Famous people who denounce Christianity

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
"The Bible is not my Book and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long complicated statements of Christian dogma. ~ Abraham Lincoln

Hmm....I'm curious. Could you give me a reference as to where you got these quotes(both this one and the Thomas Jefferson one)
"That I am not a member of any Christian Church, is true; but I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures; and I have never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular."

"Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict [slavery] might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes."

I found these quotations here. I could not, however, find the bible bashing quotation. Perhaps it's forged?
Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man. ~ Thomas Jefferson
"I never told my own religion nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another's creed. I am satisfied that yours must be an excellent religion to have produced a life of such exemplary virtue and correctness. For it is in our lives, and not from our words, that our religion must be judged. "


M*W, not only do you have to babble along with your theories, but you take quotes out of context.
Ok, M*W. I check up on your Abraham Lincoln quote it seems you misquoted it. Who really lied to you?
The context of "the bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession is drastically different". What Lincoln expresses in this statement is minor indifference. The second part of the statement must have been added in by either you or your cohorts.
Medicine Woman's Truth

Christianity has proven itself to be a conglomeration of lies. I was a Christian at one time, then I found out the truth. I am offended (empahasis mine) that what I believed and taught to others was nothing but lies. It's one thing to disbelieve Christianity if you don't know it. It's another thing to find out its all lies when you do.

and one from awhile back that caught my attention:

The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated(emphasis mine). I take this mission as seriously as I took xianity when I was one of them!

So I'm still left here trying to figure out what's so truthful and admirable about M*W's God and M*W's religion. In reading all her vitriolic replies concerning Christianity, it is fairly obvious she somehow believes that hers is the sole proprietor of truth, grace and compassion.

M*W once said:
I believe in the ONE Spirit of God that dwells within the entire human race.

Occasionally she'll get careless and distracted enough on her mission to slip up. During these moments she'll to attempt to lead others to believe that despite her hatred for Christianity-- her own religion involves some type of all-embracing love for all religions.

I'm not buying into it. She has issues with hate. She wouldn't know the meaning of truth if it snuck up behind her and kicked in her bitter, hatefilled ass.
christianity has changed...

If i were to ask all those who believe in christianity...do u guyz noe what u believe in? do u guyz question your religion? or do u strictly follow it just bcuz your parents,relatives or forefathers have done so? just to remind everyone the bible has been written by jesus's followers, so we already noe its not the direct word of god. the resurrection of jesus is also based on the word of ONE man, who wasnt even a follower of jesus. JUST becuz he swore on his life that he was telling the truth, they believed him
and now the whole world beleives in this story. from his word, rose the whole idea of the "trinity". if we were to look at bible closely, jesus has NEVER said that he is the son of god and that we should worship him. it was always worship god, and he did perform miracles, but it was through god's will. if ppl think jesus is god's son just bcuz he performed the miracles, then a reminder that moses has split the sea in half, and that was also by god's grace. all these ppl, jesus, moses are messengers of god, who came to warn us and guide us. it all seems that by our own standards, we just blindly follow what we were led to believe. we should question the religions.
bringing bak to my main topic, christianity has changed so much that we cant trace it bak to its original substance
i were to ask all those who believe in christianity...do u guyz noe what u believe in?
Yes, I would hope so.

do u guyz question your religion?
Well, for a while. After this period I was able to discern the truth through prayer and reading.

just to remind everyone the bible has been written by jesus's followers, so we already noe its not the direct word of god.
God's word dwelt within them.

the resurrection of jesus is also based on the word of ONE man, who wasnt even a follower of jesus. JUST becuz he swore on his life that he was telling the truth, they believed him
The resurrection was witnessed by 500 of Jesus' followers and all of the apostles.

bringing bak to my main topic, christianity has changed so much that we cant trace it bak to its original substance
Well unless if you've read the bible and several interpretations, it will be difficult to back up any of your claims. If you wish, we can discuss the accuracy of the bible on this forum.
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Re: Re: Famous people who denounce Christianity

Originally posted by jcarl
Hmm....I'm curious. Could you give me a reference as to where you got these quotes(both this one and the Thomas Jefferson one)

M*W: I got it off a web site called "Famous Atheists." For some reason, I cannot visualize the URL on my home computer, or I would've just gave the link.

Summer 2002 Edition
new and updated entries in boldface - click to see cite

those who have no need for gods and some who have no need for the supernatural

Forrest J. Ackerman
Phillip Adams
Brandy Alexandre
Woody Allen
Shulamit Aloni
Thomas J. Altizer
Natalie Angier
Liv Arnesen
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Peter William Atkins
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Asia Carrera
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Ron Dakron
Julia Darling
William B. Davis
Richard Dawkins
Daniel Dennett
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Roddy Doyle
Paul Draper
Patrick Duffy
Dean Edell
Paul Edwards
Greg Egan
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Florence King
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W. P. Kinsella
Michael Kinsley
Melvin Konner
Frank Kozik
Paul Krassner
Milan Kundera
Paul Kurtz
Ring Lardner Jr.
Mr. Lavanam
Richard Leakey
Alexander I. Lebedder
Tom Lehrer
Mike Leigh
Stanislaw Lem
Gerda Lerner
Michael Lewis
Tom Leykis
John Lydon
John Malkovich
Barry Manilow
Shirley Manson
Michael Martin
Nick Mason
John McCarthy
Malachy McCourt
Ian McEwan
Todd McFarlane
Montana McGlynn
Sir Ian McKellen
Alexander McQueen
Jonathan Meades
Antonio Mendoza
Tom Metzger
Arthur Miller
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Marvin Minsky
Warren Mitchell
John Money
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James Morrow
John Mortimer
Frank Mullen
Taslima Nasrin
Ramendra Nath
Ted Nelson
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Oscar Niemeyer
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Ronald Numbers
Bob Odenkirk
Camille Paglia
Andy Partridge
Robert Patrick
Mark Pauline
Leonard Peikoff
Paul Pfalzner
Julia Phillips
Ferdinand Piech
Katha Pollitt
Paula Poundstone
Vladimir Pozner
Terry Pratchett
Paul Provenza
Ted Rall
James Randi
Ron Reagan Jr.
Christopher Reeve
Rick Reynolds
Griff Rhys-Jones
Mordecai Richler
Matt Ridley
Brian Ritchie
Brad Roberts
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Neil Rogers
Richard Rorty
Arundhati Roy
Jane Rule
Salman Rushdie
Mona Sahlin
Sebastião Salgado
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José Saramago
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Eugenie Scott
Captain Sensible
Nick Seymour
Robert I. Sherman
Michael Shermer
Claude Simon
J.J.C. Smart
George H. Smith
Robert Smith
Lee Smolin
Steven Soderbergh
Ed Sorel
Annika Sörenstam
George Soros
Richard Stallman
Peter Steele
Bruce Sterling
Howard Stern
J. Michael Straczynski
Ken Stringfellow
Donald Sutherland
Julia Sweeney
Matthew Sweet
Studs Terkel
Linus Torvalds
Ted Turner
Eddie Vedder
Gore Vidal
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Sarah Vowell
Matt Wagner
Annika Walter
James Watson
Steven Weinberg
Joss Whedon
Harland Williams
Ian Wilmut
Lewis Wolpert
Steve Wozniak
Bruce Wright
Nick Zedd

those who declare themselves agnostic

Martin Amis
Piers Anthony
Margaret Atwood
Richard Avedon
Nick Becker
Burton C. Bell
Pierre Berton
Susie Bright
Vincent Bugliosi
Gene Burns
Kurt Busiek
Robert X. Cringely
Alan Dershowitz
Umberto Eco
Bret Easton Ellis
Carrie Fisher
William Friedkin
Candace Gingrich
Matt Groening
Bob Guccione
Robert (Bob) James Lee Hawke
David Horowitz
Robert Jastrow
Wendy Kaminer
Jack Kevorkian
Larry King
Rick London
James Lovelock
Dave Matthews
Sarah McLachlan
Scott Mosier
Larry Niven
Neil Peart
Sean Penn
Roman Polanski
Andy Rooney
Dan Savage
Robert J. Sawyer
Adrienne Shelly
Rod Steiger
Al Stewart
James Taylor
Charles Templeton
Uma Thurman
Robert Anton Wilson

apparently skeptical of theism or religion -- need more info

Lance Armstrong
John Perry Barlow
Sir Harrison Birtwistle
Branden Boyd
Michael Caine
Jerry Casale
Nick Cave
Arthur C. Clarke
George Clooney
Larry Cohen
Billy Connelly
Billy Corgan
Dalai Lama
Wade Davis
Phyllis Diller
David Duchovny
Pat Duffy-Hutcheon
Danny Elfman
George Fernandes
Ed Fredkin
Robbie Fulks
Liam Gallagher
Noel Gallagher
Prabhir Ghosh
James Gleick
Mikhail Gorbachev
Laurence Gough
Dave Grohl
Peter Hall
Stephen Hawking
Taylor Hawkins
Hugh Hefner
Robert Heilbroner
Doug Henwood
Sir Edmund Hillary
Douglas Hofstadter
John Irving
Molly Ivins
Billy Joel
Kirk Jones
Lionel Jospin
Eli Khamarov
Mark Knopfler
Monica Lewinsky
G. Gordon Liddy
Jim Lindberg
Marilyn Manson
Rita Levi Montalcini
Kim Newman
Mojo Nixon
Krist Novoselic
John Passmore
Sarah Polley
Tom Robbins
Henry Rollins
Laetitia Sadier
John Ralston Saul
Neil Simon
Skunk Anansie
Mira Sorvino
Louis Theroux
Paul Verhoeven
Paul Watson
Gene Wilder
Bruce Willis
Edward O. Wilson
Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine

Disclaimer: The accuracy of this list is based solely on the quality of citations sent in by readers. There is no intent to misrepresent any person's beliefs or lack thereof. Errors will be corrected when brought to the editor's attention. If you see any, please send notice of error, along with any supporting information to Reed Esau ( ).

Edited: Jun 02, 2002 at 12:00:00 - Generated: Jun 02, 2002 at 12:54:40

the celebrity atheist list with some agnostics and other non-theists

an offbeat collection of notable individuals who have been public about their lack of belief in deities

[MESSAGE BOARD relocated!]

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Related Material
Famous Black Atheists
Famous Dead Non-Theists
Big List of Quotations since January 1996 founded March 1995 provided by thecounter.com


the Dalai Lama is skeptical about religion? That's actually funny.

Howard Stern? Asia Carrera? Knock me over with a feather.

Fidel? I'm shocked:eek:

This list shocks me about as much as rubber does. Since when did actors, policticians, musicians, and the like have even the first clue about anything religious?
Since when did Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson have a clue about anything political? Their ignorance only seems to make them louder.
Originally posted by jcarl
the Dalai Lama is skeptical about religion? That's actually funny.

Howard Stern? Asia Carrera? Knock me over with a feather.

Fidel? I'm shocked:eek:

This list shocks me about as much as rubber does. Since when did actors, policticians, musicians, and the like have even the first clue about anything religious?

M*W: Now you wouldn't expect anyone who claims to be religious to be listed on an atheist site would you? My point was more along the lines of Lincoln, Thomas Paine, T. Jefferson, etc. This country was NOT founded on Christianity. I recently visited Monticello and it holds many references to the evils of Christianity. Long before that, I visited the Vatican, and St. Peter's holds many references to the evils of Christianity. The great artists, da Vinic and Michaelangelo, made fun of Christianity in their sculptures and paintings. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see straight through the pomp and ceremony, the lies and cover-ups! I was even privileged to be in Pope John Paul II's first audience. I was a devout Christian when I went to Rome, but I left my belief in Christianity at St. Peter's.
Originally posted by jcarl
Since when did actors, policticians, musicians, and the like have even the first clue about anything religious?
Im curious just what kind of person one has to be to have a clue about religion??
blind follower who cannot think for himself most likely,right?
Originally posted by Flores
Poor brandon, he didn't know any better. It must suck to run out of brain juice and jail oneself to Atheism.
HAHAHAHA,this is just to fng funny,
how exactly does one jail himself to free,logical,independent thinking?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Q25
Im curious just what kind of person one has to be to have a clue about religion??
blind follower who cannot think for himself most likely,right?

No, I have a clue about my faith(I hate the word "religion" b/c of the ritualistic connotation) and I'm not a blind follower; if I was, then I surely wouldn't be here.

And what i meant in my statement about actors, musicians, and politicians is that some of them haven't tried to have a clue. How many of you actually think that Uma Thurman(on the Agnostic List-which begs the question: how do she know we can't know anything about God?) has been to a Religion class?

being sciforumers, i figured y'all would know better. arguments from authority carry little or no weight. an argument made on this basis can be assumed to be standing on frail or no ground, or may be a deception entirely.

that said, i don't care much for the bible either. put that in a book and quote it.

also, about the dalai lama.. buddhism does not believe in a god, gods, or any such nonsense. although the tibetan buddhism that the dalai lama leads i think can certainly be described as a religion, buddhism on a whole i would not relegate to such titles.

Originally posted by Q25
HAHAHAHA,this is just to fng funny,
how exactly does one jail himself to free,logical,independent thinking?:rolleyes:

Just like a Sumarai is useless in a period of peace, an Atheist is useless in the presence of a truth manifest creator......With no room to wiggle and no more discussions about how was an Atheist created, an Atheist will never understand the joy and potential of being a human.
Originally posted by Flores
Just like a Sumarai is useless in a period of peace, an Atheist is useless in the presence of a truth manifest creator......With no room to wiggle and no more discussions about how was an Atheist created, an Atheist will never understand the joy and potential of being a human.

ASsuming, of course, that there is a god. Can you prove it to someone else? I can demonstrate that water boils at 100 degrees C at sea level on the planet earth. Can you demonstrate that we will meet your god after we die?

AS for famous atheists, I think youll find there were far, far more famous, powerful theists around hundreds and thousands of years ago. Roman emperors for starters. And of course, many of these "quotes" above, are related to all religions, not just Christianity.
You can find famous people endorsing all sorts of ideas; some good, some bad. These endorsements are irrelevant to the merits of the ideas. If religion is nonsense or tax cuts are good, it's not because some celebrity said so.

Think for yourself.
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Bridge said:
Occasionally she'll get careless and distracted enough on her mission to slip up. During these moments she'll to attempt to lead others to believe that despite her hatred for Christianity-- her own religion involves some type of all-embracing love for all religions.

My two cents...

I have noticed that these criticisms of Christianity tend to not be accompanied by any concrete evidence for the accuracy and authenticity of her own spiritual beliefs.
Flores said:
The Quran(criteria) is my book and Islam (submission to god) is my religion.

Can you provide concrete evidence that Islam its teachings are completely true and accurate?