Finish my Sentence

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somewhere far away a galaxy was unveiling from a universal nursery nutshell...the pungent colors of the birth...
a puddle of juice. A garden gnome came along and started scooping up the juice with his little shovel. This was rather an extraordinary sight and ...
with the enthusiasm of a frog looking to spawn. One of the gnomes face the mermaid and told her to undress herself. She curtly replied that she is not wearing anything to start with. The gnome went beserk and started shouting at her. He insisted that
she write a law to the supreme command of gnomes...that all mermaids are to undress automatically when gnome approaches them, to which she replied "... this some kind of bust, officer Barbrady? Barbrady was under the control of th gnomes, so he had no choice but to the mermaid do....
a job for him...very delicate and passionate...and so hot...the apple pie came out delicious just as officer asked her...
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