Everything I've said has been a Lie!

the future

In a way, to me this is funny - you think the future is yet to come, and I'm here to say it has already taken place.

So, as these events unfold into your 'now', you will become amazed, when in actually, all things are in existence, and that entails even the future.

The options, as pertaining to my prophesies, are as follows:

All three come to pass
None come to pass
Two of three come to pass
One of three comes to pass

But then, you don't know the future, do you?
Of course the future is already set. But do you seriously believe that you are a fortune teller? Or are you one of those freaky remote viewing people who believe in the matrix and other crap like that? I personally believe that only 1 prophecy will come true. And that is the war. That can be solved with simple politics and following things such as the newspaper and the news. There is no psychic powers behind that. As for the rest of your "prophecies", i say bullshit.
Originally posted by Votorx
Of course the future is already set. But do you seriously believe that you are a fortune teller? Or are you one of those freaky remote viewing people who believe in the matrix and other crap like that? I personally believe that only 1 prophecy will come true. And that is the war. That can be solved with simple politics and following things such as the newspaper and the news. There is no psychic powers behind that. As for the rest of your "prophecies", i say bullshit.

I don't believe nor disbelieve anything, pertaining to my predictions – I never have.

I don’t have a vested interest in seeing that they come to pass. After all, they are only predictions.

However, I have been predicting things all of my life - it's part of who I am. I don’t seek it out, but rather, it seeks me out through dreams, visions and the like.

When you grow up with it, as have I, it’s just a normal part of life.

You see, you have no way of knowing the predictions that I have made that have come to pass.

Two that come to mind are 9/11 and the capture of Saddam 12/13/03.

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Prophecies do not come true.

People interpret them to come true.

They see what they want to see.

Bible Code. After the fact reasoning.

And prophecies that have any similarity to actual events usually are from a giant pot of them. millions of random guesses thrown together, mere chance brings them out.

People remember the positive, forget the wrongs... remember John Edward, the psychic. Millions of misses, a few hits. People only remember the hits. They want to believe. This is folly.

Predictions serve a much greater purpose than that of merely foretelling events to come. Predictions establish the teller in the minds of the hearers. Predictions usher in a point in history, a point that, once the predictions given comes to pass, gets cemented into the minds of the hearer They announce to those hearing the predictions that the teller is connected to the greater plan, connected in a way that is indefinable – a way that cannot be known.

No, they are not merely the foretelling of events, that is the least of their purpose – predictions encapsulate a particular point in time.

And predictions cannot be grasped by the mind, once the thing predicted has come to pass. The mind cannot wrap itself around the concept, afterwards.

Predictions are simply another tool utilized by the ‘orchestrators’ of events that continually unfold for us.

Now what else might I say in this matter?

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Originally posted by Jocariah
Everything I've said has been a Lie!


About time i was waiting for you to say that. I wonder how many people actually believed that you were making real prophecies? It's actually quite funny how so many people are so very gullible, thank you for this Jocariah it was a good laugh.
Re: Re: LIAR

Originally posted by Votorx
About time i was waiting for you to say that. I wonder how many people actually believed that you were making real prophecies? It's actually quite funny how so many people are so very gullible, thank you for this Jocariah it was a good laugh.

Along those lines, I had an interesting experience before the holidays. I occasionally write short articles in the business section of our local paper. I wrote an article outlining the concept of calculating the IRR, or Internal Rate of Return of an investment. As written, my article was 450 words. Evidently, the paper was running short on space that weekend and someone at the paper decided to edit my article down to 300 or so words (and change the title).

Well, the resulting article made no sense whatsoever, I was mortified after reading it that Sunday morning - I don't even think I ate all day as a result. But to my surprise, instead of having to explain what happened, I was complemented several times the next day on having written such a great article.

“If it appears in print, it must be true – even if I don’t understand it.”

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Real Prophecies

BTW - please don't forget the prophecies, or their corresponding timetables; they are real prophecies.


Re: Real Prophecies

Originally posted by Jocariah
BTW - please don't forget the prophecies, or their corresponding timetables; they are real prophecies.



Im sure they are.