Female sexual assult and how it's treated

Adult Female + Adolescent Boy= Bad Pedophile. She has a prayer if she's hot though.

Adult Male + Adolescent Any=Bad Pedophile. Unless you are Michael Jackson or a Catholic Priest, of course.

Adults having sex with children? One more reason to despise humanity. Or do Lions fuck baby lions in the wild or something and thus,"It's natural"?

This topic generally gets closed down Ham. Since you -don't- seem all set on insulting me, however (or atleast not yet), I will offer this link for you to peruse:

It offers a bit of information over what I consider to be the best work on the subject of adult/minor sexual interactions, the book edited by psychiatrist Jay R. Feierman, Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions.

And though the link doesn't include it, some apes do indeed engage in adult/pre adult sexual interactions.

Bottom line as far as I'm concerned, though, is whether it benefits the parties involved.
Um. Must have missed the memo scott. Fuck you if it makes you feel better?

Anyway. Your link says that someone actually studied pedophilia in primates. "intergenerational sex" or something. See, if I go fuck your Grandma, I see that as "intergenerational" so long as she's not senile or in dementia. If I go fuck your 3 year old nephew, on the other hand, that's pedophilia and rape. When you get to the over 12ish range it gets iffy, but even then, they are still easily taken advantage of.

I guess that's the thing. Before an age at which people have enough reasoning to avoid being used poorly by other people they need to be protected from such things as pedophilia.

The title of this thread suggests to me we're talking about a female adult and anygender child. It's rare, but it happens. Men can do the chemical castration thing, can't we surgically remove all the woman-parts? I'm all for surgical emasculation in cases of rape of any kind if you are wondering.
True experience: I go to this secondhand shop to buy my suits because I hate drycleaning and I'm single right now so I can't make my boyfriend do it. So I go in once a week and sometimes I get lucky and get a designer suit for $12. (Liz Claibourne, size 2-4, really good condition, but I digress.)

There's this really cute clerk. If you watched Donnie Darko, he looks a lot like Donnie. I flirt with him despite the fact I know he's a teen. He's such a perfect little boy toy and he's so nice. Too young, but a girl can dream.

I'm talking to my mom about this and I ask if the shop's owner's daughter is dating him, because she's always near him when I'm not checking him out while he's checking me out. She says no way; she's my age. (Like I'm ancient. Mid-twenties!) I feel less bad about telling him I want to leave my niece at the store and take him home to play instead.

I'm chatting up the fat girl while I'm buying a black mini dress. Mom's idea for the dress. I'm talking about the cute boy and how young he looks. He IS a teen, as it turns out, and the daughter is dating him, and she's my age.

Now, what's interesting is she tries to tell me how mature he is so she thinks the daughter won't get burned. Mom's convinced it won't work, but is more disgusted than angry. In the case of older guy/teen girl, different reaction.

My thoughts? The ex was about 20 years older. I deserve a teenager.
Um. Must have missed the memo scott. Fuck you if it makes you feel better?

Anyway. Your link says that someone actually studied pedophilia in primates. "intergenerational sex" or something. See, if I go fuck your Grandma, I see that as "intergenerational" so long as she's not senile or in dementia. If I go fuck your 3 year old nephew, on the other hand, that's pedophilia and rape. When you get to the over 12ish range it gets iffy, but even then, they are still easily taken advantage of.

Yes, younger people are generally more easily taken advantage of. Does this mean that they're asexual creatures? No. Does this mean that they don't like engaging in sexual activities? It really depends on the social cues they're given. Tiassa himself has noted that he heard of a 3 year old who masturbated and I heard a story of same; perhaps it's the same story, but the bottom line is that sexual activities can develop at a very early age. In the story I heard, the mother of the girl punished the girl for engaging in said activity. She may have stopped doing it forever for all I know. See, parents have an -enormous- amount of influence over their children's lives, both for better and for worse. At times, parents don't even have to spell out their viewpoints for it to get across to their children; simple actions on the part of the parent can be interpreted by children.

Mr. Hamtastic said:
I guess that's the thing. Before an age at which people have enough reasoning to avoid being used poorly by other people they need to be protected from such things as pedophilia.

Pedophilia is a sexual attraction; you can't 'protect' against it. I think you're referring to -pedophiles-, that is, adults who are attracted to minors. Minors who are attracted to minors as sexual offenders too; apparently it's sinful for minors to have sexual thoughts, which brings us to another era, when sexuality was sinful in general; believe me, there are some who would like us to go back to that era and they nab us all with all these restrictions on youth sexuality.

Mr. Hamtastic said:
The title of this thread suggests to me we're talking about a female adult and any gender child. It's rare, but it happens. Men can do the chemical castration thing, can't we surgically remove all the woman-parts? I'm all for surgical emasculation in cases of rape of any kind if you are wondering.

First of all, how are you defining rape here? I certainly don't believe that 'statutory' rape, which emcompasses consensual sex that is simply against the law in x or y jurisdiction is the same as forced sex.

Anyway, for the purpose of argument, I'll define rape as only forced sex; if the rapist in question can't be cured and would prefer to be emasculated instead of spending the rest of his or her life encarcerated, that's one thing. Involuntary emasculation, on the other hand, is not something I would recommend. Essentially, 2 wrongs don't make a right. Most people would recognize that a rapist of this nature is mentally disturbed; should society emulate mentally disturbed people by cutting up their bodies?
True experience: I go to this secondhand shop to buy my suits because I hate drycleaning and I'm single right now so I can't make my boyfriend do it. So I go in once a week and sometimes I get lucky and get a designer suit for $12. (Liz Claibourne, size 2-4, really good condition, but I digress.)

There's this really cute clerk. If you watched Donnie Darko, he looks a lot like Donnie. I flirt with him despite the fact I know he's a teen. He's such a perfect little boy toy and he's so nice. Too young, but a girl can dream.

I'm talking to my mom about this and I ask if the shop's owner's daughter is dating him, because she's always near him when I'm not checking him out while he's checking me out. She says no way; she's my age. (Like I'm ancient. Mid-twenties!) I feel less bad about telling him I want to leave my niece at the store and take him home to play instead.

I'm chatting up the fat girl while I'm buying a black mini dress. Mom's idea for the dress. I'm talking about the cute boy and how young he looks. He IS a teen, as it turns out, and the daughter is dating him, and she's my age.

Now, what's interesting is she tries to tell me how mature he is so she thinks the daughter won't get burned. Mom's convinced it won't work, but is more disgusted than angry. In the case of older guy/teen girl, different reaction.

My thoughts? The ex was about 20 years older. I deserve a teenager.

I'm sure many teenagers would be glad to have you. There's just this thing called society that gets in the way. Perhaps if you actually -got- into a relationship with a teenager, your mother might try to edge towards the arguments of the shop owner you mention; you know, that the teen is mature or what not. And I'm sure that some teens are more mature, but speaking frankly, there is something nice about -immaturity-. Yes, yes, not very responsible, but while responsible is great for when it comes time to pay the bills or make sure you're not spending too much, as long as -one- of the partners isn't so bad in this (or has a parent to make sure they're not going off the deep end), it can be quite nice to have a little immature, naive, innocent and unjaded person in one's life. I had one myself, when I was in Mexico; I met her when she was 18 while I was about 30. I was attracted to her and I think she was too, but I had a girlfriend and she didn't go so much for polyamory.. well, there was that -one- time when she was drunk, but her other male friends weren't so keen on the idea and that was that.

Anyway, 2 years down the road, I'm no longer in Mexico, she's now got a boyfriend and even though she liked me calling her, I've decided that I've got to move on with my life and so does she.
im sure i put the word "assult" into the title of this thread, it has nothing to do with older women and younger men, it has to do with how CRIMINAL OFFENCES (related to sex) are treated when a women is the perpitrator.
Babe, I'm kidding. Mostly. I think.

My mother has a pretty good sense of humor about my flirting. Generally she steers the under 30's from me because I'm wiley.
Babe, I'm kidding. Mostly. I think.

My mother has a pretty good sense of humor about my flirting. Generally she steers the under 30's from me because I'm wiley.

Lol :). But tak, -you- are under 30. Perhaps your mother is looking out for your future and that's commendable in its own way; as in, she may want you to get involved with someone who has 'a future' and all that. Who knows, maybe you'll find a man who's 30+ and who indeed does have good future prospects and all that. I'm 30+ but the prospects don't look too good right now, lol :p.

Anyway, in the game of love, I think it's best to follow one's heart; the problem is that it's not always easy to know what one's heart is really telling you. For some reason, I'm reminded of the movie The Labyrinth, starring Jennifer Connely and David Bowie.
Babe, I'm kidding. Mostly. I think.

My mother has a pretty good sense of humor about my flirting. Generally she steers the under 30's from me because I'm wiley.

how foul of her to be so stereotipical of men.

Yes, especially considering the fact that you yourself are in the under 30 crowd; I have a feeling you wouldn't mind tak here getting a little wiley with you ;-).
how foul of her to be so stereotipical of men.

Yes and no. I think if you knew how I deal with relationships and what I expect of them, there's a good chance I'm better with 30-40 year olds.

Lol :). But tak, -you- are under 30. Perhaps your mother is looking out for your future and that's commendable in its own way; as in, she may want you to get involved with someone who has 'a future' and all that. Who knows, maybe you'll find a man who's 30+ and who indeed does have good future prospects and all that. I'm 30+ but the prospects don't look too good right now, lol :p.

I think it's more about finding someone who puts up with me and doesn't get run over by me. I think you'll agree that part of being smart is being able to manipulate situations and people to your liking. I started school at an early age and my peer group's a bit off. I know I've hurt younger guys more because they're so unjaded. I also know I've been hurt more by older ones simply because I was the same way.

Boys/men lacking experience are easily led by their desires and can be manipulated without the lover even thinking about it, and I think women are less likely to recognize they're being manipulative.
scott3x said:
Lol :). But tak, -you- are under 30. Perhaps your mother is looking out for your future and that's commendable in its own way; as in, she may want you to get involved with someone who has 'a future' and all that. Who knows, maybe you'll find a man who's 30+ and who indeed does have good future prospects and all that. I'm 30+ but the prospects don't look too good right now, lol :p.

I think it's more about finding someone who puts up with me and doesn't get run over by me. I think you'll agree that part of being smart is being able to manipulate situations and people to your liking. I started school at an early age and my peer group's a bit off. I know I've hurt younger guys more because they're so unjaded. I also know I've been hurt more by older ones simply because I was the same way.

Boys/men lacking experience are easily led by their desires and can be manipulated without the lover even thinking about it, and I think women are less likely to recognize they're being manipulative.

Let's create a scenario with a few points:
1- the guy in question is young, but legal.
2- The guy is attracted to you.
3- You're attracted to the guy.

So, ok, you may manipulate and what not. If you -really- care for this guy, tell him all about your manipulative ways. If he -still- wants to go out with you, he can consider himself warned. And seriously, the world's not full of angels anyway; it's -possible- that he may find someone better then you, but I think it's also quite possible that he finds someone worse. Or, generally worse still, no one at all during his formative years. As Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote way back in his 1850 in his "In Memoriam" poem, which he wrote after the death of his beloved friend Arthur Hallam (thank you trivia-library.com :)):

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Let's create a scenario with a few points:
1- the guy in question is young, but legal.
2- The guy is attracted to you.
3- You're attracted to the guy.

So, ok, you may manipulate and what not. If you -really- care for this guy, tell him all about your manipulative ways. If he -still- wants to go out with you, he can consider himself warned. And seriously, the world's not full of angels anyway; it's -possible- that he may find someone better then you, but I think it's also quite possible that he finds someone worse.

And let's play out this scenario, because a lot of men think this when dating girls. And I've done this mistake with young guys.

4) I sleep with him.
5) He decides to change me because I am caring and he knows he can make me love him.
6) Oh shit.

It's a hard line to hold, and sometimes one party or the other falls in love or is confused. If I've learned nothing else, it's that both people have to understand ahead of time that they may get their knees scraped regardless of what the other says, but still being strong enough to try. ;)

I just don't think teens can sleep with an adult who knows the lesson when they don't.
scott3x said:
Let's create a scenario with a few points:
1- the guy in question is young, but legal.
2- The guy is attracted to you.
3- You're attracted to the guy.

So, ok, you may manipulate and what not. If you -really- care for this guy, tell him all about your manipulative ways. If he -still- wants to go out with you, he can consider himself warned. And seriously, the world's not full of angels anyway; it's -possible- that he may find someone better then you, but I think it's also quite possible that he finds someone worse.

And let's play out this scenario, because a lot of men think this when dating girls. And I've done this mistake with young guys.

4) I sleep with him.
5) He decides to change me because I am caring and he knows he can make me love him.
6) Oh shit.

It's a hard line to hold, and sometimes one party or the other falls in love or is confused. If I've learned nothing else, it's that both people have to understand ahead of time that they may get their knees scraped regardless of what the other says, but still being strong enough to try. ;)

I just don't think teens can sleep with an adult who knows the lesson when they don't.

After my first time, I never had sex with someone who I didn't feel love for. My sum total of women after the first time was... 1 ;-). We both still got the scraped knees. Ironically, I'm actually upset with myself for trying so hard to make it work. After all was said and done, I feel like I should have let the whole thing go much before the girl left me. Well, atleast I think I did the -right- thing with the 18 now 20 year old by letting go first.
I think it's more about finding someone who puts up with me and doesn't get run over by me.

Here's a tip. Ask about his mom. If she is a strong woman and he isn't a wimp, then odds are he won't get run over by you and he won't want to change you.
I don't know. The idea of dating a guy who isn't a wimp is scary.

Yep, real men knock their selected female over the head with a club, drag her into his cave and fucks her brains out. After that, he lights a cigarette and orders her to get him another beer!

If you don't like that, go for the wimpy males and quit complaining. :D

Baron Max
Yep, real men knock their selected female over the head with a club, drag her into his cave and fucks her brains out. After that, he lights a cigarette and orders her to get him another beer!

If you don't like that, go for the wimpy males and quit complaining. :D

Baron Max

I'm not a woman, but while the libido factor might be nice, I definitely know that I wouldn't want to find a sexual partner that (a) clubs his lovers over the head before dragging them off to their cave and (b) then expects room service for their trouble :p.
I don't like wimpy men. I like my men big, tough, tattooed, smart, crafty and a little dirty (most would say these traits don't go together, but they do). I don't like them to be pigs. If they treat me like an equal, meaning that if they dish it out and then don't have a problem getting it back, we're good. My BF is my big tough man, but he's also a teddy-bear at heart and he loves me. It's why we've lasted so long. We challenge each other, but we also balance each other out.