, one that doesn't condemn it's creations to eternal torture, I'd kill myself and be in heaven that much quicker.

That would be very selfish, plus that would leave one going thru all eternity with no rewards.
That would be very bleak.

*Originally posted by Bambi
Religion is not only a mass psychosis that affects individual freedoms of atheists, but it is also an impediment to truth.

How could it be an impediment to truth?
You were arguing that truth is basically what you perceive, so how could, say, my religion, affect your perception?

*Originally posted by Bebelina
The dream world is real, and so is everything else ever perceived by anyone in whatever state of consciousness. Imagination is a wonderful tool, that you may have forgotten to use.

You're forgetting that a materialist like Cris is forced by his philosophy to argue that either dreams are not real (so what are they?) or that they are material.
I'd like to see the proof for material dreams.
PS, informing us about wet dreams is more information than we need at this point, seeing as a little while ago you were claiming to be celibate, Cris.

*Is the fact that I´m open to new perspectives, limit my perspective?*

How will you be able to tell which perspective is the right one, if you are always moving to the next perspective?

*Be nice people, don´t call eachother retards, anti-christs and whatever...we all have names, let´s use them instead.*

Calling someone antichrist isn't calling them names.
If some state their position as against Christ, then they are antichrist, just like someone who is against war is antiwar.
Besides, isn't your name Angelina?

*Originally posted by Teg
Tony1 seems to have lost even an appetite for arguing facts.

Why don't you try presenting some to argue with?

*There is no God.*

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God....
(Psalms 14:1, KJV).

*When was the last time you saw a miracle*


*If this god is all powerful, why does it/he/she allow we infadels to persist?*

...the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
(Proverbs 13:22, KJV).

You're not done working yet.
Tony, however one person perceives the other, according to their different personality set-ups( includes beliefs, prejudices, anticipations, intentions), it has still never lead to any good talking to another person in a degrading manner by using expressions that are commonly known as, and will likely be received as insulting, whatever the original description of the word is.
And btw, I was under the impression that anti-christ is just one person, not any person who has a disbelief in christianity?

I will not limit my perspective by being open to new ones, if they are "right" or "wrong" doesn´t matter, they are no limitation, they just bring new insights.
That doesn´t mean that I agree with the purposes of the new perspectives presented, only that I´m willing to understand why, and not to judge.



Everything is physical. No one has ever shown that there is anything else.*

No one has shown that everything is physical, either.
Humor, justice, happiness are just a few things that cannot be demonstrated to be physical, even though there is no shortage of materialists willing to merely assert that they are.
Let me state it more clearly – everything that mankind has experienced to date is physical, and no one has yet to show that anything is or can be non-physical.

Humor, justice, happiness, are all forms of information held as physical neural networks inside human brains. Assertions? Nah, more like hypotheses based on current findings in neuroscience.
