extraordinary IQ and ability

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In theory, the IQ scale is infinite. I know that 100 is considered average and 154 or something is considered borderline genius. I am curious as to what things a person could be able "to do" given they are a certain IQ. For example, I would assume someone with a average IQ, would read at about an average speed, do basic arithmetic at a average speed, say adding two 7-digit numbers might take 8 seconds. Further, and average person might be able to memorize a max of 8 random numbers for short recall etc... Well suppose the person has a IQ of 200, what kind of things can that person now do? Do they have a partial photo-graphic memory? Can they add two 7-digit numbers in 2 seconds? Finally, and what really interests me... Suppose a person has an IQ of 300 or 400, or even 700 what sort of abilities could someone expect to see here. someone with a 700 IQ (whether or not they would still be considered completely human at this point doesn't really matter) would definitely have a photographic IQ and a "calculator" like mind, but what new never before seen abilities would they have? Please don’t say telekinetic or something like that, lets just keep it at math, language, learning and things we are aware of in general. For example, maybe someone with an IQ of 700 could learn all of college chemistry in a day or something like that…

The original post is incorrect. The IQ scale is not infinite, it is limited to something like 235-240 from what I've learned. The IQ of such a person is perfect. They are perfect. Their genius is unsurpassed. Such a person has an incredible ability to communicate.
An IQ test measures certain intelligent values. And those values are critical in holding a certain level of intelligence. I'm certain those values have been exhaustively analyzed and their accuracy of sound basis.

Problems arise when, one bases intelligence on the amount of wages an individual can muster, then you would set into play a criteria where mathematicians would be lower in intellect than corporate CEOs, which should easily be seen as not the case. Far from it.

Equally, a problem of accurately catagorizing an intellectual value, which stems from only a single hemisphere, or isolated area of the brain, such as artistic talent, or mathematical abilities. This brings up the dicey hyper-intellectual areas refered to as "savant", "gifted", "anal/linearly-focused", etc.

It would seem those traits which cross both hemipheres or relate to a multitude of brain areas, would be a tell-tale hallmark litmus test of the higher intellects. Perhaps to the degree that these "ultra-pathways" would not be able to be used by the less intellectual levels, as they may not be able to tolerate, and instead expose themselves to manic, schizophenic mental predicaments, etc., of which the "ultras" have the "hardware to navigate" without such impediment.
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Super high IQ can be associated with difficulties because people with very high intellect often have some Asperger symptoms. Not all though, of course.
The original post is incorrect. The IQ scale is not infinite, it is limited to something like 235-240 from what I've learned. The IQ of such a person is perfect. They are perfect. Their genius is unsurpassed. Such a person has an incredible ability to communicate.

an incredible ability to communicate? Perhaps not. A person with a 240 IQ can not communicate with one who has IQ of 70.

It is like your 6-core PC communicating with Abacus? :)
Super high IQ can be associated with difficulties because people with very high intellect often have some Asperger symptoms. Not all though, of course.

My friend who has super high IQ, and is a math professor, has done complex defense work for NSA (Signal intelligence) but is bipolar and inept in communication with others.

His primary problem is, he will say a certain statement which is correct but very brief. He expect others to understand it and reply at his level. It is like as if he can see 4 moves ahead of a chess game and now wants to jump to that move.

Or it is like saying half a sentence every time and expect you to fill in the blanks. That drives others crazy. And he gets frustrated every time when he has to explain in detail.
We use our cross-disiplines to make "crossroads" into various insights that relate to each disipline engaged. Perhaps to the point of extracting a whole new disipline, that would have remained undiscovered otherwise.

Cross-disipline example: To use the latest precision measurement devices to gauge space comparisons within prehistoric bone structures--as to the spaces in modern bone structures--to make possible observations of spacetime expansion dynamics, over time. To make possible observations of influence of expansion on evolution.
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In simplest terms, IQ is the "age of your socially normal mental capability" divided by your "actual biological age" * 100

Ergo, if you are 10 years old, and can do the things that are "socially normal" for a 15 year old to do, you are said to have an IQ of (15/10)*100 = 150

It doesn't necessarily indicate how "smart" you are... and that's why it amuses me that so much weight is placed on IQ... adaptability, the ability to learn new skills, etc are all much more important in the real world I would imagine.
In simplest terms, IQ is the "age of your socially normal mental capability" divided by your "actual biological age" * 100

Ergo, if you are 10 years old, and can do the things that are "socially normal" for a 15 year old to do, you are said to have an IQ of (15/10)*100 = 150

It doesn't necessarily indicate how "smart" you are... and that's why it amuses me that so much weight is placed on IQ... adaptability, the ability to learn new skills, etc are all much more important in the real world I would imagine.

Does that mean a 70 year old person if does better than an 80 year old has more IQ? :)
Mental efficiency seems to be just as or more important of a factor when looking at how much someone can learn. Basically if you are raised in chaotic conditions you have a direct need to understand the world around you instead of just trying to fit in with other people. It causes you to use less time wasting abstract rhetorical metaphors and focus on accurately generalizing and recognizing patterns in your environment.

I have a relatively high IQ, but also I can actively program my subconscious mind. This allows me to automate rules of inference, debate etc. I have instincts that other people call psychic, find myself in the middle of Machiavellian schemes to protect myself and reveal the dishonesty of others without ever having consciously planned them. I wake up minutes before any alarm I set goes off, or when someone I don't fully trust approaches me in my sleep.

It is almost like having the abilities of an autistic kid without being autistic.

In psychology, the difference between IQ and the ability to use it to amass knowledge is recognized by measuring sperately fluid and crystallized intelligence. Crystallized being a measured of amassed knowledge.
Funny isn't it that in World War 2 the Navajo code talkers only used their language to talk to each other and the enemy couldn't figure out the code even though the best minds were trying to do so. That only proves that even really smart, high IQ people don't have all of the answers but some normal talking Native Americans had them all beat and they weren't high IQ's either. ;)
Funny isn't it that in World War 2 the Navajo code talkers only used their language to talk to each other and the enemy couldn't figure out the code even though the best minds were trying to do so. That only proves that even really smart, high IQ people don't have all of the answers but some normal talking Native Americans had them all beat and they weren't high IQ's either. ;)

I saw that movie at hulu.com

A language is easily translated. That's why the code talkers were to be shot, rather than captured. Had the Japanese knew the tribe name, a spy in the tribal region could have easily brought them up to date, and made the code useless.
Funny isn't it that in World War 2 the Navajo code talkers only used their language to talk to each other and the enemy couldn't figure out the code even though the best minds were trying to do so. That only proves that even really smart, high IQ people don't have all of the answers but some normal talking Native Americans had them all beat and they weren't high IQ's either. ;)

Some people have been batting around the idea of a person becoming a cyborg to accomplish this. Considering they cannot currently model the human brain with a supercomputer you would have to be hooked up to a giant room full of computers to get an improvement.

What I think computers could help with would not processing power, but in memory. Imagine having a completely photographic memory. Everything you've every seen, smelt, tasted, touched, thought, and heard all nicely indexed for instant searching.

However, having an extra processor in your head to do all those pesky math problems would nice.

Google in your noodle lol.

Comprehending all that information is another story entirely however.
In theory, the IQ scale is infinite. I know that 100 is considered average and 154 or something is considered borderline genius. I am curious as to what things a person could be able "to do" given they are a certain IQ. For example, I would assume someone with a average IQ, would read at about an average speed, do basic arithmetic at a average speed, say adding two 7-digit numbers might take 8 seconds. Further, and average person might be able to memorize a max of 8 random numbers for short recall etc... Well suppose the person has a IQ of 200, what kind of things can that person now do? Do they have a partial photo-graphic memory? Can they add two 7-digit numbers in 2 seconds? Finally, and what really interests me... Suppose a person has an IQ of 300 or 400, or even 700 what sort of abilities could someone expect to see here. someone with a 700 IQ (whether or not they would still be considered completely human at this point doesn't really matter) would definitely have a photographic IQ and a "calculator" like mind, but what new never before seen abilities would they have? Please don’t say telekinetic or something like that, lets just keep it at math, language, learning and things we are aware of in general. For example, maybe someone with an IQ of 700 could learn all of college chemistry in a day or something like that…

High IQ can be expressed in different fields. The overall score is a score analyzed from all the fields and their importance.

I got an extraordinarily high IQ score and only have a slightly above or just plain average short-term memory ( hate to say it, but like everyone else sometimes below average short-term memory...brain freeze!).

Usually it is based on a probability system (percentiles), and it is very very improbable with a population this small, that someone can have 700 IQ. My IQ was a holy shit lucky bastard score, but still a lot less then 700. ( P.S. Internet IQs don't count...professionally done IQ tests are the only ones that does what I said above in greater accuracy )

But like I always say, merely brain is not enough, merely brawn is not enough, both is :D:D:D
As for social skills and communication. Well if you are a genius figure it out and learn it. You have to make friends. I almost learned it the hard way ( my friend did, and I learned the lesson ). You have to be sociable. First, you have to take good care of yourself, though important thing ( a lot of my people in the Gifted classes, that most people don't even know they care gifted, they get called greasy and dusty fags, and thats a way NOT to be sociable ). Don't be thinking you are better then everyone else due to your IQ, all men have different talents.

Also learn how to attract the chicks and get along with them is a biggie.

Be involved in things is very important :D
As for social skills and communication. Well if you are a genius figure it out and learn it. You have to make friends. I almost learned it the hard way ( my friend did, and I learned the lesson ). You have to be sociable. First, you have to take good care of yourself, though important thing ( a lot of my people in the Gifted classes, that most people don't even know they care gifted, they get called greasy and dusty fags, and thats a way NOT to be sociable ). Don't be thinking you are better then everyone else due to your IQ, all men have different talents.

Also learn how to attract the chicks and get along with them is a biggie.

Be involved in things is very important :D

This is right . Encourage gifted kids to be social and humanity as a whole will be elevated . We as a society should invest more into Gifted Programs . Oh by the way Shogun Geek is the new sexy so nature is following the course
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