Faster Than Light

get2it said:
actually, frnd ufos were ntg but spaceships lauched by usa drng d cold war against ussr. u might not have heard bout dem after ussr broke . moreover bout the accid of ufo , it was never disclosed by d mexican govt 2 d public.

Do we have any translaters on board?? :confused:
In space, speed kills. Space is full of trash, particulate matter, etc. One single grain of sand striking the hull [at the speeds you're talking about] would destroy the spacecraft. I'll bet you're saying, "WHAT ABOUT SHIELDS, THEY HAVE SHIELDS ON STAR TREK?"

Folding space is the answer for interstellar travel. Interplanetary speeds? That would depend on how lucky you feel. Talking about FTL is a waste of time. :rolleyes:
Trying to go even half the speed of light will destroy your speceship due to space junk left by comets and the like. The kinetic energy will be like mini nukes every microsecond and your shield will not be able to deliver that much energy assuming you have a startrek type shield. The capacitor needed to store and release such energy will be bigger than your speceship.

I found this out the hardway when my son burned the alternator and replaced a few batteries using a high powered stereo system in his car. We finally put a 1.5 Farad capacitor that was still straining at 3/4 volume.
The argument of collision with matter is a valid one, however it is assuming a propellent systen. Interstellar travel is rendered practically impossible with rocket propulsion. I suppose to countereact these collisions, one could use a repulsive field, an anti-gravitational field, although I am completely unsure of the dynamics, this is just for conjectures sake.

FTL will remain a distant dream, untill we can innovate new physics or science, that allows it. The most functional theory thus far, is the wormhole one, which creates a passage in space-time, using exotic matter, that is emptier than space.

One of my own theories, is to be able to manipulate the theoretical Higgs field, to become a state of crystalized energy, and quantumly teleport across space. That is however purely speculative.
I think, we need to first understand the dark matter and dark energy before we venture out into the galaxy and beyond. We know too little regarding the universe around us. What if we are inside a Matrix? :D
Kmguru, the chances of using being inside an artificial Matrix are incredibly high, I am serious. The chances of us being in a Matrix are 100%; we are in a matrix.
It is however irrelavant which type of Matrix we are in.
You know, we could be inside a natural Matrix. The nature knows how to build organic computers. You can even dream that look so real...a simulation done by your own brain!
That is pretty much what I said, but step it up onto a quantum level, and we have a quantum simulation.
Exactly...every possible outcomes and hence infinite simulations...and possibilities. Some have dead ends like stop the simulation in mid stream...
Haha my formula light speed travel:

Light = The square root of Mass minus Energy.

Votorx said:
Haha my formula light speed travel:

Light = The square root of Mass minus Energy.
Uh, don't you mean the square root of energy divided by mass?

The argument about colliding with space dust at high speeds is a good one, but I'm not sure it's something that would pose a problem for a very advanced space ship. Yes, at the moment we don't have any idea how to protect a ship from those sorts of impacts, but on the other hand we also don't have any idea how to accelerate a ship up to those speeds in the first place. Who knows, maybe by the time we have a way to make an engine that can get a ship up to those speeds, we'll also have a way to protect it.
Nasor said:
Who knows, maybe by the time we have a way to make an engine that can get a ship up to those speeds, we'll also have a way to protect it.

It is like saying, exporting jobs is good for you because, who knows, someday we will come up with a new technology that would employ everybody paying high salaries so that we can buy more junk. :D
i think all the talk about crashing into a particle of dust is hogwash.

in a spaceship that is worthy of space travel, there must be gravity propulsions and electromagnetic forces that drive it. rocket science is pre-school in the cosmos' college, ya catch my flow? dont you think that spaceships would be more reasonably able to travel the vast spaces if they tried to mimic the very forces that drive our planets and stars in the same vast space?

if any of you have witnessed UFOs, they dart of and can dissappear. the idea here is, after u take off, you speed up until you reach the point of hyperspace speed (i guess when the engine becomes charged up by electromagnetism) and this is when the craft dissappears. you see, its not like its ZOOMing across space at incredible speeds, its more like it dissappears at point A and reappears at point B.
i hate to say this again (because of the ridicule that i receieved) but its like once the craft surpassed a certain "speed limit" (which i think is the galactal speed of light- which is believed to be the maximum speed information can travel) it suddenly rips into the fabric of time, causing it to dissappear from our specific time and space.
let me try and explain how i see this right now:
they say "c" is the max. for information.
now my question is, what about Time?
how fast does time travel itself? I think this varies, obviously.
but if the speed of light is said to be the maximum (and i will agree to this on the terms of it is the maximum in this galaxy alone) then time would have this as its maximum possible speed also? if this is the case, then my proposition at the top of this post seems to be plausible:
when the ship passes the maximum speed limit of the galaxy, it dissappears-
meaning it doesnt have to worry about colliding with any rocks or whatever.
only thing u have to worry about is where u slow down, where u plan to "land" or "arrive" if you will. make sure u dont materialize inside of a rock or worse yet inside of a flaming gaseous planet (remember HG Well's "Time Machine" when all of a sudden he materialized inside of a damned rock...)
but of course this can be avoided easily with simple (maybe not that simple) planning and advanced knowledge.

so , what i lay upon you all are a few questions to help me understand some things better:
1- how does Time tie in with the "c" speed of light ?
2- has anyone here done any considerable research on gravity propulsion and electromagnetism, such as ZPE, or ARV ? any1 looked into whats available on Tesla's work?
3- what do you all think about my earlier prediction:
i believe that when light-speed is surpassed, the object travelling loses all of its color, and furthermore, any lifeform travelling FTL will not be able to see ANYTHING.

that seems to coincide with my newly touched-up idea on FTL. because when the idea of it passing the speed limit of light means two things:
1- nothing can be visible- for light doesnt have the chance to catch up, and light is what makes things visible.
2- you either bend time or time bends you. this is why you dissappear as u shoot off, and reappear wherever your destination- also a reason why you would actually be travelling "thru" time- when compared to the time of your departure or even compared to the time of your arrival.

thats enough for now , let me know your thoughts (please serious feedback only)
This isn't "Star Wars" zonabi. Nor is it "The Time Machine". The truth is, if you were to accelerate to near the speed of light, objects in your way would cause you trouble. Satellites are in danger now and that is with paint chips and screws traveling at 17,000 mph. Kinetic energy is the key.

zonabi: so , what i lay upon you all are a few questions to help me understand some things better:
1- how does Time tie in with the "c" speed of light ?

That's easy. Learn relativity. Or do you think that's wrong? I doubt you've opened a book on the subject.

2- has anyone here done any considerable research on gravity propulsion and electromagnetism, such as ZPE, or ARV ? any1 looked into whats available on Tesla's work?

How would we access ZPE? It's related to the fact that there can't be zero energy at a particular point in space (related to the uncertainty principle). It is not what most people think it is. And as far is anyone is concerned, Tesla was a smart guy but not a super genius making spacecraft in his basement.

3- what do you all think about my earlier prediction:

Color is what we make of it. What you really mean is an object's emissions will cease. It's a moot point anyhow. You can't exceed the speed of light linerally. Just look to particle accelerators for proof. Besides, if you WERE going faster than light, you'd probably be able to see the light in front of you. But then the laws of relativity wouldn't exactly be opperating if that were the case.

Is that serious enough for you? Or are you still upset because I don't agree with your questionable scientific interpretation.
Just a thought. Have you realized that the velocity at which UFO's travel on Earth, is many magnitudes slower than the speed of light. This suggests either:

1: UFO's do not travel faster than the speed of light, and are originating from a nearby place.

2: UFO's can only travel faster than the speed of light in space.
1: UFO's do not travel faster than the speed of light, and are originating from a nearby place.

2: UFO's can only travel faster than the speed of light in space.

yes, both good interpretations, ive thought of them both as well.

That's easy. Learn relativity. Or do you think that's wrong? I doubt you've opened a book on the subject.
ive read einstein's theory of relativity by max born, but i still dont agree with everything there... well i agree but i have one main discrepency i guess.

i like crazymikey's #2 up there, it makes alot of sense to me. i believe in outer space, outside of galaxies and in the voids of space, speed limits that we are so sure about cease to exist.

i book i like better is Kip Thorne's Black Holes and Time Warps.
i see more chance for space travel here than anywhere else.

Tesla was a genius, how can you deny that?

i have one new question now:

1- if light is travelling at its supposed maximum, called "c", then howcome a black hole is said to have enough gravitational force to pull the light away and suck it in? does this mean the gravitational force is greater than "c" ? and does this mean that it pulls the light faster than it was going? hence, does the light speed up, faster than "c" when being pulled into the singularity of a black hole??
First off. Why would light being in a void act any different than it buzzing by the Ort cloud or past Jupiter? Do you believe it has something to do with inflation or something?

Second. To answer your question. The gravitational field of a black hole prevents what falls into it from escaping, even if your escape velocity happens to be c. With light, there is no "speeding up". It follows the curvature of spacetime as if it was going in a straight line...sort of a path of least resistance. Given the rather large graviational bending effects of black holes, photons would fall into the event horizon if too close (like a marble rolled too close to a dimple in a sheet that falls toward the center). If it is unlucky enough to pass the event horizon, it's gone for good. It can not escape because it would need an escape velocity greater than c.
i think it has to do with gravity.
think about what we said about the black holes.
its gravity has an effect on the light (or anything for that matter)
i believe the gravity in each galaxy would have different effects on how photons (light) travel within it.
and in the voids is also another story.
i have heard that there are no particles in the voids of space, hence the ability to see stars millions of light years away...
i think light speeds up in the vacuums (voids) of space. inflation ? maybe inflation of gravity...
all the controversy of dark matter and black holes, things of this nature make me question how the rest of the universe really is