Everyday anomalies

The internet is rife with these kinds of fake videos. They're privately made and uploaded to private social media, just like any other bid for likes.
In MR’s case fake or not, it would be a waste of time talking to the confessed mystic, open to believe what you see then move on to look at something else before your brain checks-in.
I didn’t really bother to look over MR’s clip, but it was MR’s description " Icicle defies gravity", which sent me looking for something I knew that appears to fit that description.
Ice Spikes. This is the best (prettiest ) one I’ve seen on the web so far:Ice spike.jpg
Ice spikes form as a result of the way water freezes, from the outside in.As the ‘skin’ of ice thickens, if a weakness or hole appears in the ice skin, the liquid water gets squeezed up through the hole.The water that is squeezed out then forms the beginning of the spike and the process continues until the tip of the spike freezes.For an ice spike to form, the air conditions need to be just right. It can’t be too cold or the water freezes too quickly, and a little breeze (but not too windy) helps the process.
Both quote and picture from:
Ps MR’s link is now showing something different. ( For me anyway).
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Yes, ice spikes are a real thing. I can - and have - produced them in my freezer in an ice cube tray.

That is not what is in MR's post.

Ice spikes grow up.

Yes, ice spikes are a real thing. I can - and have - produced them in my freezer in an ice cube tray.

That is not what is in MR's post.

Ice spikes grow up.

View attachment 5645
Yes it's just an icicle, probably made specially long by water dribbling down a piece of fine fishing line, or a hair or something, overnight - if it is not faked up in the video. But analysing YouTube videos is rather a waste of everyone's time.
Yes it's just an icicle, probably made specially long by water dribbling down a piece of fine fishing line, or a hair or something, overnight - if it is not faked up in the video.
We're seeing the same thing, right? It's not that it's long, it's that it's got breaks in it.

But analysing YouTube videos is rather a waste of everyone's time.


  • upload_2023-10-3_12-5-35.png
    163.9 KB · Views: 3
We're seeing the same thing, right? It's not that it's long, it's that it's got breaks in it.

It's a lot longer than the others round it. But that could be achieved easily in the cold if there is a hair or line down which water can drip.
It's a lot longer than the others round it. But that could be achieved easily in the cold if there is a hair or line down which water can drip.
It does have visible gaps in it. Easily explainable if it is frozen around a hair and bits have broken off.
Why would the ice accumulate around one segment of the hair but not the other? The icicle should be uniform thruout if it was a hair. Also it is unlikely that a mere hair could support such weight.
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Or fishing line, which can easily support a largemouth bass.

The internet is rife with privately made and uploaded bids for likes.
Stunning capture of a meteorite in Argentina..


Interesting bolide. It often seems like one of that magnitude ought to be a good-sized rock, but not necessarily the case, I guess.

EDIT: Returning to it, the video isn't showing this time around. Capricious FB.

EDIT: Third time, it is working again. (Maybe I just didn't wait long enough the second time.)
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Spare yourself any guesswork by simply clicking on the link..
Go ahead. Take a chance. Live life on the edge!
You're certainly living life on the edge, given the number of active warning points you currently have.

You are aware of what you are required to do when you post links or videos. Of course, if you want to try pushing your luck a bit further, I guess we'll see how that works out for you.