Fat people sue McDonalds

this is all to funny!!!!!Im gonna sue the ice cream makers for selling chocolate fudge and carmel toppings.HAHAHAHAHA unreal what people will do for a buck!!!!
OK does everybody only see the facts that people are lazy and they don't want to work to earn a buck, but everybody wants free $, but hey who doesn't right??? Well, people are trying to sue mcdnlds because they are fat and they are trying to use them as their scapegoat well, maybe these people are a little hypocritical because they want to sue somebody for something they enjoy. For example: I go to the gym everyday doesn't matter whats going on i go to the gym its not cause im a health fanatic but i like going its something i do everyday just for me. Obese people enjoy food, food for them is like the gym for me. I if i feel like spending an extra 10 mintues on the treadmill i dont think about how sore my legs could be in the morning, as in the same light they don't think about how many pounds that Big Mac Meal Super Sized w/ diet Coke is going to put on them. I think fat people are disgusting and i know its shallow of me but if im out somewhere eating and i see a 300+ person shoving food ood down their throats like there is no tommorow then i cant eat anything because it is so gross. On the other hand Americans would starve if it werent for restaraunts. It's not just the obese disgusting people that eat out for evreytime they eat cause im guilty of the same thing. Another thing is I'm a manager at a Mcdonalds so if it weren't for these "people" then my car would get repossed and i would be living on the streets, but also by spending everyday at mcdonalds I do see more people walk through those doors than the obese ones.
besides it was the same deal w/ the lady sueing mcdonalds for spilling coffee on her self, she won now thats why everymcdnlds cup says: CAUTION HOT!!! Who in the world that drinks coffee and doesn't know that it is hot. Oh my goodness I just think this all the consequneces of people raising stupid children, come on coffee is hot, anything cooked in 45 seconds and has Mayo, catsup, and cheese all in one bite is going to make you FAT!!! For goodness gracious people, I hope some FAT person is able to make it up off the couch and to their computer and stumble across this post so they see just how lazy, stupid, and irrational that they truly are. Oh, I understand people have health problems and there isn't anything you can do about you weight and i dont hate people cause they are fat as a matter of fact i dont hate anybody, I hate the fact that people are so undetermined that they will allow themselves to be that unhealthy and take serious risks that may affect them forever, with little or no effort to change it. My own sister is over weight and i beg her all the time to start working out w/ me every morning, because I love her and i dont want to loose her to obesity before its her time to go. I'm hard on all people that are purposfully harming their health...smokers, drug addicts, anybody that does harmful things to themselves knowlingly for goodness sakes do somethig about it today while you can there is no day like today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sweetieprincessk... welcome to SciForums!
Please keep your arms and legs inside the
cart at all times and enjoy the ride!
Originally posted by sweetieprincessk
I think fat people are disgusting and i know its shallow of me...
Yes, it is. Very.
...Americans would starve if it werent for restaraunts.
Perhaps you could expand on why you think that is true?
I'm a manager at a Mcdonalds so if it weren't for these "people" then my car would get repossed and i would be living on the streets...
You could not possibly find work elsewhere?

:m: Peace.
people would starve if there werent restaurants, because people are much more busy these days than they were in the past when it was a treat to go out to eat. Face it times have changed in most homes there isn't somebody waiting at home to cook you dinner. People rely on others. It's easier to go out to eat or grab something on the way home then it is go home after a long hard day at work and think of something to cook and to cook it and then clean up all the mess afterwards. Im not saying there arent those people that dont still cook at home, and i do still sometimes, but if i had to cook everything i ate then OMG I wouldn't eat the healty amount of food that a person should consume, i simply dont have time to plan out a meal, cook it, and then clean up afterwards. I didnt mean everybody i just meant most americans would starve.

I could find a job somewheres else and i will oneday, but McDonalds isn't a bad job, they have decent pay, vacation, insurance, and yes it would be hard to find a job that i get the same pay (which I need) and all the benifits that come with the job!!
Originally posted by sweetieprincessk
besides it was the same deal w/ the lady sueing mcdonalds for spilling coffee on her self, she won now thats why everymcdnlds cup says: CAUTION HOT!!! Who in the world that drinks coffee and doesn't know that it is hot. Oh my goodness I just think this all the consequneces of people raising stupid children, come on coffee is hot...
There are the facts about this infamous case that were barely mentioned in the press:
  1. For years, McDonald's had known they had a problem with the way they make their coffee - that their coffee was served much hotter (at least 20 degrees more so) than at other restaurants.
  2. McDonald's knew its coffee sometimes caused serious injuries - more than 700 incidents of scalding coffee burns in the past decade have been settled by the Corporation - and yet they never so much as consulted a burn expert regarding the issue.
  3. The woman involved in this infamous case suffered very serious injuries - third degree burns on her groin, thighs and buttocks that required skin grafts and a seven-day hospital stay.
  4. The woman, an 81-year old former department store clerk who had never before filed suit against anyone, said she wouldn't have brought the lawsuit against McDonald's had the Corporation not dismissed her request for compensation for medical bills.
  5. A McDonald's quality assurance manager testified in the case that the Corporation was aware of the risk of serving dangerously hot coffee and had no plans to either turn down the heat or to post warning about the possibility of severe burns, even though most customers wouldn't think it was possible.
  6. After careful deliberation, the jury found McDonald's was liable because the facts were overwhelmingly against the company. When it came to the punitive damages, the jury found that McDonald's had engaged in willful, reckless, malicious, or wanton conduct, and rendered a punitive damage award of 2.7 million dollars. (The equivalent of just two days of coffee sales, McDonalds Corporation generates revenues in excess of 1.3 million dollars daily from the sale of its coffee, selling 1 billion cups each year.)
  7. On appeal, a judge lowered the award to $480,000, a fact not widely publicized in the media.
  8. A report in Liability Week, September 29, 1997, indicated that Kathleen Gilliam, 73, suffered first degree burns when a cup of coffee spilled onto her lap. Reports also indicate that McDonald's consistently keeps its coffee at 185 degrees, still approximately 20 degrees hotter than at other restaurants. Third degree burns occur at this temperature in just two to seven seconds, requiring skin grafting, debridement and whirlpool treatments that cost tens of thousands of dollars and result in permanent disfigurement, extreme pain and disability to the victims for many months, and in some cases, years.
The facts are from case transcripts reported in Legal News and Views, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers.

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by sweetieprincessk
people would starve if there werent restaurants, because people are much more busy these days... there isn't somebody waiting at home to cook you dinner. ...if i had to cook everything i ate then OMG I wouldn't eat the healty amount of food that a person should consume... most americans would starve.
I think most people are more resourceful than that. If there were no restaurants, they would be forced to do all of things you mention above. No one would starve simply if there was no hamburger jockey waiting to serve them. ;)

:m: Peace.
my point wasnt about the suit over the coffee i already know the facts about that i was just saying people know coffee is hot and they know fast food makes them fat
Agreed, but you tried to equate the two legal issues when they are quite different. I just want to seperate them for those who did not have all of the information.

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by joegurl13
but 1000 calorie burgers are just soooo good....
Well go jogging afterwards or something!! Or just eat them in moderation. McD's is worldwide, and yet the whole world isn't obese. ;)
The American Nation never ceases to amaze me. I genuinely do not believe half of the things I hear about it. Though, they did elect George Bush...
a phrase an American dream comes to mind, Siddhartha
though it should sound an American nightmare ;)
The larger problem here is class-action lawsuits. I now get several claims each year in the mail. These are thick packets that say essentially “We at Dewey Cheatem & Howe are suing XYZ Corp. because some people were awoken from their sleep when some garbage cans fell over at XYZ’s factory on or about 3am on Oct. 15 and it caused them severe emotional distress. Please fill out these forms in quadruplicate proving that you own property within 10 miles of the factory. We’ll send you a check when the company settles.”

If I was dumb enough to fill out the forms, I could expect a check for about ten cents in a few years. The lawyer pockets a fortune. This is what the McD’s fat-people suit is really about. A lawyer in Seattle made a cool $3 mil within one month of filing a suit against McD’s for using beef flavoring in their French fries without warning the vegetarians. Flush with that victory he’s now methodically going after every other food chain for the same. I’m surprised he doesn’t have more competition.

Did you know that one of the law firms involved in the states vs. tobacco suit was paid a fee of over $2 billion? And that the states’ share of the settlement now pays for improving tobacco farm production? What a wacky country.
goofy a qestion for you

you said that it was kept at 180 are you talking C or F?

because i was under the impression that its IMPOSSABLE to keep water above 100C without it totally evaporating when its at standed air pressure
I think most people are more resourceful than that. If there were no restaurants, they would be forced to do all of things you mention above. No one would starve simply if there was no hamburger jockey waiting to serve them.

ok, so maybe i didnt give people enough credit, I should have stated more clearly that people wouldn't literally starve... it would just be a huge in convience to a lot of people. Also, if there weren't any fast food chains that would put millions out of work, so there would not be enough of work for all those people to go to so in an early statement you asked if i could not possibly find a different job, so it could be quite possible for me or others not to find jobs. On the other hand if there werent any fast food chains then it could possibly make a significant change in America because we do have more over weight people in our country than any other country. I'm not only including people that 100+ over weight im including those just a few pounds over weight.
Originally posted by joegurl13
but 1000 calorie burgers are just soooo good....

where are you eating a 1000 calorie burger at???


regular hamburger... 250 calories
cheeseburger... 280 calories
quarter pounder w/ cheese... 370 calories
big mac... 300 calories

sorry i dont have the calories on the newer snadwiches like the big and tasty, but i can get them if anybody needs to know. But, my point is that isn't anywhere near 1000 calories for 1 burger. Actually, you could eat all 4 of those burgers and it would only be 1200 calories. ;)