Feminist teacher defends her prostitution

"You controlling, egomaniacal fool. You have a right to do whatever you wish so long as you do not trespass unto another person's rights."

But where does that come from? To borrow from someone else, dont I have the right to do what I want, and its up to everyone else to stop me?
HHmm, but why have gvt?
Or rather, I thought id throw in the kind of idea that Unregistered and even Congrats seem to be throwing about.
He has no free will? He is incapable of not deciding to purchase sex? In any case, if it was such a great relationship he wouldn't be off paying to get laid, eh?
Many men who commit adultry regret it.

Do I despise an entire gender just because I am a stupid little Catholic and think that women are dirty? No.
What does gender have anything to do with this? There are boy prostitutes you know.

Do I try to force other people's personal lives to conform to my standards? No.
Of course you do have standards such as not killing, stealing and maiming others. Oh and the one standard you do love to force on others is your "standard" of having no standards.

Do I make war upon the principles my country was founded on? No.
Do I?

Do I lack any sense of honour or decency? No.
Honor and decency are subjective type of things. What is honorable to Hitler is barabaric to most of us.

Am I a fascist? No.
And I'm not a fasciest either?

Am I servile? No.
Your are not servile but arrogant.

Yes Okinrus but a married man can just as easily go pick up a woman at a bar and not tell her he is married and get laid anyway.
Maybe but woman at bars are looking for long term relationships correct?

There is no 'loaded gun'! It makes no difference to the prostitute if her customer is married or not because it is none of her business.
Of course it is her business. If having sex with the guy is breaking up his family then she is partly responsible. Say if you see a guy about to commit suicide. You don't go up to him and say "hi now take this gun and shoot yourself". This would contradict your 1st principle and commiting suicide is generally considered personal harm. I'm wondering do you all support suicide hotlines or do you think people should have the choice to blow up their brains.
Maybe but woman at bars are looking for long term relationships correct?
You're a riot ork.
Many men who commit adultry regret it.
Only after they get caught:)

You have a very unrefreshing lack of real world knowledge.
Of course you do have standards such as not killing, stealing and maiming others. Oh and the one standard you do love to force on others is your "standard" of having no standards.

How do I have no standards? Simply because I am not YHWH's subserviant little slave does not make me without standards.

Maybe but woman at bars are looking for long term relationships correct?

*Reads again*
*Wipes her eyes*
*Reads again*
*Collapses in giggles*

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

Of course it is her business. If having sex with the guy is breaking up his family then she is partly responsible.

No, this is absolute bullshit. I can't stand this new liberal trend of taking away personal responsibility.

If you eat nothing but quarter pounders and fries, you will become obese. This is soley your fault, and suing Burger King is unfounded.

Likewise, if you choose to engage in sex with someone, you, and only you are responsible for whatever adverse consequences there are.

Excuse me, I'm off to look for my soulmate by getting shitfaced and picking up the guy with the best pickup line. Maybe we'll have a long-term relationship and he'll actually mumble an "I'll call you!" instead of just sneaking out after sex.
Okinrus you are really naive and sheltered if you think women in bars are looking for a long-term relationship. Most women who leave with a guy they meet in a bar are looking for a good lay.

You say that many men regret adultry? So? It is irrelevant to this topic.

To say that a prostitute should care whether a man is married or not is about the same as a bartender caring if his customer is an alcoholic. In both instances customers don't offer that information and it would be presumptuous for the server to ask.

Suicide Okinrus? No one is commiting suicide in the midst of a blow job!

How old are you anyway? You sound shy of fourteen.
Originally posted by Lucysnow
No one is commiting suicide in the midst of a blow job!
I've had some pretty bad ones.... I've almost wished I could 'fake it' just to get out of there.
No, this is absolute bullshit. I can't stand this new liberal trend of taking away personal responsibility.
I'm not taking away responsibility, I'm holding the prostitute also responsible while you are taking away her responsibility.

To say that a prostitute should care whether a man is married or not is about the same as a bartender caring if his customer is an alcoholic. In both instances customers don't offer that information and it would be presumptuous for the server to ask.
No, if someone is drunk, the bartender is supposed to stop the drunk from driving his car.

How old are you anyway? You sound shy of fourteen.
My age is up on the personal info.

You have a very unrefreshing lack of real world knowledge.
So basically your saying that these woman go to the club only to have sex. There not even attempting to have long term relationships but just short term. In dating, I thought that you call a failed relationship short term but I don't really know.
I'm not taking away responsibility, I'm holding the prostitute also responsible while you are taking away her responsibility.

You, like the laws, take away her client's responsibility.

She is performing a service. She is responsible for that, just as the bartender is responsible for pouring drinks.

So basically your saying that these woman go to the club only to have sex.

And the minor power trip of selecting between various attractive men, yes.

There not even attempting to have long term relationships but just short term

Uh - YES! DUH!

No one is commiting suicide in the midst of a blow job!

Jesus, let's hope not.
How can you be college age, yet be so clueless?

Yes, believe it or not people have *gasp* sex *gasp*, just to *gasp* have sex *gasp*.

Spuriousmonkey should lend you his avatar with the monkey covering its eyes.
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How can you be college age, yet be so clueless?
I'm socially inept with absolutely no money.

She is performing a service. She is responsible for that, just as the bartender is responsible for pouring drinks.
So she is an object?

Uh - YES! DUH!
Ok, I'll remember not to visit bars. The MTV's show a while back displayed three men who were seeking long term relationships abate sexual though.
"So she is an object?" NO Okinrus she is not an object she is a sex trade worker! She is flesh and blood and has made the choice to offer sex for money.

You wrote: No, if someone is drunk, the bartender is supposed to stop the drunk from driving his car.

And so? That is not the point. If someone comes into a bar and is not drunk the bartender does not ask him if he is an alcoholic.
If someone gives you a massage/manacure/haircut/whatever, does that make them an object? No. So why would a woman providing a different service (sex) suddenly become an object?

The reason you are probably 'socially enept' is because you have these views of everything which are just going to isolate you.
Uh, women are objects. At least I hope I'm an object.

*Disappears in a puff of smoke*

Guess not.

I'm socially inept with absolutely no money.

So? So am I.

Ok, I'll remember not to visit bars. The MTV's show a while back displayed three men who were seeking long term relationships abate sexual though.

I don't think men "seek" long term relationships. They're more roped into them.
If someone gives you a massage/manacure/haircut/whatever, does that make them an object? No. So why would a woman providing a different service (sex) suddenly become an object?
She is selling herself, while the others are selling their skill.

And so? That is not the point. If someone comes into a bar and is not drunk the bartender does not ask him if he is an alcoholic.
Alcohol addiction is not as severe. Also it is relevatively easy for an alcoholic to find another store to buy stuft and by asking if someone is an alcoholic, it might worsen the condition by making his condition stigmatized. Alcoholics are typically in denial and the bartender would expect a negative answer anyways. On the other hand, if the prostitution's customer is married, then they both commit the crime of adultry.
LoL...really Okinrus you amaze me!

It is probably difficult for you to imagine but some prostitutes are skilled...that's why he's there and not in bed with his wife.

How is the prostitute guilty of adultry? Don't you realize that all those who at this moment are engaging in sex for money and their customers couldn't give a rats ass about your moral conclusions concerning their behaviour.

Alcohol is not as severe as what?

Really Okinrus you should consider a monastic life. I am not ridiculing you either, I just find it difficult to believe that you could survive in the real world.
Originally posted by okinrus
She is selling herself, while the others are selling their skill.
No. Why is she selling herself? It is as much a service as anything else.

Alcohol addiction is not as severe.

How many people a year does adultry kill per year? How many dads come back home after visiting a prostitute and beat their wife? In a system were it is legal, prositution actually decrease the amount of STDs.

Also it is relevatively easy for an alcoholic to find another store to buy stuft

And it is relatively easy to find somebody else to fuck. What's your point?

and by asking if someone is an alcoholic, it might worsen the condition by making his condition stigmatized.

What? Do you even know how to spell 'logic'?

On the other hand, if the prostitution's customer is married then they both commit the crime of adultry.

And this is a crime why?
She is selling herself, while the others are selling their skill.

No, she's selling her ability to fuck. That's a skill, cherry.

if the prostitution's customer is married, then they both commit the crime of adultry.

Adultery is not a crime in most states.

The difference between falling into a pit and being netted, then.