extraordinary IQ and ability

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rayview said:
Well suppose the person has a IQ of 200, what kind of things can that person now do?

Read about William James Sidis. Maybe you have already:

"Given IQ is a purely anthropocentric means of assessing intelligence, Sidis' IQ is crudely estimated at 250-300.
Infant Billy listened to Greek myths read to him by Sarah as bedtime stories.
Started feeding himself with a spoon at eight months (after two months of trial and error).
Cajoled by Boris, Billy learned to pronounce alphabetic syllables from blocks hanging in his crib.
At six months, Billy said, "Door." A couple months later he told Mom he liked things, doors and people, that move.
At seven months he pointed to Earth's moon and called it, "moon." He wanted a 'moon' of his own.
Mastered higher mathematics and planetary revolutions by age 11.
Learned to spell efficiently by one year old.
Started reading The New York Times at 18 months.
Started typing at three. Used his high chair to reach a typewriter. First composed letter was an order for toys from Macy's.
Read Caesar's Gallic Wars, in Latin (self-taught), as a birthday present to his Father in Billy's fourth year.
Learned Greek alphabet and read Homer in Greek in his fourth year.
Learned Aristotelian logic in his sixth year.
At six, Billy learned Russian, French, German, and Hebrew, and soon after, Turkish and Armenian.
Calculated mentally a day any date in history would fall at age six. Absolutely fascinated by calendars.
Learned Gray's Anatomy at six. Could pass a student medical examination.
Billy started grammar school at six, in 3 days 3rd grade, graduated grammar school in 7 months.
At age 8, Billy surpassed his father (a genius) in mathematics.
Corrected E. V. Huntington's mathematics text galleys at age of eight.
Total recall of everything he read.
Wrote four books between ages of four and eight. Two on anatomy and astronomy, lost.
Passed Harvard Medical School anatomy exam at age seven.
Passed MIT entrance exam at age eight.
Intellect surpassed best secondary school teachers.
At age 10, in one evening, corrected Harvard logic professor Josiah Royce's book manuscript: citing, "wrong paragraphs."
Attempted to enroll in Harvard at nine.
In 1909, became youngest student to ever enroll at Harvard at age 11.
In 1910, at age 11, lectured Harvard Mathematical Club on 'Four-Dimensional Bodies.'
Billy graduated from Harvard, cum laude, on June 24, 1914, at age 16.
Billy entered Harvard Law School in 1916.
Billy could learn a whole language in one day!
Billy knew all the languages (approximately 200) of the world, and could translate among them instantly!

Here is a partial list of William James Sidis' idiosyncratic and acultural behaviors:

Utter disregard of sports and physical activities — learned from his father.
Utter disregard of things monetary — learned from his father.
Utter disregard for academia, academicians, academic bureaucracy and their 'titles.'
Collected street car transfers. Knew most details of most routes in USA.
Rabid atheist by age six. (His father, Boris, was too, but intensely studied great religious works.)
His only fear was dogs.
Learned to hate mathematics in grammar school; later at 7.5 years he started a life long love of math.
Avid interest in politics.
Dressed in Russian peasant clothes as a minor.
On hearing a Bible read aloud, declared he didn't believe in that and didn't want to hear it.
In school, only worked problems to which he didn't know answers.
After 3 months in high school, parents withdrew him; teachers were relieved.
Thinking was his chosen refuge from media antagonists.
Essence of Billy Sidis: On page 106, of The Prodigy, Amy Wallace quotes Billy on his view of the perfect life, "I want to live the perfect life. The only way to live the perfect life is to live it in seclusion. I have always hated crowds." These sentences, in your reviewer's opinion, are an excellent micro-biography of mankind's finest known intellect.
Celibate: Vowed never to marry. (One of his 154 rules for life.) "Women do not appeal to me." See Pirsig's comments on this below — Pirsig on Sidis' celibacy
Considered traditional classrooms, 'stifling.'
Billy was a pacifist, anti-war, conscientious objector. (See our research link at top of page.)
He was a reformed communist/socialist — eventually found both intellectually disgusting.
Paradoxes were his logical specialty."

Cottontop3000 said:
Everything that you can imagine would be childs play for a cyborg. A man/machine interface is just around the corner. Once man can access a super computer who knows what he'll be able to do.

The technology (embedded chips) is already being worked on for the blind and deaf. I can see crude cyborgs in 20 years. Then god help us.

IQ tests are meant to test your thinking ability, not your memorization skills.

yeah well try thinking with out any memory. People love to say that intelligence and memory have nothing to do with each other. but that is silly. For example, IQ tests always have verbal questions that involve high level vocabulary words. Two people might have the same ability to read and understand new vocabulary words they come across, but the one who remembers them better is the one who retains "builds" a better vocabulary and is rewarded on IQ tests.

Ofcourse you need some kind of memory (obviously), but your memorization skills do not test how well you think, just how well you can recall information. You can memorize all the answers to questions and not understand a thing. Some people are great thinkers, but have bad memory , some mentally challenged, and can remember things easily. IQ test always test how you recongnize patterns, solve problems, and interpret things.

True IQ should relate to 'how well you connect the dots' from disparate information. No one can design a simple IQ test to metricize this ability.

All IQ tests are butressed (compared) against the intelligence that created the test. The results are arbitrary in that sense.

There does however appear to be some correlation to such test with the ability to reason. It is just that any results which project higher than the intelligence of those formulating the test are in uncharted territory and not reliable in terms of any real meaning.

A person with a particular gift for an area of the test that is presented by others could seem to be a genius but given a test developed by some other group could appear less than average.

There are some rather extensive and generally good for trending but there a lot more that are ad hoc garbage.

Hells yeah.

Hey it's really even more than that, as it is your memory that shapes your mind to begin with really, at least it's a major component of how it gets shaped.

Further, consciousness itself in a sense is a function of memory if you're defining it as "self-awareness", as you have to be able to at least remember the last few seconds or access your long term memory in order to be able to know you are you.

Well if you want to stick to reality and practical cause and effect of a IQ of 700 well then the host would die...a brutal death i might add.

Our mind has limited cognitive ability for a reason even though it is propsed that the human brain can host much larger amounts of cognitive power....it is simply because the rest of the body is not designed to handle it.

Just like a PC's processor the human brain creates heat...more when it is under constant pressure. At current state it releases 60% of body heat alone through the head so imagine a brain working overtime at 7 times the speed....your nerves along with the skin would melt, chances are the matter would burn itself away.

But say the heat issue has been remdied now you have the trouble of stimulus. As your IQ grows so must your senses in order to keep an equilibrium between the two. Imagine at 700 IQ hearing everything in a half a mile radius, seeing everything a few miles away with great detail and smelling every thing in your surrounding area....it is stimilus overload...the brain would have to process so much junk information that your sense pick up with astuse and deadly efficeincy..so muchthat you just can't tune out.

Last but not least Lonliness....yes seems stupid but trust me, a great reson why someone at 700 IQ may kill themselves. Imagine being a caveman wh osuddenly understands everything. In a world of caves, at a time when language hasn't even developed yet you suddenly understand the concept of religion, physics, internet, how planes fly, TV, music, Radio but you have no one around to share it...no one t oeven begin comprehending the horrible amounts of knowledge you know and the things you have seen. That would be the fate of such a man in this day an age.....the man who has an IQ of 700....insanity will very likely drive the man to death.

irst I have no qualifications with respect to this topic but from what I do understand; two things:

1 - The IQ system is actually distorted up around 200. That is for the test to measure something with any meaning the test has to be written and understood as to what the results mean.

One can project somewhat above the intelligence of the formulators of the test but it is like a polynomial curve generator. You can generate a very accurate best fit curve over a number of data points but the very moment you predict beyond the end data point it gets wildly out of line. So the arbitrary figure of 700 is meaningless but understood to mean highly intelligent and likely untestable also.

2 - I agree that heightened senses would likely improve ones IQ in that such a person would tend to process more data and find greater correlations than most but I don't agree that heightened senses are required to achieve extraordinary IQ. Hawkin being an example. In fact I have observed first hand how the blind gain increased senses of hearing and feel for example.

In grade school they had a totally blind person come to our school and in his presentation he estimated the size of the room and the approximate number of people in the room.

May be...armed with that much knowledge, one could easily become God in the cave country...with girls...girls...

If your sun going nova and you are allowed to time travel to a safer time...what would you do?

First off, let's drop the IQ terminology and stick to a generic term of 'superintelligent', since 'IQ of 700' is more or less nonsensical.

What basis do you have for saying this? Seems completely absurd to me. "The matter would burn itself away"? While I'm no expert on neurology, I highly doubt that the brain of an average person would be that much less active. Not to mention that there's no reason to assume that the brain must work 7 times harder to be 7 times as intelligent.

And what reason do you have to believe that there's a correlation between intelligence and the senses? The reason I can't see a few miles away is due to my eyes, not some limitation in my intelligence. Anyway, even if there is some sort of correlation, then what's to say you're unable to process the additional sensory information?

I don't have any problem with conjectures, but you're presenting this information like it's established fact.

Yes, i have heard of this.

I was weren't i?..i apologize....i am no expert in this field (technically i shouldn't even be here seeing what i plan to do for a living)

I am thinking an IQ of 700 (which isn't practical by any means) would consume much more nergy and produce much more heat and generally be under much more stress.

Well this was based on another two assumptions of mine.

1) With a higher IQ i am expecting higher sense development (not a few extra point bump but more like going from 150 to 700). I doubt at 700 i wouldn't have better hearing and vision.

2) Another assumption that with honed senses and astute ability to gather stimulus ia mthinking there is too much to process...like a cosntant machine that never rests.

But either way i find an IQ of 700 to be highly impractical.

Well at 700 IQ that man would have to find the secret of immortality or near immortality to live that long.

Or they'll think you are the devil and kill you.

I doubt they would think you the devil. Someone with that much comprehension should have at least a basic grasp on human behavior and be able to manipulate the group in a way that is subtle and doesn't obviously set him apart from the pack.

I don't know, human stupidity can do wonders. Anyway comprehension and manipulation are two different gifts. Someone with all knowledge may be too weak to play that in his/her favor to become a god.

I think if someone was to "supposedly" have an IQ of 700, the entire method of measuring IQ's would instantly be changed, lessening the number.

This happens all the time, and why there are so many different IQ test variations, as with each generation "intelligence" seems to rise, although the reality is more that there is more freedom of information for people to discover, especially in the wake of such things as the internet.

The intelligence of those that have old school tuition of prior 1960's might have extremely high IQ's then but now they might find their knowledge outdated and surpassed. (Although that sounds like I'm saying they are obslete, I don't mean that at all)

Again you could look to how people were at points in the past further than that, and you would see that what at the time someone would discover (i.e. Newtonian laws) are now things that are commonly understood.

Of course it does need to be considered that knowledge only serves to buffer intelligence. All knowledge really is is a quantified memorization of facts. It says little of a persons faculties of logical and abstract reasoning. I think it is the aim of IQ tests to asses innate cognitive function. Which isn't too say that education, and the modes of learning presented in that education, don't play a role in encouraging or discouraging a particular intellegence trait. I think the largest role education plays in nurturing a persons intellegence is in the process, or mechanism, of learning more-so the knowledge itself.

I'd be interested in how an extrordinarily intellegent human might cultivate the abilities of a savaant. I'd also be interested if there might yet be discovered much richer ways of nourishing the mind than traditional learning methods. Perhaps an absurdedly smart human might be blessed with insights for the cause.

IQ tests are limited by their scope. You have to miss at least one question for the test to be able to estimate your intelligence. If you finish the test and get them all right, all it can tell you is that your IQ is above a certain level.

Than 154 breakpoint for genius is one of the alternative IQ scales, perhaps the one that Mensa uses. On the Stanford-Binet scale, which is used in 99% of testing, 140 puts you in the 98th percentile (or is it the 99th?) and that's generally acknowledged as genius.

In defense of the Mensa test, theirs is harder and therefore can measure intelligence that would go off the top end of the scale on the usual Stanford-Binet scoring system.

But in ordinary discourse you should stick to Stanford-Binet terminology. To the average person if you start talking about an IQ of 154 they're thinking about somebody who could get out there with Einstein.

hey man sorry to tell you but your an idiot and by the way ever tried talking to a box

Put it all together. What do you have? Me. You can't even begin to comprehend what you have here. Memory? It's a little more than that. And you wonder why I am so violent. I do feel for you.

hey man i notice you rewrote my comment nice! haha your a good human i hope you realize violence is not the key try counseling it worked for my brother oh and by the way if all the combined intelligence of the human species ever adds up to 1 maybe even you might have something to be proud of
theoneiuse said:
hey man i notice you rewrote my comment nice! haha your a good human i hope you realize violence is not the key try counseling it worked for my brother oh and by the way if all the combined intelligence of the human species ever adds up to 1 maybe even you might have something to be proud of

You are right. I totally agree. By the way, my previous post in this thread was just a regurtitation of all that had been said in this thread prior. Quotes all around, so to say.
Can a person have IQ of 300 at age 80? What would that mean? And how can you calculate? And what can he or she do at age 80?
kmguru said:
Can a person have IQ of 300 at age 80? What would that mean? And how can you calculate? And what can he or she do at age 80?

Serve as president of the u.s. for 4 years? T'would be a great improvement, imho.
have implants boost intelligence, maybe that'd be a nanotech implant, little robot agents running around enhancing neural connectivity, they mutate into robots that can enhance other functions, respitory, muscular, structural, sensory, nervous system, eventually, the human with said implant system would be transhuman, part philosopher, part poet, part martial-art's expert, part warrior, part fighter pilot, who may be able with sufficient symbiosis between nanoimplants and the person, be able to not age, only dying from accidnetal or deliberate death, with immunity from AIDS, cancers, high resistance to radiation and toxins, letting that person achieve expertise in more than just one or two areas of expertise, but dozens, maybe hundreds. 30 or 40 college degrees before death, letting the person design entire spacecraft, write poetry of many hundred's of years experience that is unlike what the world has ever heard, and have a genuine thirst for knowledge, and thus would probably escape the boundaries of earth-based society and go outward, into the unknown.

this has been a daydream of the comming of transhumanism
Yes, but you posted the same exact message twice because you were "waiting for www.sciforums.com." I've had to delete multiple duplicate posts because of this.

To further Rayview's idea on above "normal" human iq I wish to challenge the idea that perhaps our tests to indicate the human iq is a key element in holding brilliant minds back. These tests of language, mathmatics, and learning ability have, in my opinion, been regarded too much as the set in stone answer to how intelligent a person can be. The formal iq test was created generations ago and is frankly out dated. What if (I'm just fantazing, so bear with me) someone out there is the genuis noone can imagine? Just like the atom; perhaps our set line for human intellegence needs repairing, as did the atom when after more research they discovered the smallest thing in the universe is actually home to a whole universe of other ideas.
Smia, did you notice the date of the previous post? 2005. Most of those people don't even post here anymore.
Suppose a person has an IQ of 300 or 400, or even 700 what sort of abilities could someone expect to see here. someone with a 700 IQ (whether or not they would still be considered completely human at this point doesn't really matter) would definitely have a photographic IQ and a "calculator" like mind, but what new never before seen abilities would they have? Please don’t say telekinetic or something like that, lets just keep it at math, language, learning and things we are aware of in general. For example, maybe someone with an IQ of 700 could learn all of college chemistry in a day or something like that…

of course that isnt possible. then the subject is not considered to be measurable in a common sense. perhaps psychic ability and telepathy would be displayed.
William James Sidis = I think he wasted his talent studying law.

I do not consider anyone is a genius unless they have accelerated human evolution and standing in this little planet several order of magnitudes. Like next person or group who develops technology to transmit food and stuff from China to USA in a few seconds (transmat?), developing Stargate or similar contraption, develops chemical messengers that regrows new tooth or fingers if you lost one, develops technology to create the next fusion reactor.

These are serious value to our crowded planet. I am tired of 22 hour plane rides.
1. In a standard origional IQ test you cant go above 170, anything above that relies on a non licenced refounded test which has not been properley varified.
2. the average IQ is now around 114 not 100
3. Being somwhere on the spectrum of an Idiot Savant is common in people of particularly high IQs meaning that actualy they are not capable of properly comunicating their ideas
4. Certain dificulties Eg. dyslexia are diagnosed by being particularly bad at one aspect of an IQ test.
5. you can still be a genious without a particularly large working memory, This is why i have an IQ on first percentile for everything but working memory tests in which i am in the 27th. for this reason i write things down and am classed as profoundly dislexic.
6. an IQ is an aproximation of the efficiency of all of sombodies mental functions.
7. above a certain level of inteligence mental speed is irelivent becasue the brain outstrips the speed sombody can comunicate or write and computers are more efective at such things anyway sot the abilityto do super fast calculations are irelavent.
8. I belive that IQ tests are a very crude aproxomation and the percentile system is far more usefull for showing actual ability in different areas.
One can have an extraordinary gift for reason and intelligence and absolute shit short and long-term memory.
Many do, in fact.

The two do not necessarily go hand-in-hand.
I wonder what is the effect of ones decision making ability when one will have/ has access to Google 24X7...like a netbook or iPad.....would that be considered as plugged in....
the internet is really forming a hive mind and massive library, it is full of opinions whihc are used in other peoples decision making processes, somthing on th einternet is known by or atleast availabal to all thus it is infact a group conchousness.
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