Flag burning

Do you think flag burning is a serious offense?

  • Yes, it warrants a life sentence

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, it warrants prison time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, it warrants exile

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Here in the U.S., we have the First Amendment. Which protects your right to freedom of speech, even to burn the flag. Those who would ban it value symbolism over substance. They would protect the flag by diminishing the freedom it represents.
Norsefire, it's not a hate crime. That's not something up for debate, it's a fact. And you wanting the Death Penalty for it is exactly why the state shouldn't have that sort of power. Having more people like you in charge is enough to give me nightmares.

It's unpatriotic

Wow, I feel so alone:shrug:
repo i agree except if its not safe to do it. If your in a ecoplptys forest in 40C heat with a strong north wind and you light up a flag you should be charged with murder because thats what it is
Here in the U.S., we have the First Amendment. Which protects your right to freedom of speech, even to burn the flag. Those who would ban it value symbolism over substance. They would protect the flag by diminishing the freedom it represents.

Hate crime
its a perfectly legitimate form of protest against the government. flag burning should be encouraged, theres nothing like a bit of fire to get todays youth switched on, and the more people oppose government oppression, the better our chances are.
Nors efire said:
It's unpatriotic
If someone posted an image of a banner or pennant, then later, posted another post of the same thing, but modified, so it looks like it's on fire, when does doing something like that become "a serious hate crime", or "unpatriotic"?

Or does it depend on what the original looks like (say it's got red and white stripes, and a deep-blue patch in one corner, with white spots on it? What if it isn't the usual rectangular shape? Is posting an image of a flag with a circular or a pentagonal shape a crime? Is using a triangular shape a greater or a lesser offence, respect-wise?

Wow, I feel so alone
No surprises there, then?
Do you think it's a serious offense? I do. Discuss.
I share your feelings on this issue. When I see someone burning an American flag, it seriously pisses me off. If I saw someone doing that in person, I'd probably try to stop them, perhaps gather a brigade of supersoakers to put out the fire, I could even see myself getting into a fight over the issue.

But, much as I hate flag burning, I do consider it to be a form of free speech and so wouldn't outlaw it.
It's anti-patriotic. It's a crime against the state.

Anything can be legislated to be a "crime against the state".

You don't really want a totalitarian regime, much as you imagine you do. Trust me.

Burning the flag is a sign of being a traitor, it's anti patriotic and it does not recognize the soveriegnity of the state. It's basically like spitting on the people.

You'd execute somebody for spitting on somebody else?
madanthny said:
When I see someone burning an American flag, it seriously pisses me off. If I saw someone doing that in person, I'd probably try to stop them, perhaps gather a brigade of supersoakers to put out the fire
It pisses you off? But not enough to be so concerned about it, that you can find time to gather a posse of dudes with water pistols?

What would be wrong with using the old trouser-snake weapon, to douse the terrifying blaze?
Or would that mean some sort of penance, for having to piss on it to rescue its dignity, from the fanatics?
But, much as I hate flag burning, I do consider it to be a form of free speech and so wouldn't outlaw it.

Let's not forget that the proper way to retire an old flag is to burn it. How do you craft a constitutional amendment to ban burning a flag in anger, while preserving VFW flag retirement ceremonies? It is a can of worms best left unopened.
Burning a flag is more than simply burning a piece of cloth; a flag represents an entire nation: the people within, its government, its culture, its language, its religion, etc. When you burn a flag, you're supporting the destruction of everything that flag stands for. Whilst burning a flag is more than simply burning a cloth, I wouldn't support the death penalty for such an action, mainly because it isn't directly harmful to anybody. Perhaps monetary penalization of some sort would suffice. However, in an ultra-patriotic country like Turkey, for example, the police force wouldn't waste its time being involved. The very citizens would beat the flag-burner(s) to a pulp/death.

Kadark the Imperial
Burning a flag is more than simply burning a piece of cloth; a flag represents an entire nation: the people within, its government, its culture, its language, its religion, etc. When you burn a flag, you're supporting the destruction of everything that flag stands for.

No. You're just saying "I don't like what the government is doing", or possibly "I don't feel like my views are represented by this nation any more".

Some flag burners may want the destruction of the nation, but you can't conclude that all want that.

However, in an ultra-patriotic country like Turkey, for example, the police force wouldn't waste its time being involved. The very citizens would beat the flag-burner(s) to a pulp/death.

And Turkey wants to be part of the EU?

Sounds barbaric.
James R,

No. You're just saying "I don't like what the government is doing", or possibly "I don't feel like my views are represented by this nation any more".

There are better ways of getting your point across.

And Turkey wants to be part of the EU?

God willing, they will not be permitted to join.

Kadark the Uniter