Extreme religious views

Are my religious views extreme?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • Some other opinion

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
Find me one that doesn't and we can both laugh about it.
Uh what ?

No, but I've never heard you defending the other side have I?
I have never defended atheism either, just my own views.

It made 'sense' to you until it was flipped, then you made all my arguments for me.
No, it doesn't make sense to me that theists are deluded. I think it's largely the result of a religious environment.. so it's taught in my opinion.
Also, theists cannot provide any arguments against a claim that they are deluded. Which makes them a particularly easy target. Is it deserved ? I don't know..
Its more appropriately termed the right to offend. I've been told that its the cornerstone of free speech. Strangely enough, it doesn't seem to work so well when its reciprocated. While people are quite willing to extend it, they seem not too willing to accept it.
Nah. See, this is what I mean. You're being facetious. You know perfectly well that's not what I meant and you have absolutely no intent of speaking openly or honestly. You'd rather be sarcastic and completely turn people off.

It's a shame. You'll certainly lose a lot of possible converts simply because you're a dick.
Nah. See, this is what I mean. You're being facetious. You know perfectly well that's not what I meant and you have absolutely no intent of speaking openly or honestly. You'd rather be sarcastic and completely turn people off.

It's a shame. You'll certainly lose a lot of possible converts simply because you're a dick.

I'm not being facetious at all. I'm saying what I want in the spirit of being free to express my views. The subjective interpretations are all the others.

e.g. if I say the Jewish state, is it not one? if I imitate Spock and say Joos instead of Jews, whats the big deal? If I say Jews killed babies why, thats a biblical fact. I could of course take into consideration other people's feelings, but thats why there is a huge outcry against the UN resolution against hate speech against religions isn't there? Because feelings are irrelevant?

Or is it only some feelings that are irrelevant?
e.g. if I say the Jewish state, is it not one? if I imitate Spock and say Joos* instead of Jews, whats the big deal? If I say Jews killed babies why, thats a biblical fact. I could of course take into consideration other people's feelings, but thats why there is a huge outcry against the UN resolution against hate speech against religions isn't there? Because feelings are irrelevant?
It is a Jewish state. You can say Joos. They have killed babies and will again in the future. You could take into consideration other people's feelings, but that is not necessary to avoid being an anti-semite; that's just a matter of being a nice person.

It's the fact that the only thing you're capable of talking about is how bad Israel - and by extention, America - is. I did notice you recently jotted down Sudan in one note, which made me smile. But it's about as broad as you've been when discussing politics to simply mention another name.

Someone who is negative all the time is likely to fail. Let me put it to you the way a colleague put it to me; has it worked so far? How many converts have you made on sciforums? If the answer is none, then why not conduct a little introspection?

My guess - and I may be wrong - is because you enjoy feeling you are right and just more than you would like to actually make a difference. You come off extremely arrogant, self-righteous and holier-than-thou. So do many others on sciforums. These traits very rarely succeed in convincing others. I'm not sure why you're so insistent on keeping them up.

*You could say kyke, heeb and yid for all I care. I'm in full support of 100% free speech.
My guess - and I may be wrong - is because you enjoy feeling you are right and just more than you would like to actually make a difference. You come off extremely arrogant, self-righteous and holier-than-thou. So do many others on sciforums. These traits very rarely succeed in convincing others. I'm not sure why you're so insistent on keeping them up.

Because the other way has worked so well?
You can choose humility, diplomacy and an open hand. Or you can choose coming off like an ass. They might both not work, but I've never seen the latter be effective.
You as well, Sam. I'm glad you can understand that my problem is not with your views but your approach. There are points you and I disagree on, but that doesn't imply I have a problem with you as a person. Perhaps that's a big difference between having your over-seas experience be America as opposed to China. Lots of Americans hate or talk poorly to those with contrary political views. In China, if I did that to everyone I disagreed with I'd quickly have no one to talk to!

We all have room for improvement! I enjoy it too, Sam.
Perhaps that's a big difference between having your over-seas experience be America as opposed to China. Lots of Americans hate or talk poorly to those with contrary political views

Now isn't that odd? Thats not been my experience. :p

I have less problems with superstring or madanthony than I do with James.
Well, fair enough. I guess I'm just comparing it to China in this case, which isn't a very fair comparison.

Americans are also capable of being friends with someone who has a different political opinions. It's not quite the same in China.
I've never actually met a Chinese who had a political opinion in my presence.

But there are several who know mine and are quite friendly with me.
A list of my extreme religious views.

Please vote if you consider them extreme or not

1. Everyone has a right to believe or not believe in God

2. The Religion forum should be used only to discuss the scientific nature of religious belief i.e. only that which can be tested.

3. Theists/atheists should not be persecuted for their beliefs, since God is not an empirical absolute and belief, by definition requires no evidence

4. Atheists should be held to the same standards of scientific enquiry in the Religion forum as theists.

1..... not extreme :)

2..... scientific nature of religious belief ????????..
90 % of posts in religion would not qualify to any scientific tests and/or evidence .... anyway not extreme , but sure would make religion forum a quiet place ........hmmm

3........that depends .... how do you define persecuted ?
A minority number of religious nations in UN tried to make a resolution about, saying anything bad or even criticizing anything about religion was not only persecution but abuse of human rights !!!!!!!!

4........ atheists didn´t claim any god/gods existed without any proof .... but I guess you mean the "nature" of atheism ...... anyway not extreme .......:p
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Here's a collection of quotes from Sam that demonstrate her religious views:

1) We can do better than that. We're Muslims.

2) Jews should not have moved to a predominantly Muslim state.

3) The difference is that when Muslims occupy, the power remains with the local people.

4) If it's antisemitism to oppose the Jewish takeover of Palestine, then I'm a proud antisemite.

5) I would rather be free to practise my religion even if it is obstructive to them (atheists), than have them be free to be obstructive to me.
I have amnesia. I don't remember saying any of that. Source of the quotes?
I have amnesia. I don't remember saying any of that. Source of the quotes?

Really? Funny how your cloudy memory seems to remember I'm a zionist supporter, yet you can't remember what you say?


So, are you now going to lie about not saying those things?

Where did you learn to lie? Why is it so easy for you? Does lying have anything to do with your upbringing?
I'm going to say, I don't remember until you provide sources for each and every statement.

See, its not my claim to support. Its yours.