Fat people sue McDonalds


Valued Senior Member
From the CNN page:
NEW YORK (AP) -- Are Big Macs hazardous to children's health?

Lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit against McDonald's on behalf of New York children who have suffered health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

In federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday, a lawyer alleged that the fast-food chain has created a national epidemic of obese children. Samuel Hirsch argued that the high fat, sugar and cholesterol content of McDonald's food is "a very insipid, toxic kind of thing" when ingested regularly by young kids.

The plaintiffs include a Bronx teen who ate every meal at McDonald's for three years while living in a homeless shelter. Another is a 13-year-old boy from Staten Island who says he ate at McDonald's food three to four times a week and is now 5-foot-4 and 278 pounds.

This kind of thing makes me really wonder about the American legal system…
Jeez, thats madness, serves them right for eating McDonalds "beef" burgers!!
har har.
is there not a thing about that mcdonalds and burgerking etc have to advertise that their food is unhealthy in their adverts or something?
I'm starting to think that it might be just as easy to switch from fat food to healthy food. It's in americas culture to be junky, and it has been for a few decades now. It needs to change, because people are dying. We need a massive reform.
LOL, like mcdonalds forced them to go into their 'restaurant' and partake of their fatty foods!
is this the first time you've heard of this?

There was also a 'large' handful that wanted to sue a couple of fast food chains, peticularly McD's becuase their commercials were too tempting and they were "unable to control themselves" when they saw them, and it forced them to eat and become obese.

OOOOOooooooohhhhhh as a lawyer i wouldv'e had fun with that.

First, anyone witha brain could've got that taken care of. but then.. oh no.. dont stop there.. i would whip up a PPO on every BigMAc in the courtroom.. because, as a McDonalds owner of course, i would definately not want these people in my restaurant. I mean, if you can't hold back on a simple tv commercial.. what are you going to do when the other senses kick in, and your standing in line, and you see the little kid with the french fries...are you gonna rip them out of her hand? steal her happy meal? All becuase you can't control yourself? not in my restuarant!

Infact, this loss of self control could be harmful to society in general. Perhaps the best thing for you would be a stricter diet in a more "confined and understanding environment" would be the best way to address this saddening issue.... :p

I'm not racist, I'm not often religously loud, and thank god, im not a feminist, but i hate more than anything, fat lazy people. No, I dont mean the big kid in class who is just bigger than us, or chubby girl on the cheer team. Im talking about The fat, spandex-devoted, "its not my fault im fat" slobs, that walk around , shoving their way to the dessert isle in meijer, order 14 cupcakes and a diet coke, and expect that we SYMPATHIZE because they have no respect for themselves, no discipline in their life, and no respect for the rest of us that have to stare at their huffing, panting, fat ass. :mad:

EDIT: and on another note, i think when peeople get disturbingly overweight (without serious medical condition), they should be fined for taking up too much space in our already overpopulated world... and ofcourse, they pentalty for not paying htis fine would be an imprisonment with a diet plan, and once you loose a certain amount (ina healthy way ofcourse) you can be released back into society. Sure, this may cause more frequent eating disorders, but well, its their own damn fault, atleast when they die that way, it wont take a forklift to act as pallbearer. :D
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Im talking about The fat, spandex-devoted, "its not my fault im fat" slobs, that walk around , shoving their way to the dessert isle in meijer, order 14 cupcakes and a diet coke, and expect that we SYMPATHIZE because they have no respect for themselves, no discipline in their life, and no respect for the rest of us that have to stare at their huffing, panting, fat ass.
eating disorder, o.k, not everyone thats fat has em but i think maybe you should know what your talking about before you shoot your mouth off. O.k, everyone will take it im fat cause im perhaps speaking up but im not, i just dont like people getting judged by people that have no idea what they are talking about.

Look at it from the other perspective, you think that people that starve themselfs so that they are all skin and bone and they say "its not my fault im underweight" are all anarexic (sp) ? no, not all of them, they see some celeb on tv and think cool i want to look unnaturally thin. Do you think they have as much respect for themselves as fat beasts? or do you think they have more respect for themselves?

I think the answer you are looking for is: happy-medium.
There was also a 'large' handful that wanted to sue a couple of fast food chains, peticularly McD's becuase their commercials were too tempting and they were "unable to control themselves" when they saw them, and it forced them to eat and become obese.
oh, and i do think this is bullshit, they are just looking for easy money. Its the same idea as tobacco advertising, people are going to sue tobacco industry because they smoked for 40 years and ended up having cancer. Its daft. Americanized logic: If i can sue somebody to get money, i will!
well it is somewhat like the contraversy of holding cigarette makers responsible for the smokers health iusses,

wait if u think about i really is just like the cigarette people problems

If the courts would sue the cigarette guys then y wouldnt they do it for that fat guys....they might acually win
i forgot to mention matabilsm (sp:eek:) has got to do with weight too, for example: someone might eat 3whopper meals and put on weight another person could eat the same and not. Its not a black and white picture.

yeh, basically, in america you can almost sue anyone and at least get a settlement. I think the fats will get some money and they will introduce somesort of legislation to do with ads.
first of all Captain, im not sure what it was you were trying to inform me on that i didn't know and post.

Second, i didn't say that you had to be bone thin. Thats unhealthy. Im talking 100+ OVERWEIGHT. not just over a hundred pounds! What i also said was that it would be better for them to be Anorxeic than morbidly obese.

and third, i also said without medical condition. if someone has some sort of thyroid problem in which they are just overight, no matter what they do or eat, well then shit, they're gonna be overwieght. The captain of my dance team my sophmore year was overweight. But she wasn't LAZY. she worked her ass off, and she was just as good of a dancer as the ret of us, and actually much better. But she was just gnetically chubby. the difereance is, she took care of herself .

I also have a 'friend' who doesn't work, never leaves the couch, and has broken not one, not two but THREE of my camping chairs simply by sitting in him. He seldom bathes, he doesn't do laundy, he just lays around shoving potatoe chips in his mouth. Needless to say, this is the type that should be 'taken care of'.

And just to clear things up, im am not a stick person either. but i am not lazy.

I hope that helped you understand the poitn that i was trying to get across. sorry if it was fuzzy the first time.
forgot to mention matabilsm (sp:eek has got to do with weight too, for example: someone might eat 3whopper meals and put on weight another person could eat the same and not. Its not a black and white picture.

captain, im an 18yr old female dancer who has rollercoasted between a size 8 inlittle girls to a 15 in womens and back again all throught my highschool career. I know what metabolism is and i know how weight comes on and off.

You can raise your metabolism with EXCERCISE. oh heaven forbid you get a spot any farther from the door of the supermarket than 3 spaces, and you'll drive around for 15 minutes before you hink about parking in the back. But my god, our bodies are made to mooooooooove.

Please do not be offended by the way i talk about this subject captain, none of my anger is aimed at you. Just them.
wait if u think about i really is just like the cigarette people problems
a Big N tastey doesn't cuase cancer, nor does the oder let off when its cooked (lit). Im not sure if "ciggareete people" were the consumers or the manufacturers, but i dont think that a consumer should be alble to do a damn thing about it. It is engraved in our minds since dare class in 5th grade that smoking is bad for us. Some choose to ignore those warnings. I did for 9 years. and it wasn't until a cancer scare a couple months ago that i quit. But that doesnt make the tobbacco compnay at fault if i get sick. Thats like holding a casino at fault if you loose all of your money. you CHOSE to do it. There is a warning label on the package in plain veiw.. (i wonder if this will lead to a "This item may cause excessive weight gain" label on McD's products:p) And if you were talking about nonsmokers being invaded by those who do smoke, I dont think they should get anything either. There are many many smoke free restaurants clubs etc they could attend. And if they chose to attend one that does admit smokers, that is their own problem to deal with. Im allergic to some perfumes, that doesn't mean that i should go and sue someone becuase they caused my allergies to act up on a big date. Especially in America, we loooove to blame our problems on other people (including me of ofcourse) and sometimes it gets pushed waaaayyyy to far....
most the cigarette court cases are to do with older people. Back in the day, the cigarette companies didn't inform people of the risks of smoking. So now that their ill, they are sueing the companies for lack of warning.

You gotta be pretty stupid to breath in smoke regulary and think that it wont harm you.

Nightfall, I disagree with you on non smokers. I used to smoke and yes I did give other people my smoke. But now I don't smoke I have better appreciation for other people's health. It's not nice breathing in other peoples smoke. You cough, your eye's sting and your clothes stink. I'm fine with people smoking just not when non smokers get the smoke.

Fine, kill yourselves, but not other's.
But what would be REALLY good would be if these law suits started working(They just keep makein' 'em and I just keep eatin' 'em, what am I to do?!), and fast food chains went out of bussiness, and then the fat people started bitching about the lack of burgers in the world. It'd be tragic, really, worthy of shakespear himself.

Oh, and don't take this as some sort of failing of the American legal system, just because we can attempt to sue anyone for just about anything doesn't mean we'll win.
that lawsuit is ludicrous! don't even get me started on it. i read about it in one of the national weekly magazines last night; a picture of one of the people suing was included .. whoa....that's a LOT of whoppers !!!
Lol, imagine all the post-christians suing the church for post-traumatic stress dissorder!:D