Evidence - what will it take?

Assuming the reliability of the documen and Tacitus himself, it's a record of the existence of Christians 30 years after the alleged crucifixion, and their treatment by Nero.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd lean toward the view that the Biblical Jesus is linked to an actual historical figure (or perhas more than one)... but that's about it. I generally put the Bible on a par with texts like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey: based on some factual history, liberally spiced with myth.
KennyJC said:
It does matter what evidence is provided, because I would believe it if there was any evidence. But there's not, and you know it.

Ah, Kenny, I can always count on you. ;)

Firstly, please don't tell me what I know. This is a forum of debate, is it not?

And secondly, I said that Christians believe that it not only takes your brain to discover God, but your heart also. That's the barrier that atheists can't overcome, and that's fine. It's their choice as much as the alternate is mine. That's why I posed the orginal question. I was curious.
You mean like Astrology? People believe that with their 'heart' too. But you are simply using the word 'heart' to make it sound like anything other than 'delusion'.
ggazoo said:
And secondly, I said that Christians believe that it not only takes your brain to discover God, but your heart also.
The "heart" is often used to provide a justification for an irrational act.
My heart only pumps blood! ;) I suppose that if you were brain dead, your heart would be your conscious?
Since Messiahs at that time were a fairly regular occurrence, I doubt there would be a great deal written about Jesus. A cursory mention by Tacitus, Josephus et al is about right.

Current messianic gurus do not get that much mainstream airtime either - unless it is of the negative variety eg Sai Baba.

I doubt that any 'evidence' would work, since any relationship requires desire and effort. Understandably, both are used here to counter-theorise.
Dinosaur said:
I wonder how many believers there would be if religion was first taught to people when they were 25 years old.

What about people who find God later in life?
ggazoo: those are few and far between, and they usually happen after something traumatic has occured, like a bad accident,or a blow to the head, or a near to death experience (I dont mean NDE's) something like nearly drowning, and surviving etc...

but no one and I mean no one, has turned to a belief in a fantasy, from using their sense, reason, and intellect.

it is just a total impossiblity.
It's kinda amazing to find that there is so much written about the biblical Jesus, and yet nothing found or discovered about him in terms of public or political documents that can confirm his existance. I've always wondered why that is? Maybe poor record keeping or documentation on the part of the public officials during that period or whatever? You tell us?
Prince_James said:
In order for me to convinced of the reality of the Christian God, he would have to present himself to me in person and demonstrates his Godliness in such a way that I could not deny that he is God, which is difficult, as Christianity says anything could be Satan.

But of course if you find Satan you've found God ;)
ggazoo said:
... Christians believe that it not only takes your brain to discover God, but your heart also.
Do you mean the physical blood-pumping heart in the middle of your chest?
Do you mean the seat of emotions; the seat of the indescribable joyousness/contentment/certainty that comes over you when you pray to Jesus and ask for salvation?
Or is it the same thing?

That's the barrier that atheists can't overcome, and that's fine.
I haven't heard it suggested that way before... interesting.
Personally, I did overcome the barrier - from the other side.
I chose to overcome it, and I could choose to climb back if I wanted to... but really, I'd rather not. This is one fence over which the grass is definitely not greener.

I think that overcoming the barrier means recognizing the unreliability of decisions made "from the heart". We all know make such decisions, and we all realise their necessity... but experience shows that rational decisions (from the brain) are usually better than emotional decisions (from the heart).

It's their choice as much as the alternate is mine. That's why I posed the orginal question. I was curious.
And there's the answer - the evidence it would take is rational evidence, not emotional evidence.

I believe that you have strong emotional evidence to justify your choice... but I also believe that of any passionate person, whether they be anarchist, Satanist, devout Muslim, Hindu yogi, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist, Jehovah's Witness, evangelical Christian, Roman Catholic, Wicca, Scientologist, Raelian, craterchains (Norval), or whatever. Do you see why I suspect that emotional evidence isn't trustworthy?
Prince_James said:
In order for me to convinced of the reality of the Christian God, he would have to present himself to me in person and demonstrates his Godliness in such a way that I could not deny that he is God, which is difficult, as Christianity says anything could be Satan.

Oh if you only knew how right you are. That is exactly what is going to happen. Maybe not in our life times but then again maybe it will. Yes someone will present themselves before mankind and will give demonstrations to convince them, signs and wonders. And all those who still refuse to acknowledge him as God will be put to death with the real Christians.

I find it really ironic that some of the most rabid anti-christs here might one day be kneeling down in front of large public display screens worshipping the televised image of a man they will believe is The Messiah Jesus returned. They might even take part in the beheading of unbelievers. Imagine Cris one day on the controls of the mechanised guillotine and me in it being killed because i rejected the anti-christ. :D

Man… are you guys in for a shock or what...

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Oh if you only knew how right you are. That is exactly what is going to happen. Maybe not in our life times but then again maybe it will. Yes someone will present themselves before mankind and will give demonstrations to convince them, signs and wonders. And all those who still refuse to acknowledge him as God will be put to death with the real Christians.

I find it really ironic that some of the most rabid anti-christs here might one day be kneeling down in front of large public display screens worshipping the televised image of a man they will believe is The Messiah Jesus returned. They might even take part in the beheading of unbelievers. Imagine Cris one day on the controls of the mechanised guillotine and me in it being killed because i rejected the anti-christ. :D

Man… are you guys in for a shock or what...

All Praise The Ancient Of Days


Technically, an alien could land on Earth and display superior intelligence and technology that would no doubt convince many that it would be God.

In your own haste Adstar, to see prophecies fulfilled and have this vision of God on Earth, you would no doubt be sucked in by this elaborate con.

Although you may be right, if there was irrefutable proof of an intelligent creator, then I might follow it. It's not like I am an atheist because I have a bias. Although I can't say I would take part in beheadings through my own free will. Why do you think this would be a good thing Adster?
Novacane said:
It's kinda amazing to find that there is so much written about the biblical Jesus, and yet nothing found or discovered about him in terms of public or political documents that can confirm his existance. I've always wondered why that is? Maybe poor record keeping or documentation on the part of the public officials during that period or whatever? You tell us?

That’s easy:

The authorities of the day wanted to suppress any thoughts of Messiah's or alternative "kings" other than the Emperor of Rome. Don't you know what happened to Israel within a generation of the Messiah's death? The nation was destroyed and the people driven into internal exile. Every effort was undertaken to eliminate the Jewish problem, and a part of that problem was the new Christians who where seen by Rome to be nothing more that a Jewish sect.

The very message of Jesus was threatening to the powers that where during the time of his life and after both by Jewish religious authorities and then roman secular authorities. It is not surprising that they tried there best to remove all references to this "dangerous" figure a possible rallying point for rebellion. It is also not surprising that they did all they could to destroy the Christian community along with the Jewish community. To the Romans they where both seen as trouble.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days