Evidence that God is real

This world is way too horrible and scary for there to be a God in my opinion, especially a loving God who actually gives a damn about people.

Everyday people are dying or killing themselves and if there was a loving God then he wouldn't let people die like that or be forced to kill themselves because lets face it, suicide is painful.
How to be passive
Non-violence is the moral is the key
Equanimity is the safety is the vault
Emotion is the pleasure is the priceless gem
Omnipresence is the secret is written on a tiny piece of paper
I don't know either, but the time to believe it is when there is evidence for it.

Then what does having faith get you? I see faith becoming sonething all together different and sanctified when applied to life. Kinda like a little groundhog coming up out of the ground to tell time.
If you had always been looking in the past you remain old, if you look forward into the eternal future you remain a new thing forever in perfect youth.
I dedicated an entire thread to asking that question of the theists on sciforums. Most of them couldn't give an answer. A few of them essentially said that God needs to maintain constant concentration to keep the universe in existence, minute by minute. That might explain why he doesn't have time for much else, I guess.

What I'd like to know is this God of Israel spent 6 days creating all of this... so what has he been doing since?

Hi James,

What has God been doing since Creation?

Holding this whole thing ( Creation ) together. ( a child has no idea how much the parents do to make a home “work” or even exist )

He has also been busy putting together and implemented the plan to save humanity from themselves among other things.

Can a one year old child fathom what his parents do on a day to day basis? Not even close.

Same general idea. Just because we don’t know what God does on a day to day basis ( from our perspective ) does not mean he is doing anything.

Hope this helps.


How does the Lake of Fire fit onto that preservation plan?

Perfectly. If God exists, and absolute right and absolute wrong exist, then it follows that “hell” ( or better said, eternal separation from God ) would exist.

We put criminals in prison for their whole life, how is this any different ?