Evidence supporting atheism?


1 Corinthians 11:1..are you in
Registered Senior Member
I was born and raised in a christian family so I pretty much always believed there was a God...there was a patch when I was a skeptic but an expreience with God sorted that out. Anyway I keep seeing on threads atheists saying there isn't enough evidence supporting religion so I can't believe. Believing there is a God is a normality for me and believing there is no God is a normality for others. Because I was raised believing I believe so I don't need evidence...now down to business,is there any evidence supporting atheism or is it just like how I was brought into it christainity?
There is no such thing as evidence against God, such as there is no evidence in support of God. There is of course a mountain of evidence against religion as you will notice there are many different religions on Earth alone. Not all of them can be right. We have even discovered many things wrong about the bible. The Earth isn't several thousand years old, wasn't created in 7 days and there was no such thing as a fully formed human magically coming into existence.

I'm sure many others will go into more detail with facts detailing the irrelevance of religion.
You misunderstand atheism.
Atheism is not a belief.
It is a lack of belief.

The "strong" atheist does have a belief - that God does not exist - for which there is no evidence.

Most atheists, however, are what is often termed "weak" atheists - in that they do not believe due to a lack of evidence, both in the existance and non-existance of God.

Believing without evidence is irrational.
Whether that belief be in God, in the non-existance of God, or in a large invisible Turtle on which stand four invisible elephants holding up our world.

The rational option is not to believe in anything for which there is no evidence.
So from the bible what are ALL the things that a wrong I would really love to know?
Woopsy put that wrong....what are ALL the things wrong with the bible?
All.For.One said:
Woopsy put that wrong....what are ALL the things wrong with the bible?
M*W: Well for one, it was written by man with human error. Secondly, when the original was written, it had no annotated chapters or verses. Those were included by man with human error. The original writings of the bible were astrological charts. The interpretations were rewritten to make the great signs and wonders into human beings. This is when everyone got confused. Jesus = God, the Sun. Jesus also = the Sun of God. Abraham was fictional. He ushered in the Sign of Aries. John the Baptist ushered in Aquarius. Virgo represented the Virgin Mary or maybe even Mary Magdalen. There is no god. There is no savior. Man made many errors when he wrote the bible. The only truthful, legitimate history was written by women.
One thing that might be evidence that supports atheism is that every culture on Earth has created their own mythologies, their own Gods, and they vary widely in specifics. Some feature a God, some Gods, some no such concept. This makes me think that people just make up stories to explain things in the absense of evidence. So, God is just another one of these stories.
Not one person in the history of mankind has ever been 'born religious'. Not one. We are all atheists when born. Enuf proof for ya?

Now somewhere out there is a guy who's going to tell us that Christ was born religious and while still suckling Mary's teat his first cohesive thought was 'Hey, I'm God's kid'.
"The only truthful, legitimate history was written by women. "

Don't get me started on Germaine Greer.
All.For.One said:
Woopsy put that wrong....what are ALL the things wrong with the bible?
well you did ask!.
theres far to much information to write in one thread, hence why the direct links, you should go here first it will show you over 800 evil deeds done by the christian god, or for it.
and just over 50 things done by satan, which I might add, killed no one, well the good things?.
you can if you wish check out how evil the quran is and the book of mormon.


and then you could go here next, it's self explanatory


Here is a better description of the atheist position that should help you understand why your question does not make sense.

An athiest is someone who does not find theist claims believable. From this we can see that the evidence in support of atheism is the lack of evidence for theism.

The continuing inablity of the theist to demonstrate the existence of a god fuels increasing support of the atheist position.

The question you should ask yourself is whether it is of value to believe something because of your family indoctrination or whether demonstrable truth might be better.

an expreience with God sorted that out
I note you do not expand on this. Can you show this was anything other than emotionally induced? I doubt you can and that inability will represent an answer to your thread.
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All.For.One said:
Woopsy put that wrong....what are ALL the things wrong with the bible?

Where would you like to start? Ok let's start in Gennisis

According to the story on the first day God created day and night or the light and the dark of day and night.

Opps he did not make the Sun untill the third day. Well if he already had day and night then why did he need to create the Sun and the Moon on the third day.

Answer is because the bible is a collection of 1st century would views of evolving early man that was ment to be more of a government than a religion and it evolved into a ratical fundamentalist movement. Most people lack the ability to understand the basis for the creation of all religions by man.
All.For.One said:
is there any evidence supporting atheism

Medicine Woman said:
The only truthful, legitimate history was written by women.
This is femnist Bullshit right there.
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Starman said:
God is a make believe friend for Adult's.

True, no different than ogres and giants. Too bad the 4 year old dying in a cancer ward has to be terrified of the big bad God. Should we outlaw fairy tales? Why do the religious fairy tales remain believable in adulthood to a vast majority? Mindboggler!
theism versus atheism and vice versa

so teism is the belief in 'God' and ateism doesn'tbelieve in 'God'.....so what IS tis 'God' somebelieve in and ome dont is te question. what does 'God' re-present?

in order to explore this question you need to look at mythology per se. now have a particular favourite mythology--including the christian mythology or.....atheist mythology (as we all live by sytories we tel ourselves. ohhhh yes we do)....for xample,ifyou say ask an atheist 'what is te purpose of the universe, or life, o being'...they might answer 'nothing' and/or 'therer IS no meaning'....well i am saying that tat is just as much a metaphysiao assumption as 'yes there is a purpose'...it i still myth, in that it is a story you liveby. you really dont know do you?....or if you think you do instead of what you believe being backed up by the Bible, it is backed up by current science

so. what does 'God' re-present when looking at mythology? from what i am learning ---theoriginal ecstatic feeling of inspiration afforded by psychedelicd plants was interpreted by eg., te classical Dionysians (ancient Greece) believd their psychedelic sacrament WAS god and when tey drank it they beCAME god/Dionysos........when this cult was reformed by the philosophical Orphics, they were to deify tis sense of god into a 'God'....one you had to purify yourself to get TO! do you see te distintion?....one is feeing a sense of ecstatic expansion and te othe is the worship of some idea/symbol
duendy said:
---theoriginal ecstatic feeling of inspiration afforded by psychedelicd plants was interpreted by eg., te classical Dionysians (ancient Greece) believd their psychedelic sacrament WAS god and when tey drank it they beCAME god/Dionysos........when this cult was reformed by the philosophical Orphics, they were to deify tis sense of god into a 'God'....one you had to purify yourself to get TO! do you see te distintion?....one is feeing a sense of ecstatic expansion and te othe is the worship of some idea/symbol

Theist mind stoned or altered whereas Atheist just hasn't experienced a drug induced fantasy. Is that what you're saying? Is brainwashing from birth a reasonable substitute for hallucinogenics?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Well for one, it was written by man with human error.
That is not a error in itself.
Secondly, when the original was written, it had no annotated chapters or verses. Those were included by man with human error.
No error either.
The original writings of the bible were astrological charts.
Says who?
The interpretations were rewritten to make the great signs and wonders into human beings.
What does it mean to make signs and wonders into human beings?? Deliberatly trying to confuse?
This is when everyone got confused. Jesus = God, the Sun. Jesus also = the Sun of God.
Nothing to support that. Gods light was said to shine brighter than the sun, thus God is not equal to the sun.
Abraham was fictional.
Says who?
He ushered in the Sign of Aries.
John the Baptist ushered in Aquarius.
Virgo represented the Virgin Mary or maybe even Mary Magdalen.
?? Sounds like make belief.
There is no god. There is no savior.
Unbelief from depression is not a valid argument.
Man made many errors when he wrote the bible. The only truthful, legitimate history was written by women.

A time may come when we see how small we really are and there will no longer be any respect for eachother. Where cries won't help and hell is deep, tortured over and over. No meaning any more. They cry and laugh at the same time. There is no way out, look, within is a way. Outside is
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All.For.One said:
So from the bible what are ALL the things that a wrong I would really love to know?

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This site would be slower than christmas if someone did that. ;)