Famous people who denounce Christianity

Initially it is a subjective thing(1 Cor. 2:10-"But God has revealed them to us through his Spirit.") It doesn't hit everybody b/c not everybody is spiritual(on the Damascus road, it hit Paul and Paul only.)
However, look at verse 12-"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God." Once God provides the revelation, he will provide what is necessary to show it(in the event that it hasn't already been given). Here's the thing: to understand God one must come from a spiritual direction; if one comes from a physical direction in search of God, then one is searching in vain and will never find Him. If one does this, then one is putting the cart before the horse.

"For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of man which is in him? Even so no one can the things of God except the Spirit of God?"-1 Cor. 2:11.
Katazia said:
Hi Flores,

Please go ahead and provide the demonstration.

What demonstration? That we will all die in 100% certainty? Come on? How about you show me one individual who was alive two centuries ago? If the phenomena of death is truly a sickness, then some of us must be healthy? Show me some people who are healthy from death?

Katazia said:
All leading scientists in the field of anti-aging research state that death through aging will no longer be inevitable within a few years. I believe that negates your assertion of ‘certainty’. Your statement can only refer to the past, the future is very uncertain in this field. These scientists describe aging as a disease to be cured like any other.

This is not true...Perhaps they can demonstrate thier ability to reverse the process by even farming one cell FROM A DEAD CELL. As far as slowing the process of aging down, that's inapplicable..You must first proof that death is the result of aging and aging alone. I know lots of people who die young...I don't think that these people can benefit from the anti-aging research. Plus death can not be a sickness, you must show the healthy alternative, to conclude that death is a sickness. This is like saying that the trees sheding their leaves is a sickness and we must do everything in our power to make sure that all trees never loose one single leaf??

Katazia said:
This appears to apply equally to you as well, wouldn’t you agree?


Amen...But I'm not the one to claim that death is the end or that death is bad.
James R said:
Overconfidence is often a fatal flaw.
On the contrary, confidence is a very positive thing... overconfidence should never be confused with arrogance.
Q25 said:
the truth is;
the atheists live for now and here,trying to make the world/life better for everyone.b/c we know this life is all you have!
god is the most unreliable person to ask for help!
if it wasnt for atheists/free thinkers,scientists,
we would still be living on flat Earth,praying to some gods for rain and to heal the sick instead of taking them to the hospital!

atheists have to drag the primitive,skydady worshipers into the modern/improved life and what do the believers do?
trying to teach stupid nonsense and lies such as 6 day creationism,etc.
cretenism is more like it!

Unfortunately Q25, words and definitions have lost their meanings while travelling in the circle, we are perhaps at the point of 180 degree turn, where things seem to be totally reversed.

Atheistic believes didn't exist with such intensity nor was it warranted for until the Theistic views have went out of hand into complete absurdity. All I say is that, the existance of today's Atheists is quite a statement on the low status of Theism, and if Theism would be more reasonable, Atheists would cease to comment or no longer exist...hence my Sumarai statement.
Q25 said:
I have already met my maker,and guess what,
there's two of them! ;)
man and a woman

You are quite a good man...Seriously, because after believe in god, religion asks you to believe and love your parents second.

Q25 said:
how were the believers made?from pile of dust? :rolleyes:

You are 50% correct...You missed wet. We are made from wet dust, or as the bible and Quran says, mud. We are made from carbon-Nitrogen-phosphorous, ect.../dust and water. The main elements of our making is c, N, P, K, ect, Hydrogen and Oxygen....in a very complex equation...perhaps in the order of:
C15540000^?H19000000^?N134234^?ectectect. That's for the body that dies.
Our consciousness is attributed to the soul which is assigned by god and never dies
Quote: (Our consciousness is attributed to the soul which is assigned by god and never dies)

Cool you know this also means **Atheists** never die either!

Godless said:
Quote: (Our consciousness is attributed to the soul which is assigned by god and never dies)

Cool you know this also means **Atheists** never die either!


Of course. Only the organic component dies. Yet the soul shaped by the life may not be in balance. As you know, our brain or mind have three components, the "KNOW" and the "ACT", if the "ACTS" didn't agree with the "KNOW" too much, then the mind will generate a "GUILT" section to store this inconsistency in behavior. For example, the mind knows that stealing is a bad thing, if it acts to steal anyways, then the mind will be in mode of rationalization of action. Usually a temporary rationalization is acheived to put mind temporary to sleep, but the contradiction remains unsettled. If a person style of life is a series of contradicitons and rationalizations, it results in a burderend contradicting guilty soul. A burderend soul without a body, is a bad bad thing.