Faster Than Light

You're throwing out a lot of stuff. Sit back and think for a minute. If I said that gravity DOESN'T slow down light, why would it matter if it is in a void or not. Not to say that gravity doesn't HAVE an effect on does, through the effect of gravitational redshift. Light escaping large gravitational wells lengthens in wavelength. But is has to be an intense source, like a neutron star, or light from a black hole that is far enough from an event horizon to escape, like the light produced from the accretion disk around the blackhole. There is gravitational lensing that bends light around stars and other large objects, but light still is at c.

There is no 'inflation of gravity'. The fabric of spacetime is believed to be expanding if that is what you mean.
The bottom line is there is very likely a limit to how fast one can go from one point to another.... "In a Straight Line". The real question is, how do we get around that straight line.
Hre is a couple thoughts on travelling at the speed of light.

Why not send human DNA information throughout the universe and hope some intelligent entity might pick it up and reproduce you. At the same time send a brain scan of your brain with all its knowledge along with instructions on integrating both into a human.

The above thought is not possible right now because we havent figured out how to extract info from brain scans but who knows maybe in the future.

Another thought send DNA info throughout the universe and hope that the information would stimulate primitive living matter into organizing itself per DNA instructions.
funny thing is;

what if instead of trasmitting our DNA out into space, the truth was that our DNA was 'transmitted' onto earth from outer space
Zonabi, that may be the case. It may be that science will at some point find a way to remotely program DNA in living things.

What we think as ideas may actually be signals beamed to us via a telepathic medium. All we have to do is condition our selfs to readilly accept transmitted information.

I dont know if we can tune into electromagnetic transmissions but perhaps there's a telepathic "ether" that allows telepathic signals to propagate through the universe.

Part of our brains may be able to tune into this ether and some investigation has to be performed to locate the section and encourage it's development.

I contribute the above thought to the ether. :D
right on !

yes, Greco, many of the wild thoughts people seem to conjure may in fact be channeled works, or help from the outside if u know what i mean.

I believe that we arent very aware of the telepathic abilities mostly because we are still in our 3rd density of existance (3D world that we perceive)
but still some people are able to tune in , these are special souls. :) this is how ESP occurs, or when u know the phone is going to ring... etc. your telepathic ability connects in these instances, and you somehow communicate with another soul without physical connection.

from what i gather, we are about to enter the transformation into 4th density; and this is scheduled to happen soon, with the coming of certain celestial objects nearing earth (comets, planets, strange things, 'sedna')

i am not completely sure the validity of these claims, but my intuition sees some truth in it. as anyone with a sense of awareness would know, the events unfolding have a strange, unheard of, tone. something is going to happen that is going to change our world. but thats besides the point here.
lets go back to FTL talk:

i got a funny e-mail today from my father, thought one line was relevant to this thread. it deals with what i was trying to say about traveling faster than light :

If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when
you turn on the headlights?

this is what i was trying to say, when i stated that if you are travelling faster than the speed of light, would not everything lose its color? or would anything even be visible if light has not been able to hit the objects and reflect in your retina?
someone here said that perhaps theres some other light already there, or coming from a different source, direction. I cannot really perceive how this would effect my idea's theory, but i kind of see what they meant.

ok, something else now:

Another thought send DNA info throughout the universe and hope that the information would stimulate primitive living matter into organizing itself per DNA instructions.

where i see this is good idea, i do not think that simply sending DNA info out in space would stimulate an amoeba into forming intelligent life DNA strands. I think there has to be someone there to apply the genetic DNA code to the primitive life form. (scratch the amoeba- we're talking apes, lizards, birds)
don't you think that life forms would want to participate in the genetic DNA applications, rather than just 'sending the DNA code out and wishing it well on its way out' ?

what im saying is, where DNA genetics can be VERY helpful to primitive life anywhere- it needs an engineer to apply the genetics to the life form.
where as i cannot say that DNA just shot out to space WILL NOT effect another primitive lifeform, i think that it will be 100000X less likely to happen, and less likely to happen effectively.
The latest theory of the origin of the universe says the universe "boiled" out of the fabric of space and from a pinpoint and a set of natural laws expanded to what it is today. Well let's taked it one step further and assume that DNA info is spontenously produced out of a chemical soup. Why not? If the universe can self start with a set of laws, why not DNA combinations out of chemical soups. Also what if those DNA combinations could be urged from remote?

I dont know if scientists have tried beaming information into chemical soups and if they have, what they have found. If not, maybe some energetic soul out there can look into it. I already know that sound beamed at fluids can create shapes and encourage chemical reactions.