First UK ID cards are unveiled

Will you carry this ID card?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • We will have no choice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are you out of your mind, NO WAY!!!

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Im not using them, I can't see how they can enforce this law it goes against my human rights and freedom to carry anything I want slong as it is not a weapon or illegal product.

There is no way I am carrying this piece of trash, I already carry a drivers license, my bank cards, a check book and my blockbusters card ( :D ).

They can suck my balls, I will insert the card into there skulls.

syder, did you know that the CENSUS is the most sensitive and clasifide bit of resurch in australia. NO-ONE outside the ABS has access to the data in its raw form (ie with the names and addresses and other trackable data atached), not even the police, imigration, ASIO, the ATO or centerlink. Those last two actually have more infomation access normally than even ASIO (australian NSA)
ID cards are genius, and should be heavily enforced and implants (instead of cards); services should require ID verification like with barcodes

Do you know how much that would cut things like crime and illegal immigration?
who cares about illegal immigration really?

its something which has always baffled me why goverments spend so much money on immigration when they should be focusing on criminal activity
who cares about illegal immigration really?
Alot of people do. Do you want a bunch of illegal immigrant scum in your country, causing crime and using up your resources?

its something which has always baffled me why goverments spend so much money on immigration when they should be focusing on criminal activity

I'm not against immigration; after all, it'd be hypocritical if I was. But illegal immigration is different, not to mention it clogs jobs and harms society
actually if you intend to drive you MUST carry a licence:p

Not true, you can leave your license at home at all times, there is no law saying we have to have our drivers license on our person. We can present police officers with our license weeks after they request it.

that used to be the case here to but they recently changed it. Aparently to many unlicensed drivers were lying about having licences and there names and address so now its a $300 (i think) fine if you are stoped and you dont have your license on you
Why is it dangerous? Those are both great ideas!

I think all people should have a 'barcode' type of ID that is a biometric implant, maybe a small one on the right corner of their forehead or something

I saw a tv evangelist who said that barcode implants were the sign of the beast, and that if you had one you were "goin' ter heyell, sure as muskrats."
These ID cards are the slippery slope. There's so much fear over immigration that ticket is being used to test ID cards schemes, but soon enough they'll be coming for the rest of us.

The big problems are that the Govt have not been honest about what data will be held on the our cards. The cost is also waved over, but you can guarantee they won't be cheap. Also, I'm a bit pissed off at the notion that I will be forced to buy one, I'm not sure that is legal so we'll have to test that.

Few govt IT project have completed on time, or on budget. Just take the fiascos with DWP, CSA, NHS, and MoD computer systems. The same Quango will get the job, and screw it up again, costing the taxpayer more.

Lastly, compunction. I won't want to carry a card that costs £200 around with me for fear I lose it, and there will undoubtedly be a complete ball ache procedure to check I haven't sold my ID card to an illegal immigrant, declarations to sign, and more money to part with to get a new one, all the time I am without it being a non-person. But are they going to change the law to compel us to carry one? Neo-Nazi Police going to have the power to stop us and ask for our papers? Not in my England, sorry, we fought a war against such oppression, and if the govt want to oppress, well, they get another war. It might be fought in the courts, or it might be in the hearts and minds of the population as we start to distrust the Police and stop co-operating, but it will ruin public confidence in them, and maybe even spark a few riots.

ID cards do not so what the govt claim either. Spain has them, but it didn't prevent the Madrid bombings. It won't do much to stop illegal immigration, or from immigrants taking cash in hand jobs. It will however cement an underclass in place.

ID cards are a band aid for the complete screw up immigration has become. It won't solve a damned thing, and applying them to the rest of us won't solve anything either.

Spend the money on real Police Officers instead, and have them out on the streets. That is the real solution to preventing crime and terrorism; a visible Police Force, rather than just seeing them on match days (days when there are football matches)
I saw a tv evangelist who said that barcode implants were the sign of the beast, and that if you had one you were "goin' ter heyell, sure as muskrats."

Odd they always pick the negative. Revelations is clear on the subject, you either have the mark of the beast, or the lamb. It's just saying you have to pick a side in the final showdown.

But then, religious loonies love using the Wholly Babble to further their personal agenda.
Odd they always pick the negative. Revelations is clear on the subject, you either have the mark of the beast, or the lamb. It's just saying you have to pick a side in the final showdown.

But then, religious loonies love using the Wholly Babble to further their personal agenda.

If the sign of the beast is a barcode, I wonder what the sign of the lamb is.
The big deal is im not forced to carry those items, I carry them because I chose to out of my own free will.


i always carry identification on me and 99% of the people i know do also. But there will be people who complain and claim\think they are doing it for freedom. Of course they want all the benefits of living as part of a civilization. I dont mean you personally.
You normally have 7 days to produce your driving documents if you have been stopped.
oh i forgot to add here that since the new goverment came into power the changes to the medicare card to turn it into a national ID card by stealth have been abandoned. In one way its sad because i really wanted the origional proposal where by everyone carries there medical records on there medicare card and the ambos\hospital can just swipe the card and get a full medical history even from an unconcious colaps