Everything I've said has been a Lie!


Registered Senior Member
Everything I've said has been a

... all of us are liars - are we not?


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by Jocariah:
I have nothing whatsoever to prove, or disprove (for that matter I imagine).

You're all (those interested in this sort of thing) too easily deceived, if you ask me.

Quite an arrogant statement there bub, considering you never
made a claim. Did your thesis turn out like you thought it would?
Easy to fool the UFO nutters, huh? I'll wager in your thesis, you
had the whole sciforum community fooled. In reality, you were
I have been working on my thesis, and I am now finished.

I dont think you actually "fooled" anyone Joc. However, to me, you did seem sincere in your belief, despite the obvious shortcomings in your answers to my questions.

This caused me to entertain the possibility that you were perhaps mentally ill. So I tried to ask you questions which would unravel you without causing you too much damage. Schizopherenia is not a joke.

Since we were the "subjects" of your "experiment" please post your "thesis" for us to read, as I do not believe it exists.

I think it is more likely that you realised you were becoming unravelled and are looking for a way out to save face.

Thesis! :p
Having just quickly reviewed all 11 pages of your thread, not once does a single post by anyone infer that they truly believed you!

Some posters tried to humour you, some tried to make the mental patient feel good about himself, some corrected your grammer, some mocked you and most just ignored you completely! NO-ONE took your supposed "bait". So I would be VERY interested to see which words, representing an acheivement of your goals, you actually filled your "thesis" with!

...Or was I reading the wrong thread? :p
i think he is trying to say that he does not believe in what he writes.
not that he lies.
a quick perusal of his sayings will show that they are mostly truisms

an obvious idiot who imagines himself in some hole
Am I a liar?

Am I lying when I say that 'Everything I've said is a lie' - what shall you choose to believe?

Is that answer tied to your belief system - to the way in which you choose to see the world? Returning to it often times, to reinforce preconceptions, which are long held.

“See I told you so!” “He’s a fake – a liar” “I knew it all along”

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Whatsoever you choose

Now, there is evidence to support both points of view.

On one hand my statement that I have lied, with logic to support the apparent reason behind such a lie - on the other hand, hundreds of posts over the past year or so, outlining my thoughts, ideas and concepts in great detail, on matters that were of interest to me.

Whether I have been a liar all along, or I am what I have said I am, it is left for the reader, and the reader alone to determine.

Believe whatsoever you choose.

Now both doubters and believers have sufficient evidence to draw dissimilar conclusions, each with the ability to support those conclusions based on the circumstances at hand.

And isn't that how all of life is as well - evidence, present and accessible, for all kinds of conclusions, based entirely on one's 'predisposition', no doubt.


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Cool. Can we see your thesis? A lot of students put them on the web for comment or review.... Not that you have to.
Joc, we both know there is no thesis, dont try to set yourself up as some kind of enigma... You tried that already, remember?

Perhaps you should increase your medication for a while...
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
Joc, we both know there is no thesis, dont try to set yourself up as some kind of enigma... You tried that already, remember?

Perhaps you should increase your medication for a while...


The point in all of this is that everyone gets to make his or her own determination based on the evidence at hand.

Am I who I say I am?
Am I a liar?
Am I crazy?

Choose whatever you will – there is no enigma here, rather a choice to be made.

My point, if I were to have one, is that your choice will be made via (or by way of) your ‘predisposition’ to this subject, or your observation of my participation in it, and that you will pull (or key into) those facts (and only those facts) necessary to assemble a conclusion based upon your predisposition in this matter.

So that, by way of your perspective (predisposition) of a matter, your natural inclination is to assemble only those facts, only that information, necessary to help you to adhere to conclusions you were already predisposed to make (based on your underlying belief system - or view of the world).

You see, by so doing, you are simply going about to reinforce your underlying belief system, your underlying view of the world - your underlying 'perspective', whatever that may be.

Can you see what I am saying? Think about this.

You think that you are starting with a clean slate each time, but you are not - you are already biased toward conclusions based on your perspective.

You think you have a choice in the matter, but you don't - your perspective, your predisposition, determines what information, what facts you will use to assemble your conclusions.

You are continually, and at all times, limited by your perspective - so that whether or not you are even aware that you have one (i.e., a perspective), is moot.

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No one starts with a level playing field.

Whatever we encounter is immediately biased, or slanted, toward our 'existing worldview'.

No one goes about to assemble information that forces them toward conclusions contrary to their existing worldview.

But the reverse is the case. We continually assemble information, so as to draw us toward conclusions, reinforcing our worldview.

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this is bullshit
move this thread/close it
it has no point

this bum is gonna take this up to another 1000 posts all by his wacky ass self.
Originally posted by spookz
this is bullshit
move this thread/close it
it has no point

this bum is gonna take this up to another 1000 posts all by his wacky ass self.

It is apparent that you do not hear what it is that I am saying, and your frustration is apparent to me as well. No one is (at least to my knowledge) forcing you to read or make your thoughts known here. That being the case, why participate, as you have done by way of your comments, in this thread, if it causes you such frustration?

Simply by ignoring it, you may cause yourself less frustration.

You see, it's OK not to understand what I am driving at - my intent has never been to change any one's worldview or perspective on anything whatsoever.

We should all believe whatsoever we choose. And you have made your choice known, quite succinctly, by way of your remarks here - good for you.

But let me ask you something in closing, should all threads that you don't understand or with which you don't agree be banished? And in so saying, is it that you mean to say that you understand all that there is to understand in the world? Or put yet another way, if you don't understand it, it doesn't exist - if you don't agree with it, it doesn't belong being heard.

It is no wonder that you do not understand my words; you don't understand your own.

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Interesting to say the least, in a very individualistic way.
I thought you wrote all of those posts to learn for yourself.
I admit that I didn't finish any single post of yours because it was all just your typical "identity crisis" type of mysticism that is abundant today.
I was just being polite, or at least trying to be in regards to any of your posts.

I am curious though, who do you think was decieved by your writings, what exactly were you trying to write about, and what was it that you think they were decieved about?:confused:

Honestly I don't think that your writings have had the effect on anyone here as much as you would like to believe or have built up in your own mind.

Beleive me there has been more than its fair share of self appoited ramblers on here.
And compared to some of them yours was less than captivating.
Sorry if this is not what you want to hear.

Good luck on your thesis. Hope you can get something useful out of it.

It is apparent that you do not hear what it is that I am saying, and your frustration is apparent to me as well.

you lie

No one is (at least to my knowledge) forcing you to read or make your thoughts known here.

you lie again

Simply by ignoring it, you may cause yourself less frustration.


You see, it's OK not to understand what I am driving at - my intent has never been to change any one's worldview or perspective on anything whatsoever.

lying ass

We should all believe whatsoever we choose. And you have made your choice known, quite succinctly, by way of your remarks here - good for you.


Or put yet another way, if you don't understand it, it doesn't exist - if you don't agree with it, it doesn't belong being heard.

lying liar

It is no wonder that you do not understand my words; you don't understand your own.

more lies


lies all lies
My Journal

And yet again my point is made manifest - we all take what it is that we need, from that which we encounter, for there is one thing that we all share; the need to assemble things in accordance with our worldview, so as to reinforce it, continually, as we go along.

This has simply been my journal; rather than using a notebook, as I have done nearly all my life, I posted here and elsewhere. The bonus for me has been to see. Seeing is all there is; seeing by way of our mind, that is.

I am appreciative to have been here, and to see what I have seen. I think it may be that my writing is over - at least at this point in time.

Most abductees fear their keepers, those gray beings that all abductees have - whether they are consciously aware of their presence in their life in another matter altogether.

My point is that my keepers I know, I don't fear them - you on the other hand scare me at times. How might I explain this?

It's the darkness of your ignorance - it seems to know no bounds. And even when confronted with enlightenment, you are set, bound and determined you are, to wipe it out, to kill it off if you could only, by whatever means possible. It is by way of fear that you do this, and you don't recognize this fear that you operate out of, nor your actions, which come by way of this fear – you do it automatically, without awareness.

But then, all of this is not my concern - this is the nature of man. And I grateful as I am, that I am this half-breed, genetic mix.

It is the ignorance of man that is at times so unsettling to me. But I am not alone, for many half-breeds exist.

We abductees, populating your world.

So fear on my friends, for that is your nature, after all.

Or better yet, deny that any of us exist; that aliens exist.

Just think that we are simply crazy, and your own worldview may remain intact – at least for the time being, that is.


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