Evidence that God is real

Which is one reason so many people in so many places have not had a God.

What do you mean by “had a God”?
What people do not know of God?

The theists create their Gods, and tell others.

You give theists too much credit. But thanks for the compliment.

No one is equipped with the intelligence to create God, or gods. It is silly to even think that to be possible.

How else can an atheist find out about them?

Atheists know God Is. They simply reject and deny.

You cannot be a live human being and not know God. Even babies and children know.
Atheists deny and reject, by creating a version of God that sits well with their world view. Then feel their worldview validated when nobody can produce their God.

They will always be without God (their choice), until they give up their delusion (their choice).

If their entities seem foolish to you, you are welcome to attempt better.
You have even been invited - explicitly - to do so, right here.

There is no “better” with regards to delusions.
It just needs to be able to stick, so you can carry on with the delusion.

They like to hear theists talk about God, so they can construct arguments, diversions, condescending insults, mockery etc, to boost their delusion.

I’m not going to give you any ammunition, so I’m not going to be discussing God with you. Only atheism.

This entire thread and countless threads like it is evidence of Gods existence...either as an idea, a belief, disbelief, a reality or surrealists day dream.
God is known , unknown, mystery and obvious. The ultimate teaser to the curious, furious, oblivious.
The giant puzzle that the field of science seeks to solve so that science can become the God they deny.
Just think... the human race only has about 50 years left to work it out ( according to science ). A dead line of our own creation.
I think most people already know that it is going to take a miracle to fix the mess we have created.
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I quoted you. So one of us has a delusion. I have a feeling it might be the guy who thinks Santa Claus is real.

Yes really. God is supernatural. Religions are about the supernatural. If you have a religion and it doesn't have a supernatural component, it's a club.
Decrying God as "the supernatural" is just a common tool of convenience utilized by atheists. It finds practically no historical or philosophical usage outside of their select echo chambers.
What do you mean by “had a God”?
What people do not know of God?
The same ones listed for you many times on this forum.
No one is equipped with the intelligence to create God, or gods. It is silly to even think that to be possible
It's a frequently and sometimes carefully observed historical event - timelines, attributes, dates and places and people, even. In the case of the Cargo Cults, it's been pinned down to a five year time interval on a couple of Pacific Islands at the end of WWII. In the case of Scientology the jury is still out on whether a deity is involved - but if there is, we know who created it and when.
There is no “better” with regards to delusions.
Not from you, or any other overt Abrahamic theist on this or any science forum.
I’m not going to give you any ammunition, so I’m not going to be discussing God with you. Only atheism.
You post in this thread with no intention of discussing your God or any God.
Instead, as always, the pivot to personal attack on any and all pretexts.

The overt Abrahamic theist does essentially nothing else, on science forums. No actual discussion is possible with one of them - it's not something they do. If responses like mine, here, are excluded from these threads, so should be any post from Jan et al.
threads like it is evidence of Gods existence...either as an idea, a belief, disbelief, a reality or surrealists day dream.
We all know it's an idea, but is it true?
God is known , unknown, mystery and obvious. The ultimate teaser ...
If it's known, it shouldn't be hard to demonstrate. Why is every other fact demonstrated and not this?
The giant puzzle that the field of science seeks to solve so that science can become the God they deny.
Please don't insult science by confusing it with mythology. Unlike God, science can show it's evidence.
Decrying God as "the supernatural" is just a common tool of convenience utilized by atheists. It finds practically no historical or philosophical usage outside of their select echo chambers.
It ain't natural because there ain't no sign of it.
Religions are about the supernatural. If you have a religion and it doesn't have a supernatural component, it's a club.
Taoism, Buddhism, Animisms, heuristic religious mythologies, and so forth, are not "clubs".
Failure to recognize the existence of spirituality in the world, as a logical level of pattern, as (for example) the context providing meaning for rational thought, will cripple scientific endeavor as well as scientifically informed civilization. Granting a monopoly on that level of experience and perception to Abrahamic theists or others rejecting scientific investigation and description will not rid the modern world of superstition.
Please don't insult science by confusing it with mythology. Unlike God, science can show it's evidence.
I guess it is only when you (science) have no need to show your evidence that you will become God.
Supernatural? Far from it...God is all things natural (Pantheistic) and as such there is plenty of evidence yes?
I guess it is only when you (science) have no need to show your evidence that you will become God.
Supernatural? Far from it...God is all things natural (Pantheistic) and as such there is plenty of evidence yes?
Why not just use the term nature?
Taoism, Buddhism, Animisms, heuristic religious mythologies, and so forth, are not "clubs".
Failure to recognize the existence of spirituality in the world, as a logical level of pattern, as (for example) the context providing meaning for rational thought, will cripple scientific endeavor as well as scientifically informed civilization.
Of course it’s logical for people and cultures to develop a reverence for their perceived rational beliefs, recognized or not, it’s an innate aspect of our neurology. But to suggest that to question the irrationality of a particular revered belief somehow threatens to extinguish reverence of others makes no sense. My contempt for specific beliefs doesn’t dull my enthusiasm for the others I respect.
Christian apologetics aren't evidence.
I agree.
They aren't evidence of a creed that persistently monopolize the term "supernatural God" for the sake of establishing a world view.
It seems that foible belongs to a certain class of atheist.
But to suggest that to question the irrationality of a particular revered belief somehow threatens to extinguish reverence of others makes no sense.
In response to my post? What are you talking about?
The comment was re rejection of all religion for its supposed and by definition reliance on belief in the supernatural.
How do you know?
There is evidence of early hominids assuming that natural events were/are caused by "unseen but powerful sentient beings".
But that does not establish the existence of such non-physical beings......:)
The Origins of Worship
85:0.1 (944.1) PRIMITIVE religion had a biologic origin, a natural evolutionary development, aside from moral associations and apart from all spiritual influences. The higher animals have fears but no illusions, hence no religion.
Man creates his primitive religions out of his fears and by means of his illusions
85:0.2 (944.2) In the evolution of the human species, worship in its primitive manifestations appears long before the mind of man is capable of formulating the more complex concepts of life now and in the hereafter which deserve to be called religion. Early religion was wholly intellectual in nature and was entirely predicated on associational circumstances. The objects of worship were altogether suggestive; they consisted of the things of nature which were close at hand, or which loomed large in the commonplace experience of the simple-minded primitive Urantians.

And later the early gods were refined to even greater fantastical powers.

Have you ever wondered how Zeus became the King of the Gods? Zeus wasn’t always the head of the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. According to the stories, Kronos was in charge of the gods before his son, Zeus, seized control. Here is the story of how Zeus and Kronos were engaged in a battle that would ultimately name Zeus and the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus the victors.
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What people do not know of God?
And pray tell, what do people know of God? He has been with us for a long time? Really?....:D

And why is God of a male gender? Anyone tested this physical attribute?
Ah yes, "immaculate conception" by a human female from a male god. Double speak...:?
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In response to my post? What are you talking about?
The comment was re rejection of all religion for its supposed and by definition reliance on belief in the supernatural.
Then explain this.
Failure to recognize the existence of spirituality in the world, as a logical level of pattern, as (for example) the context providing meaning for rational thought, will cripple scientific endeavor as well as scientifically informed civilization.
What does the recognition of spirituality have to do with the perpetuation of rational thought? Ideally in science the quality of a belief is based on its conformity to reason, not the reverence it may inspire.