Woody said:
Good Reasons to Change Gay Behavior:
Health Statistics
When you look at the statistics, there should be no question that acting out on same-sex attractions is dangerous to your health. Here are just a few of the statistics you can share with friends:
• In 2000, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 49% of all AIDS cases were among homosexual men age 13-24.
• At least 50% of all new HIV infections in the US are among people under 25 years old.
• Homosexual men are 9 times more likely to contract the HIV infection than heterosexual men.
• Homosexual men and women are at a significantly higher risk of contracting incurable sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes and HPV.
• Homosexual women are at increased risks for certain cancers.
• Acting out on same-sex attractions also has devastating psychological effects, including increased drug and alcohol abuse.
Woody, that source is totally and completely biased!
Its out of some Christian website that has no related links to its statistics and has a definate slant towards the far right rather then a less biased agenda.
The problem with HIV/AIDS contraction in both the hetrosexual and homoseuxal population is due to the fact that abstinence only programs are being forced on individual states rather than allowing states to teach more inclusive sexual education programs, including condom use during sexual intercourse rather then trying to "save it" for marriage. Here's some statistics:
• The primary reasons why U.S. teenagers have the highest rates of pregnancy, childbearing and abortion among developed countries is less overall contraceptive use and less use of the pill or other long-acting reversible hormonal methods, which have the highest use-effectiveness rates.
• U.S. teenagers have higher STD rates than teenagers in other developed countries—for example, England, Canada, France and Sweden—because they have more sexual partners and probably lower levels of condom use.
Source for those two-
And the links between homosexuality and mental disease are mainly developed in the adolescence due to extreme prejudice suffered when he/she comes out of the closet, not because of inherent mental instability due to being a homosexual. Hell, one of my good friends is openly gay, and is one of the most stable people that I know, and personally I do take offense to your statistics from 1979 about 73% of homosexuals having sex with boys under the age of 19.
My gay aunt has three kids that she has adopted in her home city of San Francisco, she's an excellent mother, she serves on the PTA, her and her partner have been together for twenty-five years and counting, I don't see an issue with her adopting kids, either her or her partner. She's never raised a hand against her children ever, she is one of the most caring individuals that I know of, and she works as a social worker with battered women and their children. I doubt that she would ever harm one of her children.
My good friend came out of the closet five years ago, I've known him since I was six years old, and he hasn't ever been molested by anyone, nor has he gone out and had sex with anyone over the age of 20 (him being 19), although I'd rather not hear about his sex life, I already hear too much about my other heterosexual friend's sex lives to want to hear about his.
I really don't see why you're so anti-homosexual. If we're all made in god's image, then aren't gays/lesbians/bisexuals/transgenders made in "his" image as well? Really, I want you to show me one quote in the bible that says "gays are evil and shall be stricken from this earth" in the new testament, not the old testament.