Female sexual assult and how it's treated

takandjive im sorry to say but your view is to simplistic. Lets look at a few examples

Firstly there used to be (i dont know if it remaines because my parents are no longer there) a policy in the public service that if 2 people going for a job had similar qualifications in that that would automatically take the women. Now lets say that hypothetically this was still in place and that it applied to the ambulance service (an area where i have an ovious interest). This policy would say that when i finish my degree, and i have a large HECS debt to the goverment (something like 30-60 THOUSAND) which will mean i have to pay a larger tax burden until its paid off, that because im male rather than female i shouldnt get a job in favor of a women who was applying against me EVEN IF im a slightly better choice. Fair?

I'm familiar with this policy as I have family who worked for various government agencies. I've never heard of a slightly less qualified canidate getting the job because of this, just equal ones, which is why the policy was instated. Show me otherwise, and we'll talk.

Next example, there are alot of scholorships avialable to women to study in area's like Science where the gender balance is in favor of men. Personally i think this is a good move. However even though the goverment has identifided teaching, nursing ect as area's where they WANT a greater percentage of MEN in the workforce there are NO scholorships that I know off designed to encorage men into these area's. Fair? HELL NO

Prostate cancer kills more men than are killed by breast cancer every year and FAR more than are killed by gynocological cancers yet the amount of funding surplied to treat prostate cancer is FAR lower and the goverment recently went even further to set up a center specifically to help with the treatment of gynocological cancers when that money could have been well and truly better spent to resurching and surporting victoms of prostate cancer.
Another example, the risk of death AT EVERY STAGE of the life span for men is FAR higher than for women yet there is vertually zero expenditure on mens health compared to fortunes spent on womens health. On this there was a "mens health day" yesterday which was so poorly advertised i only found out about it was in one small passing news artical (about 10 seconds worth) the day it was held. Nothing at all leading up to it

Next, the women's housing board which was set up (i think) just after the last federal elections FIRST RECOMENDATION, vertually as soon as it was set up was that an equivlant "men's housing board" be set up and yet NOTHING has been spent on this recomendation.

On domestic violence, the amount of money which was spent on the "violence against women" campain was discusting when compared to the fact that changing ONE WORD would have made it compleatly gender neutral. Insted a campaine was launched which had the effect of almost suggesting that domestic violence and sexual assult against men is compleatly ok. Concidering that men are FAR less likly to report these abuses is this really the message we should be sending?

I have no problem with encoraging gender equality yet thats not whats happerning and especially in health all the focus is on women even though the focus needs to be the exact oposite.

Strawman arguments. Unrelated to AA.
how are they not related to AA?

we arnt talking about requiring buidings to have wheel chair access or requiring universities to make efforts for people with learning disabilites to "level the playing field" here, i have zero problem with that. What we are talking about is gender equality between the GENDERS. I honestly dare you to go and tell my sister that because shes a women she should have had easier entry standeds to work or uni because thats the sort of action we are talking about.

Im sorry but they are NOT stawman, you might not LIKE them but that doesnt make it irrelivent. Mens health needs ALOT more money and public awearness and its not reciving that in the least. Education needs about a 40% increase in the number of male teachers in the primary school level (or do you belive that male teachers have nothing to offer male AND female students or worse do you think they are all pedophiles?)

Even people like bells husband who is a stay at home HUSBAND need more surport rather than ridicule

Just because its for women, doesnt mean it should be a policy priority.

Here is a good one, at uni there are "women only rooms" (no i dont mean the toilets) where fridges, tea and coffee, biscutes and reading material is provided. You know how many fridges are avilable to men at uni? NONE, if i bring something to uni and it has to sit in the heat even if its chicken and i pay THE SAME union fees which PAY for these. Tell me how you think that is "equalising the playing field" the way that ramps do for the disabled?
are you australian?
because if you are you would realise that union funding IS NOT private, it was a requirment of being a student at the university. Not to mention that POST VSU it was facilities like this and NOT the general access facilities (like student advocasy, centerlink advice ect) which were FORCED on the union to be funded.

Not to mention that the laws state make no difference between private and public, they aplie to EVERYONE period. They outlaw ANY discrimination on the basis of gender except with a special permit from the board as simple as that. Even the pub which wanted to exclude "straights" because they were causing a nucence in the gay bar needed to applie to get a special exemption to do that.

Lastly universites are GOVERMENT FUNDED. Thats what HECS IS
No, I'm American. I can see where some of that's a trifle upsetting.

Sucks to be you, but at least you have koalas.

Well, if Olivia had testes instead of breasts, maybe we wouldn't have had our spat. Friends? :)
of course, mens health is a pet issue of mine being a man in the health care system and having had my grandfather die of prostate cancer when i was 3. i also watched the care my mother recived when she had breast cancer and it irritates me that so much money is spent on breast cancer (where evidence shows the survival rate if caught early is almost the same as women who DONT have breast cancer) when so little is spent on prostate cancer. It REALLY gets up my nose
Given, catching it early is hard in breast cancer.

As I understand it, if you're 50+ and getting an annual prostate exam, you're dandy.
so why is less public money spent on getting men to GET prostate checks compared to the money spent on getting women to get breast checks?

why was a breast cancer drive run over fathers day which is the ONLY time a public apeal\infomation campaine is run for mens health both in the area's of depression and prostate cancer. Its not like they didnt know, its the same day every year

and no the apsolute numbers are still that slightly more men get prostate cancer than women get breast cancer (morbidity rates) yet the mortality rates are ALOT higher for prostate cancer (sorry dont have them at the moment, should get them in a few weeks if not sooner if your interested)

Even if they survive the treatment (removal of the prostate) leaves every single one of them unable to ever have sex again (even with viagra, it doesnt work on men without a prostate) yet no money is spent on this when compared to the equal or lesser issue of lyphodema which occures when the lyphnodes under the arm pit are removed and causes very little loss of quality of life (my mother actually has this problem and though its an annoyance i highly doubt she would rate it as worse than the compleate loss of her sex life)

On suicide and depression you do realise that rates are again similar yet the chance of sucessful sucide by men is between 3:1 to 9:1 (men:women) that the attempt will be successful. Ie depression is ALOT more leathal for men than it is for women there for ALOT more resorces should be put into dealing with this especially as its the leading causes of deaths for men in the 20s to 30s (and even younger).

On work place deaths there are aprox 700 (yes 7 HUNDRED) a year (which is FAR FAR higher than the road toll i might add) and the greatest majority are men in there 30s. Again women form a very small part of these deaths because of the difference in the industries which men vs women tend to work. Yet rather than THIS number being a govement focus, the focus is on equal pay (worth while but i would rather be alive than be paid more)
draqon, just because i have an interest in something doesnt mean im suited to fixing the problem. Im not a resurcher and i couldnt handle that life thanks, my training and interest is in clinical work, not in resurch
so why is less public money spent on getting men to GET prostate checks compared to the money spent on getting women to get breast checks?

why was a breast cancer drive run over fathers day which is the ONLY time a public apeal\infomation campaine is run for mens health both in the area's of depression and prostate cancer. Its not like they didnt know, its the same day every year

and no the apsolute numbers are still that slightly more men get prostate cancer than women get breast cancer (morbidity rates) yet the mortality rates are ALOT higher for prostate cancer (sorry dont have them at the moment, should get them in a few weeks if not sooner if your interested)

Even if they survive the treatment (removal of the prostate) leaves every single one of them unable to ever have sex again (even with viagra, it doesnt work on men without a prostate) yet no money is spent on this when compared to the equal or lesser issue of lyphodema which occures when the lyphnodes under the arm pit are removed and causes very little loss of quality of life (my mother actually has this problem and though its an annoyance i highly doubt she would rate it as worse than the compleate loss of her sex life)

On suicide and depression you do realise that rates are again similar yet the chance of sucessful sucide by men is between 3:1 to 9:1 (men:women) that the attempt will be successful. Ie depression is ALOT more leathal for men than it is for women there for ALOT more resorces should be put into dealing with this especially as its the leading causes of deaths for men in the 20s to 30s (and even younger).

On work place deaths there are aprox 700 (yes 7 HUNDRED) a year (which is FAR FAR higher than the road toll i might add) and the greatest majority are men in there 30s. Again women form a very small part of these deaths because of the difference in the industries which men vs women tend to work. Yet rather than THIS number being a govement focus, the focus is on equal pay (worth while but i would rather be alive than be paid more)

Did know that on suicide, but would love to see the notes for the other thing.

Also, squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sorry, fella.
geee...its so small...I feel like mine is gigantic. thanks, swarm.

Now I feel sorry for you dragon. It must be tough being so small.

Maybe you'll find a gal anyway?

At any rate, you shouldn't base such assessments on cold and flaccid. I can get even smaller. But that's not what counts of course.

Too quote my sweety: "Oh my god! Look at the size of that thing!"
Originally Posted by scott3x
Kudos to you Australians for not mixing the term 'rape' with unlawful sex :).

And what is the difference? Everyone knows, or should know, what statutory means.

I don't think it's something they really get into in school, sorry. Anyway, I think that even reporters at times omit the 'statutory' part; Orleander's article is probably a good example (who knows, it -might- have been forced rape, ongoing for a year... but they also said it was sex.. they seem to like leaving it ambiguous). So, again, kudos to the australians for removing the term 'rape' from unforced sex, regardless of its legality.
scott3x said:
If affirmative action discriminates against any group of people, it's discrimination; saying that others were discriminated against first is kind of like a kid saying 'he started it!'. Fighting fire with fire doesn't generally work.

AA isn't about discrimination against white boys. It's about making sure someone's application gets read because of prejudice. I'm entering male-dominated field that's VERY conservative. I've been told I shouldn't be in it because I'm a woman and so have other women. I worry about my resume getting read. It's a bad feeling. I've been lucky to meet good people, but yes, I honestly feel I would have been a victim of discrimination had it not been in place.

Now, where I understand your distaste is when we delve into quotas. I don't want to be anyone's token, nor do I need it.

Yes, that's exactly what I was getting into. I'm glad you don't go for this quote thing as well. I'm for the most qualified for the job getting the posts.
Adult Female + Adolescent Boy= Bad Pedophile. She has a prayer if she's hot though.

Adult Male + Adolescent Any=Bad Pedophile. Unless you are Michael Jackson or a Catholic Priest, of course.

Adults having sex with children? One more reason to despise humanity. Or do Lions fuck baby lions in the wild or something and thus,"It's natural"?