Everyday anomalies

LOL indeed.

Examined the video several times for signs of fakery and found none. What did you do? Oh that's right! You won't even view the video. How completely scientific and objective of you.
First, have you checked to make sure it isn't a floating corporate logo?

Dunno, maybe, read the comments this time?

James is justified in not letting you waste his time.
Dunno, maybe, read the comments this time?

I did. Nothing enlightening there. Should I email Mick West now?

James is justified in not letting you waste his time.

LOL Do you ever stop sucking up to James? I'm pretty sure he can defend himself.
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Examined the video several times for signs of fakery and found none.
What signs did you look for?

That's probably a useless question to ask you, because I don't believe you actually spent any time trying to critically analyse the video. So let's forget it and move on.

Having conducted whatever careful analysis you think you conducted, what have you concluded about the video? Does it show something paranormal? Or are you undecided on that?

If I were to do you a favour and apply a sensible, critical eye to it, do you think I'll reach the same conclusions you have reached about it (whatever they are)? After all, I'm sure you and I can agree on what might possibly indicate fakery or otherwise provide signs that the video doesn't actually show anything of supernatural or paranormal origin. We're both rational, reasonable people, after all, aren't we?

Just for shits and giggles, point me towards the video you would like me to examine. You promise that you'll discuss my findings in detail and in full with me, until I am satisfied that you and I have gone as far as we can with our joint analysis, and I'll go watch it and get back to you. Will you do that?

Which video do you want me to watch (i.e. give me the post number where you posted it, or a link to it)? I haven't bothered watching any of the videos you have posted for quite a long time now, so you'll need to let me know which one you and I will be analysing together.

I look forward to our collaboration on this task, Magical Realist, if you're brave enough to go through with it. (Recall how humiliated you were the last time you and I went through one of your videos in detail? I hope you're not afraid of looking silly.)
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Having conducted whatever careful analysis you think you conducted, what have you concluded about the video? Does it show something paranormal? Or are you undecided on that?

I already told you it was a compelling cellphone video of a haunting. That's what I decided and you'd know that if you actually read my initial post about it. Does it show something paranormal? Why don't you watch it and find out?

I haven't bothered watching any of the videos you have posted for quite a long time now,

I'm getting the distinct impression you're actually afraid of such video evidence. Relax. It's just one little spook in your orderly and predictable universe of photons and gravity and swirling galaxies. Your comfortable little life WILL go on even if ghosts exist. Trust me. Mine sure does.
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I already told you it was a compelling cellphone video of a haunting.
So you've concluded that there's a ghost in the video? Or some other evidence of the activities of some paranormal entity or other? And you've ruled out mundane causes (including fakery) by conducting a careful analysis of the video evidence?

That's what you're telling me?

This is good to hear, because if I look at the video I won't find obvious unanswered questions that might point to non-mundane explanations. Right? I won't be wasting my time on yet another poor-quality, dubious video. This one is one you've personally put lots of time and effort into confirming that it's the real deal. Right?
Does it show something paranormal? Why don't you watch it and find out?
First, tell me your conclusion. Does it show something paranormal? If you think it doesn't, I won't bother wasting my time on it. Since your bar is so low for thinking things are paranormal, if you don't think this one is paranormal, I'm willing to take your word for it and move on.

Let me know.

Also, tell me which video you want me to watch.
I'm getting the distinct impression you're actually afraid of such video evidence.
My time is valuable. The videos you bring to the table here are about 95% worthless junk, based on past performance. But maybe this will be the one with the real paranormal stuff in it. I can trust you because, this time, you've done your homework and you've thoroughly checked it and ruled out the possibility of fakery etc. So, I'm willing to devote a little of my valuable time to collaborating with you on the analysis of this important video you've discovered. Just think! Together we may be the first people to ever discover irrefutable evidence of ghosts! We can write a joint scientific paper on our incontrovertible findings! Nobel prize, here we come!
Does it show something paranormal?

Get a grip. You're repeating a question I've already answered.

Also, tell me which video you want me to watch.

LOL What the hell are we talking about? Now watch the damn video and find out for yourself.


BTW don't act like your doing me some sort of big favor by watching the video. It's part of sci forum rules to view the evidence another poster posts if you are challenging it. It's what you're supposed to do if you want to continue being taken seriously as a sincere poster here instead of as a troll.
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Get a grip. You're repeating a question I've already answered.
You answered it poorly.

But I take it that when you wrote "I already told you it was a compelling cellphone video of a haunting", your claim is that this cellphone video shows evidence of a paranormal event or events caused by an actual ghost, since it is traditionally ghosts that cause hauntings and you used the word "haunting".

So, if I watch the video, I'll see a ghost that you have confirmed is real and which you have confirmed can't possibly have been faked?
LOL What the hell are we talking about?
Didn't you understand? You post hundreds of videos. You post videos regularly. I typically don't watch them any more, because I find them to be a boring waste of my time.

In this case I offered to make an exception, because you have told me that you have carefully vetted this particular video and you have determined that it is not faked and that it genuinely shows something paranormal, as far as you can tell. I'm expecting big things if I ever get around to finally watching it.

But you will recall that I also asked for an undertaking from you, in exchange for the time and effort I will devote to conducting this joint analysis with you. I wrote:

You promise that you'll discuss my findings in detail and in full with me, until I am satisfied that you and I have gone as far as we can with our joint analysis, and I'll go watch it and get back to you. Will you do that?
For some reason, you didn't answer me. (Why not?)

So, will you undertake to discuss my findings about the video in detail and in full with me, until I am satisfied we have gone as far as we can with the analysis? Or won't you?

I'll wait for your answer. If you answer in the affirmative, I will watch the video and we can begin our discussion of it. If you don't answer, or you answer in the negative, then I won't bother watching the video. I will also assume that you were too chicken to stand by your extravagant claims, which would be a fair thing to assume in that eventuality, don't you think?
You're pretty much a blubbering idiot at this point. Either watch the video or don't. I don't care anymore.
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Chickening out? Ok, I won't bother. You continue to disappoint, Magical Realist, albeit in a rather predictable way.
"BTW don't act like you're doing me some sort of big favor by watching the video. It's part of sci forum rules to view the evidence another poster posts if you are challenging it. It's what you're supposed to do if you want to continue being taken seriously as a sincere poster here instead of as a troll."

Ok, I won't bother.

Well, that settled that issue!
It's part of sci forum rules to view the evidence another poster posts if you are challenging it.
Relax. I'm not challenging your silly video. There's no need.

You have failed to make any sort of case here that there's anything paranormal going on in it, so there's nothing to challenge. All we have is yet another case in which, apparently, you were unable to find any flaws in the video or allegations. We don't know what you did to investigate, if anything. I doubt you actually did anything, other than to watch it and copy the link over to here. Like much of what you bring here, it's probably of no consequence. But we'll never know, because you weren't brave enough to take a proper look at it with me.
You have failed to make any sort of case here that there's anything paranormal going on in it, so there's nothing to challenge.

LOL And you know all this without even seeing the video? Wow.. that's some awesome psychic powers you have there James! You are a perfect example of the dishonesty and cowardice of the skeptical position: "all evidence against my beliefs is fake and fabricated. Therefore I don't even have to examine the evidence".
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"Waaah wah wah. I post a trash a few hundred times over several years, double down, triple down, get banned for trolling dozens of times, never learn - and suddenly nobody takes me seriously. Look at me all indignant and hurt."

Write a book.
Your history of trash and trolling is a matter of public record,

And your failure to post any other examples besides the usual corporate logo post is a matter of public record too. Your trollish lies are exposed for all here to see. Move along before someone drops a house on you.
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Ah. The nervous tic comes out again.
And you know all this without even seeing the video?
Absolutely I know what you have and haven't done in your posts here, without even watching your videos. I can read, you see.
You are a perfect example of the dishonesty and cowardice of the skeptical position: "all evidence against my beliefs is fake and fabricated. Therefore I don't even have to examine the evidence".
You've already forgotten that I made an explicit offer to sit down with you, in effect, and examine a video of your choice in depth. You refused to commit. I think you are scared to do it. Hence the nervous tic, which always comes out when your bullshit is exposed.
"A resident in Cork, Ireland was walking through the woods when he noticed a shadowy cloaked figure was peering from behind a tree. David O Donoghue had his camera at the ready for a deer or hare sighting but what he stumbled across was something other-worldly .It could have been a part of a tree but as David approached the Grim Reaper-like figure, it held its position but David took one step too far and the figure disappeared behind the tree without a trace."

David also described smelling the stench of rotting flesh right before spotting the figure. (source: "Paranormal Caught On Tape" tv episode).
