Fat people sue McDonalds

You know, if these fat people get as settlement, they probably spent the money at mcdonalds instead of bying a stairclimber.

The same lame "too tempting" excuse as some rapists say that the girl was wearing too short skirt and was asking for it...
Sheesh, idealists idealists. Fat people sueing Mc has nothing to do with right or wrong. It's that they see a means of getting money, moving the blame for their obesity to someone else, getting vindictive pleasure that temporarily rmoves guilt from being fat, all in one swift (well, legally speaking) stroke towards fast food chains.

:D Ha ha, that is funny about the rapist.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
In a way, those seriously over weight people are starting to be penalized. Airlines have taken the step that if you occupy 2 seat spaces that you will be charged for that. It is the first "recognition" of weight problems being a problem for others than themselves.
If you occupy two spaces then you'd better pay for two friggin spaces. What're they complaining about? Either that or go on a stupid diet that WORKS.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
teeheee.. in case of emergenc would you also need two parachutes.... and are you allowed more carry-ons?
Now that's something I never thought of. But if you did pay for two seats you deserve two people's worth of carryons. And sent baggage as well.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
that lawsuit is ludicrous! don't even get me started on it. i read about it in one of the national weekly magazines last night; a picture of one of the people suing was included .. whoa....that's a LOT of whoppers !!!

they will soon demand that there should be written harmful for health on Stinger rockets

what idiot a person has to be not to understand how harmful fast food is

Beef patty sues McDonalds for emotional distress. Nuggets press dismemberment charges.

Beef patty sues Lesion42 for being chewed on

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
need I bring up a related issue about the soda tax because "fat people simply cant control soda intake" thats also absurd.

night fall: dont be so sure a "big n barfy " dosn't cause cancer

I say people are free to live their own lives and suffer the consequences of their actions. If you get overweight its up to you to control it. some people have weight problems, others mental problems. point is, everyone has problems of one sort or another and that just life, you gotta deal with it. what would life be without problems?

I would like to thank McDonalds ( and again mention YES they do put the "icky" in mickey D's ) for showing me how disgusting all fast food is. Thanks Ron!

on a last note I would like to add that the crew there doubles on inspection days.........
need I bring up a related issue about the soda tax because "fat people simply cant control soda
intake" thats also absurd.
ohh!!oh!! that brings up something else... how many times have you heard this?
"Hi, id like, the big mac meal, and.. make that the large size... and.. two of those.. apple pies.. hmm.. annnnndd... lets see.. add on one of those chicken sandwhiches too.. oh, and a diet coke."

?!?!!?! i doubt that's really gonna do ya alot of good lady.... :rolleyes:
ha ha . I laugh at that as well. The ONLY reason I would even drink a soda is:

1) sugar
3)no other choice

soda is disgusting! diet soda consists of nothing more than water, possibly caffeine and other than that toxins for your body to remove

oh and some carbonation
sorry- can't really help- I drink only the local ones

but if you ever are in Latvia

Aldaris* Pilzenes beer is good and also
Lacplesa Tumsais is a good choice

*(it's the company that makes it)
I think the closest I've been is Germany... which is a lot closer than California.

I didn't even like beer until the last time I went there, 8 years ago....
you didn't know beer before imho
American ones is something AWFUL
I drank it once at a 4th July party which was organised by the American embassy over here

it was like a shapoo!!!

let's have a toast for all the good (and real) beers out there

p.s. did you know that the german beers imported to the usa are actually very different and tasteless, because they have to meet official american food standarts :rolleyes:
ya, I don't even reaLLY consider imports "beer". The typical bar in Germany had a large blackboard with the current brews. I do think beer is getting better here because of the increased interest of microbrewing
I read something about a man who "spilled" coffee from McDonalds on himself in France. They threw the case out in five minutes.

I cant find the article, but why cant our legal system be more reasonable? (thats rhetorical)