eternal life...


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
if there was a way to achieve eternal biological life, in the bodies that we have now, and in the world where we live now, would you choose it, or would you rather die?

i'm asking this question because this is what i think the mark of the beast will be; a way to achieve eternal biological life, in the bodies we have now...flaws and all. i think the flaws will be addressed with politics and religion and technology, and the fatal flaw, the question, "who would want to live forever like this?', isn't addressed.
Thanks :)

Plus my football (soccer) team would still never win anything, so wouldn't want to prolong the agony!.
Why is the 'prospect' of eternal biological life needed to bring up this question??

because if no one ever died, but we kept breeding...your favorite scenario i'm sure.

Certainly not me.

good. :)

What makes you think that?

i could generalize and say that god told me. it's actually why i even registered on sciforums a long time ago. to "spread the news". you can imagine how i was received. haha.
I wouldn't mind living a bit longer, like 200 or even like 300 years, but I think that would be plenty long!
Yeah I forgot to say that. Provided I also aged slower, so when I was like 200 or so, I could still do stuff that an average 40 year old or so could do.
Even if people do die, you know.. like they do, the question has to be asked; where will all these people live?

i took it to mean, "how will there be enough room here for them here?"
Yeah I forgot to say that. Provided I also aged slower, so when I was like 200 or so, I could still do stuff that an average 40 year old or so could do.

how about the level of faith you have in politics, religion, and technology to rid the world's problems...does that factor in?
In addition, how would all these people eat, earn money and be happy for a longer period of time?.
Can't live forever because of many factors. You could get killed in an auto accident, someone kills you, during an operation they don't do something right and you die, you get a disease that there's no cure for yet, your plane crashes and on and on.
In addition, how would all these people eat, earn money and be happy for a longer period of time?.

i don't know, but those are good questions, and i think that the answer will be the lie of the antichrist and the false prophet, and center around religion, politics, and technology.

we can clone people. we don't even need to have sex anymore to reproduce.
That "dark" rock style fashion is so predictable and boring. The singer of avenged sucks. The only thing decent about that band is syn's solos.

omg i love their singer's voice. it's so sexy. i love that band, and they're awesome live. they're like a hot slipknot.
Can't live forever because of many factors. You could get killed in an auto accident, someone kills you, during an operation they don't do something right and you die, you get a disease that there's no cure for yet, your plane crashes and on and on.

but what if you withstood that abuse and still did not die? doesn't that sound like hell to you? eternally tortured.

in revelations it says that in those days men will seek death and not find it. while cursing god for raining fire on their heads or giving them boils and other plagues.