ethics of belief

No, theists are telling atheists that there is a heaven and that in order to go there after you die you need to believe in God.
Atheists don't believe that.
It is the theists that are claiming to know how things are, according to them. Not the other way around.

Beliefe is diffrent than faith, faith is active, beliefe yeah maybe thats possible. But no, faith is not neccisary to get into Heaven, not at all.
unfortunately, the moralistic bent of reincarnation is ideal metaphors. there is too much evidence in life to suggest otherwise. when you are very young, you might tend to believe it at first blush because it does seem what 'should' be but as you observe life and people, it's clear it's not that way at all when the horrendous truth dawns on you. it's one of the most hardest issues to deal with in a universe where true justice based on ethics or fairness is really not a guarantee.

for instance, people who are very evil or destructive are that way because generationally or along their descendent line, they have been able to further strengthen and develop that trait because they have been able to get away with it or gained just as good people can develop that trait. it's just not a case of when one person did some deed, they will be punished in the next life as they can also be rewarded for it which seems to be a perversion but life is often perverted etc. also, it's clear that if one was victimized before or in a certain situation, that tends to affect further situations or your descendent line. cause and effect also do not occur along exacting moral lines either as one's deed can cause another to be affected by it which had nothing to do with.

the reason for these ethical beliefs or standards is so that we can try to implement them and also to keep our sanity about life but as for reincarnation, sadly it's quite terrible. even people who have had past life regression usually recall that what they go through in their current life has a lot to do with what happened in their past which may have not had anything to do with their doing anything wrong to anyone. this is just the reality and there is ample evidence in a predatorial world/nature that this is the case. you can witness it in nature as nature rewards predatorial behavior or what we would consider unethical. there is no magical and ideal starting/stopping point of ethics in life as it totally depends on how one can defend oneself, not whether one has good-will. it's very clear in this universe that innocence, honesty and trust is taken advantage of so this flies in direct contradiction to the idea of morally based reincarnation. nature is extremely cruel. there are very evil people or people who lack empathy born into good situations (that evil nature doesn't just magically pop out of nowhere, it is a culmination and development from the past as well where that trait was reinforced by reward) and good people born into bad situations and this happens all the time just as a financially irresponsible person can win the lottery and one who might do really beneficial things with it won't. life doesn't work in the most ideal fashion which is why there is so much constant crap to deal with all the time too. if it was so perfectly tit for tat, everyone would be perfectly balanced and everything always in perfect order/balanced.
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