First TV Interview: The Pregnant Man


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Tomorrow on the Oprah Winfrey Show is the

First Tv Interview with the Pregant Man: :eek:

Thomas is 34, happily married and…pregnant. Our cameras capture it all—the ultrasound, inside the nursery and more. How is this possible?

Tune In Thursday!
Thomas and his wife open up about the secret they've been hiding for months. Check back later for full coverage of this show.

Watch the Video Preview here:

Any ideas about this????
Well, I know about Ectopic pregnancy occurring in women. Maybe one of his tubes burst or something.. lol
They could have fertilized an egg and planted it in his bowels.. that would do it.. lol
Why did you watch the show? lol It's not on yet over here.

no i didnt and to be honest i wont be either!

its just a con!

its in all the papers over here, and it just doesnt sit right, he doesnt carry the lump like we would!
I've seen plenty of babies being born. Unless he's got a vagina or a scalpel, brother man's got a real fight on his hands. ..Ha.
Stupid and creepy

From the Daily Telegraph:

Thomas Beatie, 34, of Oregon, claimed he was pregnant in an article in a gay magazine last month, but had, until his meeting with the chat show host, remained silent about his extraordinary tale.

Many observers, including Mr Beatie's neighbours, thought the story was a hoax after he said he would not give any interviews until April Fools Day.

There was also speculation that the story could be connected to a new television series which plays pranks on the media.

But in his interview for The Oprah Winfrey Show, to be broadcast in the US tonight, Mr Beatie reveals that, as a female called Tracy Lagondino, he used to date men in his teens.


And from ABC News:

Despite removing his breasts, growing a wispy beard and legally having his gender changed from female to male, Beatie, 34, kept his female sex organs intact because he hoped to have a child some day ....

.... "I actually opted not to do anything to my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day. I see pregnancy as a process and it doesn't define who I am," Beatie told Winfrey.

"I feel it's not a male or female desire to have a child. It's a human need. I'm a person and I have the right to have a biological child."

Beatie was impregnated with sperm from a donor. His wife, Nancy, inseminated him at home with a device she said was like a syringe without the needle. They bought it from a veterinarian and it is typically used to feed birds.

He has an intact vagina, but he he did not say how he would deliver the baby.


Frankly, I think the whole thing's rather stupid and just a bit creepy. It wants to have a kid, it should have a kid. I can't believe they're actually calling Beatie a "pregnant man". Strangely, the Telegraph accented the wrong word in their headline.

This is perhaps the most desperate ploy for attention I've ever heard of.


Paris, Tracy. "'Pregnant' man reveals ultrasound to Oprah". March 4, 2008.

Goldman, Russell. "It's My Right to Have Kid, Pregnant Man Tells Oprah". ABC News. April 3, 2008.
So he, she, was first a woman then changed sex to a man then changed back to a woman , so a trisexual is he!