Exodus International apologizes to gays and then shuts down

Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

This is propaganda being used to help people repress a natural reaction. Does this statement mean if you dislike anyone or anything that means you secretly like them or it, or does this only apply to certain things that liberals support? If democrats dislike republicans and vice this means they secretly like the other party? Or does it only apply to republicans?

Another saying is fanaticism compensates for doubt. The compulsive behavior connected to homosexuality, in terms of sex, addictions, suicides, and high levels of social disease, does that mean that they have doubt and need to overcompensate?

Natural behavior should be matter of fact, not theatrical overcompensation like a cartoon human. This overcompensation would begin the chain of events that would trigger an unconscious feeling; this used car is being oversold.
The compulsive behavior connected to homosexuality, in terms of sex, addictions, suicides, and high levels of social disease, does that mean that they have doubt and need to overcompensate?

Is that like how the compulsive behavior connected to heterosexuality leads to drug addiction, suicide, social disease, alcoholism, spousal abuse, divorce, rape, crimes of passion, prostitution, adultery, fornication, jealousy, unwanted pregnancy, and abortion,? See, any socially-geared compulsion can be linked to more problems. Maybe heteros are overselling their own product too. Just a tad...lol!
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This is propaganda being used to help people repress a natural reaction. Does this statement mean if you dislike anyone or anything that means you secretly like them or it, or does this only apply to certain things that liberals support? If democrats dislike republicans and vice this means they secretly like the other party? Or does it only apply to republicans?

Choosing a political party can't really be a fair comparison to someone who is born homosexual. Comparing an apple to a fish tank. It's just way off.

Another saying is fanaticism compensates for doubt. The compulsive behavior connected to homosexuality, in terms of sex, addictions, suicides, and high levels of social disease, does that mean that they have doubt and need to overcompensate?
No, maybe a person having to hide his/her sexual identity out of fear of being attacked, or assaulted...or mocked, etc...is the reason many homosexuals turn to addictive behaviors and/or suicide. Being gay doesn't cause someone to over compensate, or become suicidal. But, being told over and over by society that something is 'wrong' with them, just maybe leads some to feeling despair, and in turn...looking to escape that despair in various ways.

Natural behavior should be matter of fact, not theatrical overcompensation like a cartoon human. This overcompensation would begin the chain of events that would trigger an unconscious feeling; this used car is being oversold.
Not sure what you're trying to convey, can you re-explain?
This is propaganda being used to help people repress a natural reaction. Does this statement mean if you dislike anyone or anything that means you secretly like them or it, or does this only apply to certain things that liberals support? If democrats dislike republicans and vice this means they secretly like the other party? Or does it only apply to republicans?

Another saying is fanaticism compensates for doubt. The compulsive behavior connected to homosexuality, in terms of sex, addictions, suicides, and high levels of social disease, does that mean that they have doubt and need to overcompensate?

Natural behavior should be matter of fact, not theatrical overcompensation like a cartoon human. This overcompensation would begin the chain of events that would trigger an unconscious feeling; this used car is being oversold.

Suppose one think of a a few examples, such as Pastor Ted Buggard (or was it Haggard) and that Republican Senator or Congressman with the "wide stance".

But I realise anecdotal evidence is not usually persuasive.