This is nonsense Medicare and Medicaid are funded by taxpayers but now a large porton of it is the Government soon the Government won't be able to fund it. as for the government pays a signficant portion of the total healthcare cost, its not paying mine. .
What is nonsense about you complaining about Obama's plan being paid with government funds. I just pointed out to you that the government is already paying a signficiant portion of the healthcare bill. Today government is the largest consumer of healthcare services in the country.
The government was paying your healthcare bill if your were in the service as you claim. The governement is not paying my healthcare bill either. But how is any of that relevant to this is not.
Congress has always used the CBO numbers when voting on large projects. the OMB numbers have been way off, not sure why anyone would even take those numbers. .
And so it is now, on Monday the CBO will be releasing its numbers as they traditionally do with bills of this sort. So what has changed, absoutely NOTHING despite all of the Republican nonsense being spread to the ditto heads from the usual suspects.
I lived in Montreal, Quebec and I have seen first hand how bad it is. so don't even tell me about it and tell me how much it costs the tax payer. .
Maybe you did not like it, but there are millions of Canadians who do like their healthcare system. And what Obama is proposing by the way is not a Canadian like system..[/QUOTE]
We will have the same unemployment, taxes and growth, just like most other nations that have UH.
I suggest you do some more research, because there are serious differences in unemployment, taxes and growth. By the way, when you do tax comparisions you need to add in the money spent on healthcare in The United States for comparable comparisons. Other countries include healthcare expenses in their tax revenues, the US does not as we do not yet have universal healthcare. So when you do that comparison, TOTAL taxes on the average citizen are huge compared to places like Canada.