Everyday anomalies

Why bother showing up and posting if you have no respect for the readers? Setting aside members you have a beef with, wilfully ingoring both rules and basic netiquette is a sign you care nothing for any member who might read your posts.

That's trolling.

It is apparent that you are now trying to get yourself banned, presumably because you don't have the grown-upness to just step away without theatrics, and you need a scapegoat to blame it on. How immature.

No problem. *ignore*
A flock of birds falls to the ground. Speculation ranges from toxic fumes to a predator attack. Either way it is some sort of anomalous behavior..

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Compelling cellphone video of a haunting. The homeowner proceeds cautiously towards a banging noise downstairs in the basement, dog barking in the background, sneaks halfway down the stairs, and calls out. The banging stops. Silence. And then he suddenly hears footsteps charging up the stairs and responds with shock! Video appears to be authentic and unhoaxed. You never quite believe in ghosts until you encounter one in your own home!

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What was fake about it, other than providing yet more compelling video evidence of something you deny the existence of?
Oh, I didn't bother watching it. You didn't bother to analyse it, so why should I? I don't see why I should put in more effort than you do, with this nonsense.
Oh, I didn't bother watching it. You didn't bother to analyse it, so why should I? I don't see why I should put in more effort than you do, with this nonsense.

I did analyze it and found it to be authentic, You think I'm gonna post something I find questionable?
I did analyze it and found it to be authentic, You think I'm gonna post something I find questionable?
Why would you say such a thing? Why not just paint a giant 'L' on your own forehead??

The problem isn't so much you posting things you find questionable; it's your history of posting things you don't bother to question.

How can anyone ever forget what passes for "analysis" in the world of Magical Realist:



Came across this ufo photo surfing the internet. It was found on Google Earth street-view at East Lake George NY. in 2018. It's a very detailed pic and doesn't appear photoshopped. I can't think of any mundane explanation for it. It is spherical in shape as many ufos are and appears to even have windows. That entails it is likely some sort of craft. What do you think it is?
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Magical Realist:

Do you have any news of the advanced aquatic civilisation that lives at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean? Have they made a treaty with the intelligent plasmoid entities yet?
The problem isn't so much you posting things you find questionable; it's your history of posting things you don't bother to question.

LOL Go ahead then and be my guest and post all these alleged "things" I didn't bother to question. You deceptively imply I do this all the time. But the fact that you keep bringing up this ancient post tells me you don't have anything else. So go ahead then. Back up your claim and post all these supposed unquestioned posts of mine.
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Tell me about your 'analysis', Magical Realist. What did you do?

Examined the video several times for signs of fakery and found none. What did you do? Oh that's right! You won't even view the video. How completely scientific and objective of you.