Everything I've said has been a Lie!

Sailing in wonderment

Over time, as we become acquainted with the sheer magnitude of the unknown and the underlying complexity of our existence here, we tend to discount it. We have grown accustomed to it, simply because of our on-going familiarity with it.

But it may be, at least in this writer’s opinion, that we need reminded of it, now and again, so as to rekindle our wonderment of this environment with which we co-exist; this sanctuary of ours, this jewel, sailing amongst the stars.

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It is through the impractical that we are able to gauge ourselves relative to the universe – the practical is far too overwhelming.

I often think that because I know of what I speak, that others should as well.

And I suppose, although I am not certain, that I may not be alone in this internal naiveté of mine.


There are followers and there are leaders; but who is it that directs the leaders for the followers to follow? Who sets their internal clocks, knowing full well that there will be those that follow?

Leaders follow an internal script, so that even they themselves are followers as well.
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My brilliance

After taking the time to reread my latter posts, I have become keenly aware of my brilliance – my only hope is that others of you may also be enlightened enough to see this for yourselves, and thereby share in it.

Imagine ‘your’ surprise - if this really came to be, you’d have to face the fact that I was a channeling, smart-ass’d, condescending, alien-breed, prophesying poster.

How fun is that? :D

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War in two weeks. Well, since you know it is going to happen, I
assume you would also know who the parties involved are. I assume
this information comes from your "grey" programmers, not the human
half of your hybrid self. If the "greys" know war is comming, they
must be the ones planning the attack. Are you stating the earth
will be attacked by your "grey" keepers within two weeks, Jocariah?
If that happens, you might gain a little credibility. :rolleyes:
War on earth? Never happen :p

Why do you think we haven't heard from the mars probe yet? The Martians launched a first strike and destroyed it so we wouldn't see their war fleets amassing.

The Martians are coming...

The Martians are coming...
To reiterate, I said: "Within two weeks, a war will pop-up."

Yes Joc we understand, but how is this war different to the other 50 or so wars currently going on across the planet at any given time? Or do your skills of prophesy only allow you to see into the future, not the present?
Jocriah, I did not say war would START in two weeks based on your
"prophesy." I simply said "war in two weeks." Unless the war both
begins and ends within two weeks, then the parties involved will be
in a war in two weeks, based on your prophesy. Are you now saying
the "war" will be very short, like a 48 hour "war" or something? Come
on, give us specifics in your "prophesy." From whom do you recieve
this "information"? Do they travel to the future and back at will, observing happenings on earth? The alien attack sanerio was just
a satire, indicated by the "rolled eyes" smilie. Anyone can make
predictions, they mean nothing unless they are very detailed AND
come to pass. Again and again. Not to be condescending.
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
Yes Joc we understand, but how is this war different to the other 50 or so wars currently going on across the planet at any given time? Or do your skills of prophesy only allow you to see into the future, not the present?

Patience dear children, patience.

My prophecy is that, if there is indeed a war within two weeks, that someone will be killed.
BTW.. Joc... Is there something you're not telling us? Do you live in California? Bought any petrol cans and lighters lately? :eek: