Evidence supporting atheism?

PsychoticEpisode said:
A sober natural high is more powerful than anything artificially induced. No god could ever do it justice.

when you eat food, and you get energy, you dont day 'i havejust got artificially induced energy' do you? that's be a nonesensical thing to say cause we GET energy from food. yet people--influenced consciously or unconsciously by the popaganda against psychedelics and psychedelic experience--will say whatyou just said....!
If you feel the need to defend your lifestyle then you're obviously worried about it. Pardon my ignorance but I didn't know acid was one of the major food groups.
PsychoticEpisode said:
If you feel the need to defend your lifestyle then you're obviously worried about it.

me::eek:hhhh, i', NOT worrired bout it...silly. i am defending freedom. remember?...therer is a war on drugs. where peole are persecuted on one hand for wanting to spiritually explore, etc, whilst on te other are lied to about 'mental illness'nandpushed toxic drugs--as are many many children. This situation obviously doesn't seem to concern you!

Pardon my ignorance but I didn't know acid was one of the major food groups.
ohhhhh--again. predictable tat you wouldimagine tat psychedelics began with LSD. they do not. tey go back right to te begnnings and are a diverse range of vegetation.
if you wanna criticize, do some homework first.
I think anti-drug campaigns should use duendy as their example of what drugs do to a person.

Just an observation.
SnakeLord said:
I think anti-drug campaigns should use duendy as their example of what drugs do to a person.

Just an observation.
M*W: You mean like a "poster child" or something?
SnakeLord said:
I think anti-drug campaigns should use duendy as their example of what drugs do to a person.

Just an observation.
and what would that bemr legal head. i just know you will drool for the chance to do your bitty analytical number...you propaganderist schmuck you.....so go on. i've thrown down the gaUNTLET....isit me....spelling? what what?
duendy said:
ohhhhh--again. predictable tat you wouldimagine tat psychedelics began with LSD. they do not. tey go back right to te begnnings and are a diverse range of vegetation.
if you wanna criticize, do some homework first.

Too bad universities don't award degrees for hallucigenics. You'd graduate magna cum laude. I didn't know drugs came from plants, I thought stuff like magic mushrooms fell out of the sky.
and what would that bemr legal head. i just know you will drool for the chance to do your bitty analytical number...you propaganderist schmuck you.....so go on. i've thrown down the gaUNTLET....isit me....spelling? what what?

Sorry, mind repeating that in English?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Too bad universities don't award degrees for hallucigenics.
me::uni. degrees dont impress me....tho achem i have first class degree in fin e artt

You'd graduate magna cum laude. I didn't know drugs came from plants, I thought stuff like magic mushrooms fell out of the sky.
so why say what ya did?
Well yes. If you want proof of the christian God, then it is there. In the minds of a billion people and the pages of books. But the probability this christian God created the universe we inhabit? As close to zero as you can get without knowing first hand.

Christianity is guarunteed to be almost completely wrong. But if they still wish to believe even if they know that, then that's OK with me.
I'd like to know how you can guarantee something like that!!

Of all the religions there are/have been and all the religions that haven't happened yet... I'm sure the possabilities are endless, so with that said, christianity was guaranteed to be false before it even began.

This is assuming there is an intelligent creator in the first place... And if there is not, no religion is valid no matter how many there are.
"Atheism" is a belief. An "agnostic" is a person who admits that he does not know. However, review the story of Moses climbing the mountain. He passes by Jahweh and they speak together. Moses continues to climb until hecomes to the "hole" in the firmament through which the soul passes to enter Paradise where God Elohim resides. Moses can hear Elohim talk, but Moses cannot see Elohim. I won't spoil this riddle, but as a true scientist,you should know the answer for what entity represents Elohim. Incidentally, Elohim gives us our Sun sign personality prototype.
had a feelin you'd cop out

Ah, so now the English improves? (sort of)

It's actually quite simple, the answer being subtely placed in my last post to you. You constantly drivel on about mushrooms and psychadelics, and I personally just think you come across as if you've been consuming a large quantity of them. Whether it's the hideous typing or just the crap inbetween that you consider to make sense is your choice.
duendy said:
so why say what ya did?

All I said is that a sober natural high beats anything a drug can serve up.

I'll let you in on something. Myself and others have this picture in our minds of you being in a steady drug induced stupor 24/7. Sorry, but this is the image you portray and because of that its hard to take you seriously.

Yes, I get energy from food but its not artificial, energy is energy in whatever form it takes. Drugs however are not food. I hope you aren't doping just to see God and if you are then your helping to promote atheism's view that God is nothing more than a vision, hallucination or thought. Thanks, I think.

As an atheist and a fellow human being let me say this: If you are a habitual doper then get off the junk and get help now!!!
ayla_z said:
The problem I see with your reasoning is that you have not delineated the criteria for a "true" or "false" religion.

But, I was was just "kidding" when I wrote how could you proof it was false?
no one could...

Ayla Z

A true religion would describe one that relates to God and correctly describes Gods motives and actions.

Since no religion can possibly do this anything close to accurately, then you have to ask why people bother since what they preach is not the word of God.

Ironically, it could be science that better conveys the "word of God" than religion.

P.S. IF there is a God.
SnakeLord said:
Ah, so now the English improves? (sort of)

m::eek:h piss off. you are just a lazy-eyed sod. i have xplained the limitations of my system here enuf times by now

It's actually quite simple, the answer being subtely placed in my last post to you. You constantly drivel on about mushrooms and psychadelics, and I personally just think you come across as if you've been consuming a large quantity of them.

me::'drivel' hey? well that shows me your pre-conecption abouthe whole subject.......actually i have as much right to speak about ta element as you and others go on and on and on and on about LITERAList christianity etc. actually if you opened up a bit and LISTENED and were inspired to do your own research about it you would find that psychedelics are CENTRAL to te very origins and history of myth, philosophy, religion, and science. yet because you hve been sucked into the propaganda about them, and the experince from use of them, you really have nothing to say but to be derisive!

Whether it's the hideous typing or just the crap inbetween that you consider to make sense is your choice.
see? your whole atitude reveals to me your utter complete ignorance all about what you scoff. you imagine that somehow you are superior in your sober abusive ay to people that choose psychedelic experience as a powerful mans to explore temselves and ther relationship with Nature. but you totally underestimate them imagining that someone who takes them suddenly cant spell bla bla. you are an idiot sir
piss off. you are just a lazy-eyed sod. i have xplained the limitations of my system here enuf times by now

Actually, I've only seen your explanation once before, (which was yesterday), in another thread - which basically boiled down to you using a very small keyboard and you can't be bothered correcting your errors. While that is fine for you, you can't really expect the rest of us to get anything worthwhile from something we can barely read.

If I was lazy-eyed, as you boldly state, I certainly wouldn't take the extra time trying my utmost to make some sense from what you type.

Maybe it's just me, but it certainly seems that the English in this post of yours far exceeds that of any of your others. It looks apparent that you actually take the time to correct and ensure semi-decent English when you want to tell someone to piss off. I would merely ask that you take the same time when you have a point to make.

The fact is that people can hardly debate or discuss with you if they can't easily understand what you're trying to say.

If it's of any help, it might be worth getting a free Yahoo email account. You don't have to use it for emails, but you can type your posts in there and then use the built in spell checker.

me::'drivel' hey? well that shows me your pre-conecption abouthe whole subject

To be honest with you Duendy, I barely understand a word you type, and thus wouldn't consider myself as having a pre-conception to a subject that I can barely read. That's why I said you come across as you have been taking those drugs you constantly talk about. From what I can gather, you like mushrooms and lsd. I have no issues with that whatsoever..

actually i have as much right to speak about ta element as you

Of course you do, I'm just asking if you can do so in a way that the rest of us can actually read what you're trying to say. Perhaps it's just me, I dunno.. but if you respond to one of my posts with something that I find totally illegible, I have little choice but to either ignore it or respond and state that I cannot read it. I do the latter because I would rather be able to read it than just ignore it.

actually if you opened up a bit and LISTENED and were inspired to do your own research about it you would find that psychedelics are CENTRAL to te very origins and history of myth, philosophy, religion, and science.

I must confess that I have always found it rather amusing when someone comes along, makes a claim and then demands that others do all the research by themselves. I would advise those people that make the claims that it would be corteous and honourable if they would provide the relevant research material.

I mean surely, having clearly already researched it, it would be far easier and more beneficial for you to provide source material and research material as opposed to expecting everyone here to spend their day scouring google?

Thus far in my travels I have seen very little with regards to psychadelic and mushroom usage being central to the origins of religion, (other than some junkies 'joke' whereby the bible says it's ok to smoke pot because god says: "I give you all the seed bearing plants to use", or some such thing).

Perhaps I have just missed it, and as such would request that source material be provided on the subject - or that the case be discussed and established in a way that I can actually read what is being said.

I am as open as I can get and I am listening as much as my ears allow. Alas I cannot read illegible English, and I hardly feel "inspired" to spend my day trawling through google based upon the claim of one person with illegible English. If you have a source that I can go to, please provide it.

yet because you hve been sucked into the propaganda about them

Propaganda about what? Drugs? Please..

Whether some guy on TV says drugs are bad for you, or whether I've seen what it does to people first hand, or whether I've never seen the effect of drugs in my life has no bearing on your claims concerning mushrooms being central to the origin of religion.

and the experince from use of them

Do you think it is only you that has used drugs? I couldn't personally name you one person that hasn't at some stage dabbled with drugs. Of course it is an absolute given that the more you use them, the more of a potato you become. However, none of this has any relevance to a claim that drug usage was central to the origin of religion.

see? your whole atitude reveals to me your utter complete ignorance all about what you scoff.

What my attitude should reveal to you is that I cannot read a word you're saying. It is absolutely hideous, and that's being nice. I don't see what other response you would like from me. I could just agree of course to the posts that I can't even read, but that would be dishonest. I could disagree with them, but again - considering I can barely read them - that too would be dishonest. The only remaining option is to tell you your writing is hideous and ask you to try harder next time you have a statement to make.

you imagine that somehow you are superior in your sober abusive ay to people that choose psychedelic experience as a powerful mans to explore temselves and ther relationship with Nature.

Here I disagree. Certainly my language can be abrupt, perhaps a tad harsh and 'unfriendly' - but that is my nature, not only because I'm English, but because I find that most often abruptness is more efficient. Sure, I wont have as many people at my funeral as you will at yours, but by then I wont really give a shit. However, I have no issues or quarrel with people that use drugs - especially considering that we all do to some extent.. be it through cigarettes, cups of coffee, or headache tablets. Of course once you pass the borders with things of this nature, your brain ends up somewhere inbetween that of a squished hedgehog and a rotten potato.

Having said all of that, drug usage is not a way to explore your 'relationship with nature'. It's a fake, a fraud, a wolf in sheeps clothing. What you see and feel isn't real, it's not 'you'.

If you want to try being a different 'you', why not read The Diceman and try that method? It costs less, (a grand total of £4.99) - and if you actually put your heart into it, it can be more than exciting - and is a way of exploring 'your relationship with nature' that doesn't end up doing more harm than good, (usually).

I thought The Diceman was a supreme book and dabbled with the dice for a long time, (for experimentation purposes only).

I ended up doing some amazing, and not so amazing things, that really make you reflect upon life. I proposed to a complete stranger, (she said yes funnily enough and we had a fake wedding in the pub that night - and an interesting evening later on..), I changed the way I was on a daily basis and people actually found it really intriguing. The good thing with this method is that you are always.. "aware".

Anyone can get high.. just go into your kitchen, eat some nutmeg, (tastes like shit), and you'll hallucinate for 15 mins or so. Other than that I'm sure you've heard of the benefits of microwaving banana skins and so on. The problem with these methods, (along with general drug usage), is that you are no longer you. You have no control over the outcome - and most likely forget that which you experienced shortly after.

Of course all of this is entirely irrelevant to a claim that drug usage is central to the origins of religion.

(more on The Diceman: http://www.lukerhinehart.net/ ) {Interesting to note that the only bad feedback comes from the christians.. Those fuckers are so closed minded to anything that goes against their perverted beliefs and ideals but yet are the first to call people closed minded}.

but you totally underestimate them imagining that someone who takes them suddenly cant spell bla bla.

I have yet to see someone currently taking drugs that actually cares whether he can spell, let alone can or not. What you underestimate is that it is not only you that has or does use drugs. Yes, drugs are sold and used even here on this tiny island. But the fact remains that people under the influence of drugs generally cannot spell, often they can't even speak properly, and their brain has during those moments all the ability of a soggy cabbage.

you are an idiot sir

While that's certainly interesting, I hope you wont take offence if I disagree.
snakelord......wellll.......all ican say in defense o me typin is this. othersseem to be able to negotiate it--understand it. whilst others can get hostile about it, and i hav e found pretend not o understand it if they cannot understand where i am coming from. if that makes sense to you

in a way. i suppose you are trying to HELP
my fruits of communication. i can then only rase a glass of cheer to yer sir...aye gooday to your sire ahhhhhhhh

nxt: psychedlics and mythology. where to begin wid yu.....?
read Gordon Wasson. That sould keep you going. also ery importantly , J.M.Allegro The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross....tere is MUCH
BUT, THE more very very important point for you to consider here. this will be difficult for you to sink it in cause your ingrained BIAS against psychedelic experience is obvious for everyone to see....so i do feel a touch of throwin one's pearls to swine--with respec....but here goes....ready?:

THE psychedelic experience is and always hasbeen the most powerful experience one might have, AND it can be had by anyone willing to try it. Therefore it stqnds to reason that this experience would have inspired mythology from way back when and before.

If one says that one can also have non-ordinary experience--or what ever you want to call ecstatic experience--naturally. well yes i know, but it is rare. And if we are talking about gurus claiming it. well it is up to you whether you wanna gamble your time away following another man.....!

before i may continue, i m curious. let me ask you this: have YOU ever had psychedelic experience? if so what was it you took the very last trip, and what experince did you have? thanks

continuuin then. SO.....tat is an essential thing to dig. te awesome relationship between human and psychedelic ppant from time immemorial. oncew you grasp this , it will be no surpise whatsoever how mythology, etc has flowered FROM psychedelic experience. good and bad
Experiment 1:

postulate the existence of a deity.

Collect all evidence of the existence of a deity (input sweat, output zero)

Define characteristics of a deity.

Establish that a deity is supernatural.

Design experiment to proof the non-existence of a deity.

Error warning flash in brain...

A deity is supernatural. Science deals with natural world.
A deity is supernatural. Science deals with natural world.
A deity is supernatural. Science deals with natural world.
A deity is supernatural. Science deals with natural world.
A deity is supernatural. Science deals with natural world.