Evolution & Creationism: Why can't people believe both?

Because I believe life has more to offer than just sitting under a tree and starving yourself.

Buddhists don't see it that way. I see Christians as people who cannot handle reality or lack the mental capacity to understand the world they live in. Would you agree with my analysis. If not, why do you believe I should accept your analysis of Buddhism ?
Not that I know of. But the mentally impaired who believe they are Napoleon make all sorts of outrageous claims, none of which can be substantiated. That was the comparison I was making.

Basically people claiming to be someone else are experiencing a mental breakdown.

Jesus never claimed to be someone else, he claimed that many will come claiming to be him, see the difference?
Jesus never claimed to be someone else

Didn't he claim to be god?

"people claiming to be someone else are experiencing a mental breakdown"

P.S My site now has a forum :p
Buddhists don't see it that way. I see Christians as people who cannot handle reality or lack the mental capacity to understand the world they live in. Would you agree with my analysis. If not, why do you believe I should accept your analysis of Buddhism ?

Christians handle life. Buddhists handle life.

So what?
A very long time. In fact, they are spans of time our puny brains are unable to grasp.

So why entertain the idea?

What's to forget? I was never involved in either war.

So was I not, but my grandfather was and I can empathize with him and others.

Does it not make you sick the fact that your ancestors fought in a pointless war?
I believe that people today certainly know what is right and wrong without a need to refer to the law.

And we're all sinful...

I do wonder if they did know back in the ancient times, maybe they did, but after Jesus it is stated in the NT that the law was written on our hearts, so was it not there before then?

So as perfect beings Adam and Eve must have known what was right....
If we have it today even in the most unlawful areas would not the perfect sinless person also know what was right.

Didn't he claim to be god?

"people claiming to be someone else are experiencing a mental breakdown"

P.S My site now has a forum :p

According to scripture he said he was the Son of God which is where the controversy came from. If he said he was God then likely he would not have lived long after that statement. It would have been considered blasphemy to suggest that they could stand before God and yet live.

As it was that he preformed those signs before the pharises and scribes they new he was indeed the prophised messiah. It's not just the claim but the ability to back that claim up that identified him as the Christ. The signs, the right place, the right time. I recentlly heard that there were five other claims to the messiah-ship at a similar time.

The statement was made by an individual on a different forum and I've been looking for information along those lines ever since.
Oh, I don't doubt evolution. When it's used as an all encompassing theory as a worldview however, there are insurmountable difficulties.

In terms of morality, I don't think evolution fits; the view that altruistic genes were passed down to us and now the great majority of us feel that unselfish behaviour is "right".

An individuals self-sacrificing, altruistic behaviour toward his or her own blood kin might result in a greater survival rate for the individual's family or extended clan, and therefore result in a greater number of people. However, for evolutionary purposes the opposite response - hostility to all people outside ones group - should be just as widely considered moral and right behaviour. Yet today we believe that sacrificing time, money, emotion and even life - especially for someone "not of our kind" or tribe - is right.

If we see a total stranger fall in the river we jump in after him, or feel guilty for not doing so. In fact, most people will feel the obligation to do so even if the person in the water is an enemy. How could that trait have come down by a process of natural selection? Such people would have been less likely to survive and pass on their genes. On the basis of strict evolutionary naturalism, that kind of altruism should have died out of the human race long ago. Instead, it's stronger than ever.

So you are saying that we did evolve moral behavior for those in our own family or tribe, but that this same evolutionary trait should suddenly halt when it comes to strangers? No, evolution does not work that way. If you have a certain trait, it does not only respond to just a certain instance, but it can also lead to other things as a byproduct. For example, you could not love god if it weren't for the fact that you could first love your family or mate. ie religion is a byproduct of something else.

Your example of preventing strangers from death could just be a byproduct from all the millions of years parents tried to save their young from being eaten.

But if it's nothing to do with evolution then what is your theory? Why an almighty invisible super daddy of course. Even though there is zero evidence for such a thing.
So why entertain the idea?

Entertain what idea?

So was I not, but my grandfather was and I can empathize with him and others.

Does it not make you sick the fact that your ancestors fought in a pointless war?

Not really, it makes me sick of the fact that most of those who created and fought those wars were theists.
And we're all sinful...

So as perfect beings Adam and Eve must have known what was right....
If we have it today even in the most unlawful areas would not the perfect sinless person also know what was right.

Before the fall they were perfect, but once they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they became imperfect.

There is no such thing as a perfect sinless being in my opinion.
Before the fall they were perfect, but once they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they became imperfect.

There is no such thing as a perfect sinless being in my opinion.

but did that rob them of that ability to internally discern from right and wrong?
Well lets take that perfect example and compare.

Adam and Eve.
They chose to do wrong and Jesus chose to do right.

Is this about choice...or instinct and inclination?
What did Adam and Eve and Cain do after they did wrong?
Well lets take that perfect example and compare.

Adam and Eve.
They chose to do wrong and Jesus chose to do right.

Is this about choice...or instinct and inclination?
What did Adam and Eve and Cain do after they did wrong?

Good example :)

Jesus chose to do right that's for sure :)

Well the planet became a mess after Adam and Eve, it is now but Jesus is a light worth turning on.
The implant is a choice.

You either believe what Jesus taught (peace & love) or you don't.

Some soldiers didn't have a choice.

If it's optional, then you aren't saying anything. Jesus and Moses simply started new religions, and those who adopted their morals did, and those who didn't, didn't. That's a historical account, not a supernatural impact on morality.