Evidence supporting atheism?

PsychoticEpisode said:
Theist mind stoned or altered whereas Atheist just hasn't experienced a drug induced fantasy. Is that what you're saying? Is brainwashing from birth a reasonable substitute for hallucinogenics?

i am sure many theists and athiests alike haven't had psychdelic experiences/ecstatic experience, and may share the same prejudice about this subject. I have experienced that here!...hah

'is brainwashing from birth a reasonable substitute for hallucinogenics'?

i know which one i'd rather have. but your question is meaning indoctrinatin by the culture from birth, school etc, yeah?...well i feel both atheists and theists can suffer that. ie., everyone, and that ecstaic inspiration can-intellgently used-be an aid to see through tis brainwashing, and that that is
the real meaning of god goddess, rather tan the brainwashing interpetation of A 'God' pone mustblindly believe in, or else.....or the anti-that which says 'if science doesn't approve ten it must be inauthentic
To duendy: In the experimental days of my youth I had on occasion a chance to visit the hallucinogenic world and to no surprise I saw and chatted with God and Christ. However it was a time when I was figuring things out and in some way those apparitions were just a manifestation of my daily life, like a dream. The thing was that I had decided even earlier to let go of the God stuff that was controlling or limiting my actions. Perhaps the visions were a last ditch effort by a changing mind to bring god back because it needed it, like a junkie needs a fix. I really didn't give a shit whether it was scientifically approved or not.

To be rid of religion is harder than giving up sex, the opposite for the religious celibate. Denouncing gods, religion and everything else it stands for creates an indescribable feeling of release or freedom. Atheists are probably the people you can count on most because they see the real true value of life. What happens if anything after death is inconsequential. God is in your head, like a malignant tumor bent on devouring any common sense you might have until you're just a marionette without a thought of your own.
psychedelics are non specicific catalysts......this meansthat for everyone, teir own set and settng will be unique for them. so the idea that youre experience is THE specific experienceone will have whilst tripping--ie., speaking wit God, Crist, te Vrgin Marty etc, is really not so. that ws YOURexperience. which obviously you de-value. that is your

MY experiences when taking LSD when 15 wasn't like that atall. I rathe experienced Nature. it was like the dulling i had received due to schooling, peer pressure, andmedia, and what i call city-fication, was utterly blown aay and i experienced Nature in its raw vital awesone state....i also say throufgh socxial masks and much much more.....all this really meant something to me. i didn't after the event explain it all aay with pseudoscientific pychobabble....i got insight, and these insights inpired me to look more closey at things, and the myths and beliefspeople hold to. and also trhe history of psychedelic experience

if you care to read about Stan GRof etc and the rcorded data from pepople who have aken LSD etc, you will see the possibl experiences ae profound. Buti personally see a danger in too much focus inward. i feel that psychedelic inspiration needs us to BOND with Nature, and to do that it is not necessary to try and 'talk to inner 'gods'..lessen you feel the need to

what i am on about is release of blocakges to creativity.....ecstatic release, emotional release. cause tis here culture--which claims to be atheistic, but which i feel unconsciousloy holdsunresolved mythis shit, like constipation whioch manifestsin attitudes and behaviour--is not that freindlt to ecstatic expresson/ this is reflected in your dwnerabout psychedelic experience, and your promotion of sober? atheism
A sober natural high is more powerful than anything artificially induced. No god could ever do it justice.
KennyJC said:
"I'm high on life, honey!" - (c) Ricki Lake '97.
Interestingly, I once got high on honey!! :D
Biiiig sugar rush that day, I can tell you!
An interesting experience for a six year old!!
Cyperium said:
That is not a error in itself.
the word of man is filled with error. language cannot convey complete truth, no matter how intricately it is written. truth lies in actual experience. one has to find out truth for themselves, they can't just read it in a book.
Occam's razor says that when there are two theories that offer possible explanations for something, the simplest one is most likely. Athiests believe that everything that is can be explained by science and there is no need to add God into the equation with no solid evidence of His influence. Some theists have given long hours of thought into the matter and have concluded that all the wonders of creation must have come from an intelligent designer who wrote the laws of physics, calculated the strength of gravity, decided how long the planck length should be, and did all the other stuff that if it wasn't exactly the way it was there would be no such thing as anything. And then there are those who have been indoctrinated since birth. You should usually try to avoid serious conversations about the existence of God with these people as many of them have ideas that they will just not let go of no matter what.

Agnostics think that the the question of whether or not there is a God is unanswerable and therefore pointless.
RoyLennigan said:
the word of man is filled with error. language cannot convey complete truth, no matter how intricately it is written. truth lies in actual experience. one has to find out truth for themselves, they can't just read it in a book.
Experience is not truth - as experience is open to interpretation.
Where one man sees a derelict hut, another man sees his home.
Where one man feels cold, another man feels hot.
Where one man hears a cry for help, another hears the usual humdrum noises of the street.

Experience is all a matter of interpretation.

The truth lies in the physical and chemical interactions that go on to create that experience. Therein lies the truth of all we see and hear and feel.
is there any evidence supporting atheism or is it just like how I was brought into it christainity?

Archeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what is believed to be a missing page from the Bible. The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn. If genuine, it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read, 'To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitous, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.'

Wasn't that quote from an episode of Red Dwarf?

But anyway, even if proof was found that Bible was nothing more than fiction (shock horror) that only tells us Christianity and religion is flawed which we already know anyway. It still doesn't proove atheism, which says there is no intelligent creator.
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All.For.One said:
,is there any evidence supporting atheism or is it just like how I was brought into it christainity?

if there was a god i wouldnt be a bit hungry right now.if there was a god i wouldnt have an ingrowing toenail.if there was a god i wouldnt have to wish i had the 30seconds i spent reading your post back.30 seconds i could have made love to my wife,played with my kids,talked with my parents,had fun with a friend,written some music..instead its been wasted.even more because i replied :(.are you happy?
kenworth said:
if there was a god i wouldnt be a bit hungry right now.if there was a god i wouldnt have an ingrowing toenail.if there was a god i wouldnt have to wish i had the 30seconds i spent reading your post back...

Sarkus said:
Experience is not truth - as experience is open to interpretation.
Where one man sees a derelict hut, another man sees his home.
Where one man feels cold, another man feels hot.
Where one man hears a cry for help, another hears the usual humdrum noises of the street.

Experience is all a matter of interpretation.

The truth lies in the physical and chemical interactions that go on to create that experience. Therein lies the truth of all we see and hear and feel.
experience is not the interpretation, though. experience cannot be changed from what it really is. you can interpret it a million different ways, but the way things actually happened is still the same. by experience i mean being there when something happens, instead of reading about someone being there. the experience happens, but almost instantaneously it is interpreted. experience can be interpreted, but it is not the interpretation.

that is why you are able to extract more truth from a firsthand perspective than a secondhand, or a thirdhand and so on. that is why each individual believes that what they see and feel and hear and taste and smell is the truth. you cannot, as a human, get any closer to the truth than that.
beyondtimeandspace said:
Because if god existed, and if god was good, he would be the "first servant of the state" so to speak instead of being the state.
If god exists, he's a tyrannical, cruel, heartess bastard, or in other words, a prick.
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The only way science could say there is no God is if we understood everything about everything. Which we don't and never will. Why did space and time begin existing? The notion of a God implies that he has absolute control of everything in space and time. So even though it doesn't seem likely, He COULD just go back in time to cover all his tracks before he made them. This makes things too complicated. There can never be any proof that He does not exist, but there has never been any proof that He does.